

"Well, Su-Ji, are you ready? The others will be arriving soon."

Song Su-ji looked up at their company's CEO, biting at their lip. This was nerve-wracking, to say the least. They had been informed that they weren't the leader, but as they were the first one that CEO Lee had ever recruited to Ace Entertainment, they got special treatment. It was still amazing to them how it happened; they had come in to audition at the company's first public audition that day, hearing rumors that Ace was 'out of the ordinary' and was looking for someone 'unique'. Su-ji knew that a company like this might be their only chance...and they took said chance. Shockingly, after Lee himself witnessed their audition, and was visibly surprised when the petite-bodied, cute-faced auditionee opened their mouth to release a powerful, deep voiced rap, Su-ji was immediately accepted! Others that day were recruited as well, but CEO Lee admitted to Su-ji that he knew they were 'just what he was looking for', in his own words. Since then, Su-ji was told that they were going to be placed with a band, since they had informed Lee about their ability to play piano, and decent skill with its sister instrument, keyboard. Su-ji was surprised that the first group under the company's name would be an instrumental band, but they weren't complaining; they always liked that style anyway, and they felt that relying on each other to make a song would make the group closer-knit.
"I...think so. ...You really think we'll all get along?" Su-ji's deep, normally powerful voice was much softer than usual due to their apprehension. Lee nodded, looking over towards the door.
"Of course. They're all quite nice kids. ...What's taking them so long?" The CEO glanced at his watch, and back to the door to the room. Su-Ji could faintly hear something outside...speaking? Were they just standing outside the door? What were they saying...? Unfortunately, all the rapper could hear was muffled voices.
"I think they're out there...just, chatting?"

On the other side of the door, the nervous new leader, Andy Chu, had been standing for a good five minutes, only to be greeted by two of their new bandmates; the twins, Kang Min-Sun and Min-Jun. The two greeted their new leader, though neither of them recognized the brunette as the leader quite yet.
Andy, however, wasn't exactly fluent in Korean yet, and thus, had to pause and struggle to translate the fast-speaking twins' speech. "Hello! You're our new band-mate right? I'm Min-Sun, and this is my brother Min-Jun!"
Once the leader figured out what it was they had said, at least, what they assumed the blonde had said, they nodded, smiling at them. "Yes! I'm the new leader!" Their Korean speech was a bit shaky and somewhat broken, but they managed to convey their message. The twins gave each other a glance, then smiled again.
"You're not native to Korea, are you?" The silver-haired one spoke this time, in English, albeit heavily accented.
Greatly appreciative of the attempt, Andy let a small sigh of relief and nodded at them once more. "Yeah, I'm from America. I've been trying to learn the language, but...pronouncing it when you're used to English is kinda hard..."
Min-Jun grinned, as if they knew what Andy meant, "I bet. English and Korean are really different."

"Ah..." another voice interrupted them, as the maknae of the group, An Yu-Jin, approached from the hall, "you guys are here for the band?" Their Korean was shaky as well, but with a different accent to it than that of Andy's, more of a Japanese accent.
The three at the door looked over at the redhead, all three appearing to be in awe of the sheer length of their hair. It was longer than most people would even consider keeping it, and seemed like it would cause headaches...but Yu-Jin appeared to be fine. They also sported distinctive freckles on their face, also an unusual sight among those living in South Korea. Even Andy looked more 'native' Korean, with their uneven-lengthed brown hair and heterochromic contacts, than this person...
"...Wh-what? Is something on my face?" Yu-Jin suddenly became self-conscious from the group's stares, covering their face with their hands embarassedly. The three simultaneously realized that they were staring, which caused Min-Sun to laugh.
"Oi, guys, come on, we're making them nervous!" They grinned at their fellow members, both of which looked away with equally embarassed expressions and muttered apologies.
"Seriously though, we have such a cute maknae! We're set, as far as visuals go!" Min-Sun joked, nudging their twin in the arm with their elbow, "Shoot, far as I can see, we could all be visual material! We're one good-looking band!"
"Well, I don't think we really class anyone as 'visual' in a band like this, Min-Sun..." Min-Jun corrected their twin, warranting an annoyed whine from the blonde.
Andy cleared their throat, drawing the attention of the other three. Upon receiving expecting stares from them, they reached out for the doorknob before speaking up, "Maybe we should just go in? Our last member and the CEO are waiting." Despite still struggling with their Korean, the younger members all got Andy's drift, and agreed, letting their new leader open the door...
However, upon opening it, they heard a thump on the other side, followed by a clatter. Andy froze, then slowly opened the door a little farther, seeing a very baffled-looking brown-haired person, sitting on the ground and rubbing their slowly reddening forehead.

"Oww..." The groan that came from the cute face of their other member was much lower than they expected, causing them all to just stand there, staring at the fallen bandmate. Once they recovered from the initial shock, Min-Jun slipped past Andy and helped up the brown-haired rapper off of the floor.
As Andy finally came to their senses enough to stutter an apology, Su-Ji let out a laugh, stopping their words in their tracks once again, "Guess that's what I get for eavesdropping!" Min-Sun laughed as well, walking over to their twin and Su-Ji.
"Some first impression! Guessing you're the last member of the new band?" they asked, and Su-Ji nodded back, fixing their hair back over the red spot on their forehead.
"Yeah, I'm in the position of rapper and keyboard. Song Su-Ji, nice to meet you all!"

The others went about their introductions, including Yu-Jin, who hadn't properly given their name yet to the other three, before the CEO walked over, formally introducing himself to them as well.
"Now, then, Su-Ji and I have gone over stage names and a band name, and have come to a decision, should you all agree to it. The proposed band name is Symphon-EE." The CEO's words incited an excitement in the five members, who started exchanging looks and grins, and eventually they all voiced a unanimous agreement to the name.
"Good! Now, Su-Ji came up with a naming scheme, following that of the band's. As an example is their new stage name, Sweet-EE."
Min-Sun gasped, looking over at the rapper, "That is PERFECT! Wait, why was it you two doing all this stuff, and not Andy, anyway? Aren't they the leader?"
Andy knew the answer to that already and let out a nervous laugh, "Actually, I cleared them to do all this...since, at the time, I wasn't even in the country. We agreed that the final decision would be everyone's input, though, and not just mine, or Su-Ji's, or even CEO Lee's."
"Exactly," Lee continued, "if you all weren't in agreement with the name, Andy's conditions were that we all have a round-table style discussion about it until we came to a decision. Now then, would the rest of you like to hear the names we're proposing?"
A near simultaneous nod from the members prompted Lee to keep going. "All right, starting with the leader, of course. Andy's name will...well, the pronunciation won't change, but the spelling will be like the band name, as such..." he reached for a clipboard he'd placed on the table with the information on it, and turned it to face them, pointing at Andy's stage name, "And-EE."
"Oh, cool! I won't have to learn to answer to a new name!" They grinned, folding their arms behind their head. Min-Sun piped up next, excited from hearing his bandmates' names.
"Me next, CEO-hyung!" The informal addressing of their CEO earned Min-Sun a scolding from their twin, but the CEO just laughed.
"Don't worry, I don't mind it, Min-Jun. Min-Sun's current stage name is Sun-EE."
Min-Sun's eyes lit up, and they grinned up at their CEO. "No way, that's too perfect! Whichever of you two came up with that, you're a genius! It's like 'Sunny'!"
"Exactly! Actually, we gave Min-Jun a matching name, if it's okay with you, Min-Jun..." The silver-haired guitarist's expectant stare cued Lee to continue, "It's Cloud-EE."
Min-Sun gasped, throwing their arm around their twin. "Sunny and Cloudy, I get it! Nice one! How's that sound Min-Jun?" Min-Jun's eyes were widened a bit, and finally they nodded, a smile spreading over their face.
"Yeah...that works! It fits us, huh? We're twins, but as different as sunny and cloudy weather."
"Good!" CEO Lee gave Su-Ji a smile, which was returned by the petite rapper, both of them quite proud of the products of their brainstorming. "And the last one...actually, since Yu-Jin is the last one that auditioned, we got to discuss the name with them. Since we had the -EE theme, we just asked for a name that ended with the 'ee' sound, and they suggested Harley...so we just changed the spelling a little, and made it Harl-EE."
Yu-Jin gave a nod, a smile over their freckled face, as they had already known the name scheme would be something like that since they mentioned the band's name.

CEO Lee, after seeing everyone's reactions, set the clipboard down again, "So, we're all decided with the names and band name? What we have is fine?"
A mix of different affirmative words from each of the members, all at the same time, sealed the name as permanent. Lee then asked for all of their signatures on the paper, stepping aside so to allow them the room needed, Su-Ji aside, as they already signed it before the meeting was even held. Once the signatures were done, Lee suggested giving the new band a tour of the dorm and practice room, which they all agreed to. The group filed out of the room, Su-Ji trailing a bit behind and standing in the doorway, watching as the energetic group walked off with their surprisingly laid-back CEO. Taking a deep breath, they finally closed the door behind them, and hurried to catch up.

I have a good feeling about this!

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Chapter 3: I still love Harl-EE, so much. Gahhhh<3
Chapter 2: Harl-eeeeeeeee<3 Such an adorable little poop face... I am so exciteddddd.

Chapter 1: I AM EXCITEEEEE Harl-ee<3