Old Strangers

Two Boys, One Heart
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Neither L nor Krystal said a word. They simply stared at each other with a blank gaze and open mouths. The elevator let out a ping which broke Krystal out of shock and she saw the doors slide open. She had reached her destination and L reached out a hand to grab her. She yanked away from his grip and took large strides down the hallway. L chased after her and she desperately fumbled with her phone to call for help. She succeeded in sending Jungkook a S.O.S to which the boy replied within seconds. 

" Soojung, wait, please!" L called after her but she began to run in her heels as he tailed her. All he wanted was an answer but she was making it too difficult. Just when he was about to grab her, another arm pulled her away and she fell against her cousin's sturdy chest. Jungkook shot her a smile as she gulped, breathless and afraid. " Noona, I was just about to come look for you. Come on," he gently grabbed her hand in his and steered her past an astonished L.

As if it were on impulse, L seized Krystal's arm and tugged on it. " Soojung, where are you going?" Jungkook glanced at her and she paled in complexion. He tilted his head at L and glared at the man, " And who might you be?" At the question, L narrowed his eyes at the boy and pulled on her hand once again. " I'm her ol-"

" It's nothing, Jungkook." Krystal replied quickly and L dropped her arm at once. He took a step back and felt as if he were stabbed. She probably set a knife in his heart when Jungkook hauled her away as he watched their hands. He had never felt so broken before, beside from the time when she had walked out on him without a goodbye. He fell into a desolate trance and turned off his cell phone. His eyes hardened and he clenched his fists at his side. Fine, she doesn't care at all. You shouldn't either. Just as I had told Jongin three years ago in her room- she moved on, and so should we. Why is it so damn difficult?


Krystal thanked Jungkook before she took a sip of water and then set the cup aside. The boy crossed his arms over his chest and gazed at her questioningly. She bit her lip because she knew he wanted answers. " You want to tell me what exactly happened out there?" he demanded. She shook her head slowly and stared at the floor instead. They were in her suite, with Krystal sitting on the bed in a solemn manner and Jungkook leaning against the bed, watching her carefully. He let out a sigh and pushed her hands apart to lay his head on her lap instead. She his hair as he gazed up at her in worry.

" Noona, are you all right?"

" No, honestly, I'm not."

" Is there anything I can do to help?"

" I'm afraid not, Kookie." Jungkook opened his mouth to say something more but shut it when she ruffled his hair. " He was one of the Kim boys. I decided that if I moved away, I would forget everything but unfortunately, that isn't the case right now."

" Noona, you kept in touch with your friends but not with the boys?" Krystal acted as if she were stumped by the question but knew the answer deep down. It was because she never wanted them to be in pain once she left. She knew both boys had grown affectionate of her and leaving them had seemed like the best option. She could never tell Jungkook her real reason so she settled on lying and brushing it away altogether. " Because, they simply would not be affected by it. I know them. In fact, in the beginning they hated having a newcomer in their house."

Jungkook worriedly sent another glance up at her but she smiled to show that she was okay. Krystal squished his cheeks after combing her hands through his hair and smirked. " When did you grow up so quickly? You're worrying about your Noona's problems now!" Her teasing had the boy jerking up and clearing his throat to show his manliness. He blew his bangs out of his eyes and rose a brow at her, " I'm going to go wrestle an alligator or go to the Metropolitan library. Being around you is making me mushy and sweet, ack!" He scrunched up his face in disgust as Krystal merely laughed at his actions, finding him cuter by the moment.

Just before he left the room, he smiled at her and she beamed back, knowing that he did care a lot, even if he didn't like showing it.


" Bernard Weber... Bernard Weber... Bernard Weber..." Kai mumbled while walking past several aisles of books topped high on large shelves. He was on the search to read a particular series his father had read when he had been younger: Les Thanatonautes. It were a science-fiction series by a French writer who described the adventures of two young men voyaging to an alternate universe, death. 

Mr. Kim had felt nostalgic so he sent Kai a picture of him reading the book in his childhood days. Kai wanted to relive his father's childhood so he set his heart on finding the series. Now, he struggled to find the five part series as it was quite old, having been published in 1994, the year he was born. Where the hell is it? Why is this library so effing big? Why can't they make it easier to find books?!

Kai was losing his patience slowly and he bit his lip in frustration. He reached the 'W' section and spotted a boy holding a couple of books while skimming through a brochure. The boy didn't seem to notice Kai's presence so the latter strode down the aisle to find what he was looking for. A sudden ringing of a cell phone startled Kai and the boy dropped the books onto the floor, instead fishing around in his pockets for his phone. 

" Soojung Noona, I am in the 'W' section. No, I shouldn't have any fines on the card!" He barked into it and Kai paused in place. He pretended to look for something while keeping all of his attention on Jungkook. 

" You're asking me to pick up a book on dating? Why?!" Jungkook asked and Krystal sighed on the other line. " Ugh, fine," Jungkook gave in and put his phone away. It was only then he noticed Kai and rose a brow at him. Kai quickly looked away but then leaned down to help Jungkook gather the fallen books. " Uh, thanks," Jungkook replied as Kai handed them back to him. He saw the words 'Weber' but before he could ask, Jungkook had walked away.

Kai scratched his head and shook it in disbelief. It's impossible that he was talking about the same Soojung. Where have I seen that kid before though?


L could not focus on anything. It was the fifth time Wendy had called for his attention but he was unable to think of anything but the odd exchange with Krystal.

Jung Krystal. 

Her name was enough to erupt butterflies in his stomach. He could not accept the fact that Krystal had ignored and even run away from him. Why had she done that? Did she hate him? Did she leave because he had done something wrong? Would he see her again?

A wad of paper hit him in the face and L leaned back from the shock. " What the ?" he cursed and threw Wendy a glare. She sighed, " I asked you the same question five times and got no answer. This was the only way to get your attention." L frowned at her and she placed a lean hand on her hip. " Don't give me that, mister. I want to get out of here as much as you do, and the only way we will get this stupid task done is if you cooperate with me so we finish on time."

L chuckled and nodded his head in mock-surrender to which she rolled her eyes. The two busied themselves for the next few hours but although L worked on his notes and presentation, he kept Krystal at the back of his mind. He wondered if he would ever forget her. 


Woohyun rubbed his palms together and strolled down the bridge leisurely. He enjoyed the evening breeze since it had been a while he was able to go out after being cooped up in his office all day and night. He hummed a tune and breathed in the scent of the river. He was at the Han River, enjoying some peace and quiet. Sometimes he forgot how good it felt to not worry about anything.

He crossed the fence and made his way down toward

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Hi there! I really like this story and I just wanted to know if it's okay for me to make a song based on this story. I'll definitely credit you and if needed I will pay. Thank you and have a great day!
Chapter 20: I'll hope that in the next chapter we got a myungstal kiss (even if the story is already completed xD )
This story is really the best ^^
Chapter 17: thanks god that the story is back! I just figured it out!!!! Can't wait to finish the rest ^_^
Chapter 12: Oh the best kiss ever!!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 9: Wow! drama is coming ^_^
RachelHoon #6
Chapter 9: Damn I was lowkey skipping jungkook b Krystal hahahha
Syi2121 #7
Chapter 29: Call me weird but I kinda love every myungsoo Irene moment like they sound compatible lol idk.
Chapter 32: I finished this story in like a few days and I loved every word of it. Right from the beginning I already knew who I wanted Krystal to end up with but I wasn't sure how it would play out. But I was pleasantly surprised-actually extremely overjoyed that she ended up with Myungsoo. Ever since their drama aired, I've been nonstop shipping them. Thank you for creating this amazing story!
Chapter 32: Amazing story!
Chapter 26: am i sensing a strooong myunstal game here??? >< ♡