First Day of School

I'm not a ing girl!

No one's POV


In the kitchen, Lay and Tao were eating breakfast. They stopped eating once they heard Xiumin’s voice.


"May I present Ms. Xi Lulu" Xiumin said.


"I’m sticking with Luhan" Luhan said getting out of his room.


Once Lay and Tao say Luhan, they bursted out laughing.

"I hate you for making me do this" Luhan said.


"But you know you love us" Kyungsoo said laughing.


"It's not funny" Luhan whines.


"You're right..." Tao said. "It's hilarious."


Luhan pouts and sits down and starts eating breakfast. Xiumin looks at the watch on his wrist and his eyes widen. He starts frantically getting his things ready.


"What are you doing?" Luhan said with his mouth full.


"We've got to go before we're late" Xiumin said before taking Luhan's food away.




"Doesn't school start in 30 minutes?" Tao asked.


"Yes but we've got to get there early so we can get you settled. Here" Xiumin tosses a granola bar to Luhan "Eat this."


Xiumin pushes everyone out of the house.

Luhan's POV

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I said fixing my wig and my s.

"Maybe because they think you're cute, though I don't know why" Tao said earning a slap from me.

"Tao stop it and Luhan stop touching your wig and your s. You'll mess them up" Xiumin said.

I pouted and Tao crossed his arms.

"Before I leave I need to warn you."

"What is it?" Lay asked.

"Beware of... F6."

"Don't you mean F4?"

"That's from Boys Over Flowers. We're aren't in that. Some people call them 'the kings' or 'F6'. You know stuff like that. I like to call them the devil's spawns because they can make you're life hell if you mess with them. So you better watch out. Kai is the dancing machine, Suho is the rich one of the group, Chanyeol may seems like he's normal but he acts like he's on crack sometimes, Chen is the troll of the group, Kris is the one that gives of that bad boy vibe that girls adore and Sehun is the youngest one of the group that noonas love. Remember those names and not to cause trouble to them. I've got to go. Bye."

Xiumin walks away as Lay, Tao and I look at him confused. We just shrug our shoulder and went to our classes. It turns out that Lay and Tao have the same class leaving poor me alone. I looks at my schedule. I have art first period. So I quickly went to my class trying to ignore the stares I'm getting. Luckily I made it in time.

"You made it just in time young lady" the teacher said to me.

For a second I forgot I'm a girl.

"Actually-" I started.

"Are you new?" The teacher asked cutting me off.


"Will you please introduce yourself to the class?"

"My name is Xi Luhan. Please take care of me" I said and bowed.

I could hear the whispers from everyone as they were talking about me. The girls were saying that she's so pretty and what the guys were saying, well let's just say that I'm glad that Tao and Lay aren't here to hear it. I stuttered with digust. The teacher told me to seat by an empty easel before marking up attendence. I decided to take a seat next to a boy who was staring out the window.

"Hello" I said cauing the boy to jump a little. "Sorry did I scare you?"

"I-I just didn't realize..." the boy stuttered and trailed off.

"My name's Xi Luhan. I'm new here."

I extended my hand for the boy to shake. But he just started at it. So I just took the boy's hand and shook it.

"I'm Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo said.

Kyungsoo. That name seems familiar. Where did I hear it from? Oh yeah, Kyungsoo is one of Xiumin's best friend.

"Oh you're one of Xiumin's best friends."

"You know Xiumin?"

"Yeah. He's one of my best friends. My others came here too."

"Xiumin never told me he's friends with a pretty girl."

"Um thanks?" I said.

I was starting to feel a little awkward because I'm a boy and that was one of Xiumin's best friends just called me pretty.

"Um Kyungsoo?" I said.

"Yes?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I'm actually-"

"Okay class I'd like you to pick up your paint brush" the teacher said cutting me off.

Why does this teacher keep cutting me off? Oh well, I'll just tell Kyungsoo some other time.

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taoinnie #1
Chapter 2: your writing style feels very fresh, I like it a lot! this story is surely going to be one of my favourite exo ones~