slept again!

The Magic Carpet

Then the teacher came in

It was Mrs Bonso, The minute I wanted to say something, I fell down, was this some force I said to myself

I had that dream again but different, I walked in Mrs Bonso's house, ll was silent

''Oh hello shelle my dear!'' Mrs Bonso said. ''Hi, um, is this your house?, I thought I was at school a minute ago''

''Yes you were, I put you into this dream'' she replied, '' you did?'' i asked, ''yes, I have magical powers that do that

''Wow, can you show me around?'' I asked, ''Sure!'' Mrs Bonso replied

She showed me around, there were glass windows, princess beds, cool stationary and a clean kitchen! It was amazing!

''Wow,really nice'' i said, ''thank you'' she blushed

''um can you turn me back to school, and now's who teaching?'' I said

''you may go back, and now i'm autually teaching now!'' she said

''wow, your teaching while im sleeping,cool!'' I said

''ok, abracadabra'' Mrs bonso waved her wand

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Hi this is prettypie here hope you enjoy the story


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Prettypie #1
hi, hope you enjoy the story