CHAPTER 9 (Complicated)

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Mino : "I know this is not the right time for me to say this to you, but.. (here it goes) i like you you. i dont need the answer now." you : "Oppa..." She feel shock on  Mino confession. She unready for all of this, beside she really has no feeling for him. He is just like a big brother to her. Mino : "Just think about it, no rush.. I totally understand.."   She stays quiet, (I'm sorry oppa..)   (WINNER APARTMENT)     On Taehyun bedroom, hes checking his phone, still hasnt got any messages nor calls from her. (Where is she?)   His phone ringing,  AhReum names shows on his phone screen   Taehyun :  "Now you calling me? where have you been?" Friend 1 : "Taehyun oppa !" Friend 2 : "Oppa?? Oh god!" Friend 1 : "Shh.. *giggle*"   Taehyun : "Who the hell are you? Where's AhReum?" Friend 1 : "Oppa, your girlfriend is drunk right now, im her friend. Can you pick us up?" Taehyun : "Drunk?? Where is she at?" Friend 1 : "yes oppa. we were at the most popular club. dont be late oppa or AhReum will get flirt by guy around here." Taehyun : "stop act like you close with me! I'll pick her up in a minute."   He hung up, then grab his keys to get ready picking her up. (Drunk huh??) On main door, Mino just came in and goes to his room, he ignores Taehyun staring at him. (Why he looks so happy after meeting her? wait, why im thinking about that? I should get going now)     (AT CLUB CAR PARK)     Friend 2 : "Oh my god , look who's here?" Friend 1 : "Taehyu
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Chapter 19: amazing story :) i like it very much !
blues132 #2
Chapter 19: Loved it!! Was hoping to end up with Mino since he became my bias ruiner of the group (Taehyun was original bias lol) any chance of a sequel with Mino as the main lead??? :)
Jinrae #3
Chapter 18: Aaaaahhhh ~~ Amazing story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People don't realize what they have until they're gone, that's the sad thing
Joey88 #4
Chapter 19: Ohh it was a dream tho ㅋㅋㅋ i really love Winner an Taehyun is my UB :)) its really a good story but sometimes its hardly to read.. btw thanks for ur hardwork ;))
Chapter 13: can you please change your font colour or like not highlight it? it's very difficult to read.
jellybearred #6
Chapter 15: Such a pure heart Mino has :")
Good story but i think rather than use different color for conve it's better to use the original font and colour and format the story like drama dialog,
i.e : Mino: "(convo)"
Taehyun: "(convo)"
Hehehe, imo tho
Keep updating!
gummybear- #7
Chapter 14: Hi authornim~~~~~~~ thanks for this fanfic. Aaww.. mino yaaa♡♡i though she'll lost her memories about mino *worried* :") please make her as mrs. Song :* ( sorry for my bad english)
hellostrangersheart #8
Chapter 2: Author-nim~ i'm new reader :3

The story is good, but when i use my phone browser's the text is black and i difficult to read it T__T is it just me? Thank you author-niim~

Update soon ♥
fairuzzahyusof95 #9
Wahhh deabak!!! I really love your story. Update soon please. Tq^^