My Loves Are Dorks


[: You : Doesnt get why Donghae doesn't like her. 21 Years Old, Full korean, Fluent in english, Innocent, Attending Seoul University, korean, Your best friend is your Auntie, No mom, Works Part-time at cafe, Dark-browned eyes, Waist length hair, An ideal girl for anyone [ and i mean anyone [; , Boy magnet ]

Donghae : Doesn't approve of you in the beginning 23 Years Old, Superjunior member, Bestfriends with Monkey [Eunhyukkie], Korean, No dad, Short hair, Dark brown eyes, Attends Seoul university with all the older members cept Umma Leeteuk Your love.

Auntie : Mid 40's, The overprotective weird auntie, Loves you to bits, Single, Hates donghae til the middle of the story [ you'll see why ]

Your dad : Suju's manager, Regrets everything he did to you and your mom, tries to beg for your forgiveness, Mid 50's

&& Last but not least : Superjunior's members - Monkey/Eunhyuk ~ The dancemachine/bestfriend. Ryeowook/Wookie ~ Your cooking buddy Siwon/ert ~ Your work out buddy Umma/Leeteuk ~ Your mother like figure Hankyung/Hannie ~ Your english buddy [ Let's pretend he speaks english instead of chinese kay? xD ] Heechul/Cinderella ~ Shopping buddy Kyuhyun/Gamekyu ~ Gameobessionbuddy. Kangin/Kang- ~ Your strong protector Kibum/Kibummie ~ Your " how to get guys " [ Lmao, wtf? iknow] Yesung/Yesungie ~ Your singing buddy Sungmin/Minnie ~ Aegyo Buddy Shindong/Piggy ~ Omo, your to cool for you buddy. Henry/HenHen ~ Abusive buddy Zhoumi/Eyecatche ~ Always thinks for you first buddy


Donghae & You, Meet because of your father, Superjunior's manager [Totally made up xD] There you experience the weirdest and craziest things. But it's the happiest time of your life it's been in awhile.. but you hate your father because he brought upon your mother's death. You were 5, but you remember every detail of that day. You just came home from your first day of kindergarden, Intending to tell your mom and dad what you did, but instead you came home to a fight. Your mom at that time had cancer but you tried to keep it a secret from your father afraid he' be heartbroken, your dad on the other hand could care less if she was sick, he was a workaholic and abusive if he was tired. They were yelling and screaming, till your mom yelled til she lost consiousness. Your father was afraid he she would die && he'd have to go to jail for murder [ LOL, idk ? ] Soo he took her to the hospital. Outside the waiting room, Your father on the phone was saying "I'm be there as soon as i can, when she dies it's one less mouth to feed" , the doctors came out and told your father and you that she had past away. Not only did yourfather not cry but told you to shut up and go home with him. You refused, and sad you were going to live with your mom's sister [ auntie ] Your dad just nodded and past you onto her. From that day on you told yourself never to forgive him hated him with all your heart. It's been 16years, and your point of view of your father remained the same, til you met him. You was your prince, your everything, your happy ending. ~ Let's read on shall we [; ?  


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Update. Now. Please?
fishyluv #2
how cute lol keep up the good work
Shazzyx3 #3
awwwww poor hyukkie. lol still funny though ^-^
Shazzyx3 #4
yesh another one <3 ha ha EUNHAE GONNA BE SCAREEEEEEEEEEEEED. cant wait
Shazzyx3 #5
yay another update. lol this is the only thing keeping me from searching for my missing clothes. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. This story ish asdfghirjfieurwghieurgh <3. hope u have more inspiration. ^-^
Dwaejixfishy #6
Haha. [; Thanks alot Shazzy <3 && yes, I'm totally out of ideas now i'll updated tomorrow. SuperjuniorbobsessedDwaejiout.
Shazzyx3 #7
Lolololol awww such cute dorkies. Yay u updated :] <3 it
Shazzyx3 #8