You are my Light


Kim Yukwon and Lee Eunmi's relationship is far from perfect.

He's in one of the most famous boy bands of all South Korea while she works at a little coffee shop.

He is considered handsome by almost every female while she is never spared a second glance.

He's night and she's day.

He's dark and she's light.

They balance eachother perfectly and they couldn't be happier.

When a huge misunderstanding that is jarringly familiar to Eunmi's painful past rips her and Yukwon apart, Yukwon must find away to save the heart that Eunmi had so trustingly bestowed upon him before she loses all faith completely.

What does it take to learn to trust again? What if the heartbreak goes deeper than the surface? What do you do if you lose the only light shining in your world?

Is it possible to trust again? Is it possible to heal a heart that's been broken for years? Is is possible for the light to shine?

Be the light
Shine on my black and hidden heart
Melt me from being frozen
So that I’ll be so dazzling
That no one else can look at me

Be the light






This is my very first story so I hope you all give it lots of love and support me! If this story does well I might coninue writing for you!

Comments would be VERY much appreciated and I will read all  of them cause I would love to know what you guys think of my writing. Also, you can subscribe to me too if you want and be my friend!

So, without further ado, my story will start.

*blows kisses*


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africankpoplover #1
Chapter 14: that was a beautiful story is it going to continue after this chapter?