Chapter Three

Me and You
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Chapter Three


Krystal pov



"Jung Soojung. Go out with me,"


I blinked my eyes.

WHAT?!!!!! )&&^$%#%$#%$@%$@%#%^^

GO OUT WITH HIM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was shocked heard his sound and i flushed. I gaped like a fool, the ball slipped from my hands.

He waved his hand in front of my face. "Hello... Are you there?," He said with a 'um i dont know how to explain, the point is his voice turned into more concern than before'. God, what actually happaned to him? Did he me like i love him??

I was busy with my own thought.

"Jung Soojung, did you hear my words just now?" he said.

"u-uhm. wh-what?," i pretended not hear what he asked earlier.

"Hhhh...." he sighed. "Okay, so, i asked you, if you want go out with me." He said loudly so that all eyes are to us. Ugh, so embarrassing. For the god sake, my face already red as boiled crabs.

'What? Is that Myungsoo?'

'Hah? Did Myungsoo asked that ugly girl to go out?'

'Hell, what? what what what? Our Myungsoo asked that girl?'

'What he sees from that girl?cih'

I heard the other girl whispered how unworthy myself with him.

"Why?," I asked looking straight into his eyes.




Myungsoo pov




"Why,?" she asked me.

. Did this girl really want to know why?

"Why you asked me that? Don't you hate me Myungsoo-ah?," she asked again.

Really. This girl was v

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 6: please update soon!!!!!!!
Omg Krystal needs to know the truth!!!! And I hope she gets a transformation to a beautiful ice princess, so Myungsoo could regret everything he did.
AFishandeer #3
Chapter 6: Pls just go out with sehun, soojung! You're too good for a guy like myungsoo. He's a brat :(
(honestly, for the first time in forever I don't want myungstal to end up together lol)
passibleo #4
Chapter 6: i love this story *0*
Update soon, authornim ♡♡♡
tarquin #5
Chapter 6: Stupid myungsoo i hope he regret for what he do to soojung and sehun
Chapter 6: Myungsoo will regret his words then and I bet he's the one who'll end up to break heart. But I think it can be his lesson and I want them together at the end anyway. Or in other words just teach Myungsoo some lesson before they can together I guess. Hehe. Update soon with longer chapter. ^^
KrystalJungKJK #7
Chapter 5: Update Please
kkrystals #8
Chapter 5: please update soon!!
kkrystals #9
Chapter 4: myungsoo you're going to want to eat your words
kkrystals #10
Chapter 3: oh no myungsoo.. you're going to pretend to date her and break her heart :(