We're Forever

We're Forever

Jaejoong couldn’t remember the last time he ever sulked.

In fact, Yunho never gave him any reason to sulk – but here he is, in his tight, white shirt outlining his perfectly sculpted body, flat on his stomach, sprawled spread eagle on the bed.

He laid his head on the left side of his face on the pillow, sulking, his full lips pouting. Through the soft, brown hair that falls perfectly on his face, he looked through the window of the bedroom to see the clouds quickly gathering, colouring the sky grey as heavy snow began to fall.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say the sky’s trying to mock me, Jaejoong mused to himself.

How could he have forgotten? Jaejoong thought to himself, indignantly. It’s my first birthday since we’re together! he continued to monologue.

He couldn’t help but feel disappointed, hurt and downright pissed! He felt underappreciated, forgotten and insignificant to the most significant person in his world and on the most significant day of his life!

Jaejoong’s train of thoughts stopped as the object of his thoughts walked right into the bedroom. He didn’t need to see him to know who he was – it was their room after all. Jaejoong, mad as hell, turned, ready to give Yunho a piece of his mind but stopped in his track at the sight that he was unprepared to see.

All the rage he felt seconds ago seeped out of his body as he took in the strong, tall and lean profile of his lover. His tanned skin a clear contrast to the white towel wrapped around his waist. His confident stride is a strong indicator of a man who’s fully aware of the fatal charm he carries and the masculinity he oozes. Jaejoong’s mind started racing before he could stop himself.

“I see someone’s hungry. And not for food either,” Yunho smirked, seeing Jaejoong’s dilated pupils.

Jaejoong blushed scarlet at being caught drooling over his lover. He silently cursed the infamous Yunho-effect of which he is incurable of. He doesn’t have a single defense against this guy because he took it all away and left him bare with his feelings as obvious as the neon light. The ire that he felt before resurfaced.

Jaejoong, now lying on his back, eyed Yunho as he strode across the room to sit beside him. He lifted Jaejoong’s face with his slender fingers tenderly, forcing a disgruntled Jaejoong to look him in the eyes.

“You seem upset. What’s the matter?” Yunho asked, genuine concern spreading across his handsome features.

Jaejoong’s heart softened at Yunho’s caring words. His small, intense eyes, a contrast to Jaejoong’s big, double-lidded ones, pierced through his very soul.

At that moment, Jaejoong saw his own reflection in Yunho’s eyes and felt for the umpteenth time the eternally-blazing love charging through his very core that only Yunho can light.

Maybe he really did forget. He has been busy lately, Jaejoong consoled himself, feeling more and more selfish and guilty with each passing moment. If there was one thing that Yunho was, it’s forgetful, and one thing that Yunho wasn’t is uncaring.

“Nothing,” was what came out of Jaejoong’s mouth. “I’m going to take a shower,” He tried to mask his guilt with his signature cold exterior hoping Yunho doesn’t know him well enough to know his true feelings. He forced himself free from Yunho’s tender touch and was halfway across the room before Yunho’s words halted him.

“I know you well enough to tell you that you put on that icy look whenever you don’t want me to know there’s something wrong. Why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong instead of keeping it locked inside all the time? What sort of lover would I be if you couldn’t confide in me? I want to care for you Jae, but please let me,” Yunho pleaded.

At Yunho’s pleading, Jaejoong turned to face him, surprised.

His heart clenched at how much hurt he had caused for Yunho to plead like that. He didn’t intend to hurt Yunho, yet somehow he did.

Knowing that he’s the cause of Yunho’s pain only deepens his own pain.

Outside, the heavy snow had turned into a blizzard, further chilling the tension-wrung room. Jaejoong hoped the chill doesn’t freeze Yunho’s warm heart for him.

For one second, he thought of living his life without Yunho. He imagined warming himself by the fire during winter, alone.

He’d still be cold and hollow, because Yunho’s presence and love that he was blessed with gave him the most warmth.

He’d be as cold as his outer appearance without Yunho.

“Today’s my birthday,” Jaejoong’s voice finally managed to croak.

Yunho let out a long-held breath.  “You thought I forgot?” he asked.

Jaejoong shamefully nodded. Yunho noticed Jaejoong’s guilt and strode to where Jaejoong was standing, his every instinct telling him to take Jaejoong in his arms and console his lover. As he closed the gap between Jaejoong and himself, he let his instincts took over and pulled a surprised Jaejoong into a tight embrace. Jaejoong succumbed to the security and comfort that Yunho’s strong, muscular arms gave and responded with a tight embrace of his own.

“God forbid if I even forget a strand of hair on that head of yours, Jae,” Yunho’s deep voice was gentle and soothing as he spoke. “I’ve told I love you countless of times. I know I’m forgetful but as long as I live and breathe, I will never forget you and everything about you. I meant it when I said that we’re not just another relationship.”

Yunho loosened their embrace to let Jaejoong see through the windows of his heart. “We’re forever,”

Tears threatened to escape Jaejoong’s eyes at the conviction he hears in Yunho’s words but he fought tooth and nail to not let them drop.

“So you didn’t forget?” he choked.

“I’m the worst lover in the world if I ever forget your birthday,” Yunho simply replied. “I was planning to surprise you tonight but you had to go all emotional on me and I couldn’t bear to see you pout,” Yunho teased.

“I wasn’t pouting,” Jaejoong defended himself, pouting his lips.

“Oh, really?” Yunho raised his eyebrows in challenge, his gaze turning predatory as he eyed Jaejoong’s full, pouting lips.

Suddenly, Jaejoong became aware that he was in the tight embrace of a very bare-chested Yunho.

He involuntarily jumped and quickly let go of Yunho. He felt the heat rising quickly to flame his cheeks and tried to look anywhere but at Yunho.

Yunho chuckled at Jaejoong’s reaction towards him. He loves making Jaejoong squirmy, shy and embarrassed. Not only is it his favourite pastime, Jaejoong’s bashfulness is one of the many qualities that Yunho loves about him. It does wonders for his ego too.

Feeling playful, he trapped Jaejoong against the wall with his arms, closing the distance between them. He leaned in towards his lover; soft, cupid bow lips almost touching plump, pink pouty ones.

He looked intently in Jaejoong’s wide doe eyes “Just a preview for tonight for the birthday boy,” he whispered, his voice full of promises. With his devilish smile and naughty wink, he reluctantly walked away from a flaming red Jaejoong to get dressed.


A/N: My first ever fic that I wrote for a competition last year but this version is slightly edited. The theme was to write according to the four seasons and I chose winter, which I epically failed in describing XD
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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 1: Come back and finish this.....you can't leave us hanging there...I want to see the 'preview'....^-^
Sam-facades #2
Chapter 1: Ai goo so cute am squealing
Chapter 1: That was adorable. Jae does have the most adorable pouty lips in Kpop.