Just Thinking

Thoughts at 3am

Dreams. A wonderful thing to have. To many people,dreams are something that we should accomplish; make them come true. But for some, dreams are our gas, our source of energy. Dreams for me is a fuel that keep me running and running. Now, at this time I am questioning myself if I should keep using this fuel that keeps me running and that can take me far, or change it for something less powerful .Giving up.

Months ago, I never thought that I would have such dreams. I had some before, the basics like graduating high school and moving on to college where I would start my dream in becoming a teacher. Now that I am so close in accomplishing those dreams, some others that I had been keeping in the back of my head have popped up out of nowhere. Crazy dreams that are not certain to come true. Dreams that seem impossible. But, nothing’s impossible, right?

Now, I am here sitting, thinking what to do with these random dreams that have come to me uninvited. Dreams of being a shining star and be the brightest star In the galaxy. Shine with all the others big stars that started just like me, with a crazy dream. They immediately decided to follow those dreams and eventually make them come true. I wonder if they had people in their way telling them not to do it or telling them to go chase their dreams and hope for the best. I wish I had someone telling me those things. To go or Do not go.

My dreams now are balancing themselves in a balance, with one side being heavier than another. But which dream is more important?  Going to college like normal and just focus on these next four years of nothing but studying and getting good grades or preparing myself for an audition that seems so unreal and impossible because of lack of support. I feel like a kid again, wanting to be so many things at once when they grow up. When you’re a kid, it’s ok to dream of being a doctor, actor,model,teacher all at once because one day you’ll end up being a cop. But I guess that’s how life works through dreams. It builds new roads in between the main road and you have to choose where to go. Follow the right signs and just be at the right place at the right time.

Now, my road looks like one straight ahead and one Making a detour to the opposite side. My straight road says: 4 years of college,good grades,getting a degree, 30 years as a teacher. The road on the side says: 4 years of college, good grades, audition, get selected, audition in Korea, get selected, and become a trainee, work harder than ever, sacrifice so many things, good bye life. Now which one seems  a right road to go.

I just hope that one day I will accomplish one or the other or maybe who knows, both! Who knows. But in the mean time, I’ll keep pumping some good gas into my life to keep running and get as far as I wish, before I stop pumping and stuck in a road that I might never be able to move from.


Yeap this is like very short but it was just some thoughts I wanted to share with y'all. I will be updating my story about changjo soon so stay tuned. Have a great day and fangirl away~

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