
Sunny Days

It was a fairly warm day in the stadium where the Idol Sports competition was held. It wasn't sweltering, but it held a certain punch to it that Jonghyun was left dripping after his turn participating in the events he was signed up for. He hated being all hot and sticky, especially when his t-shirt ended up all pitted out and it was left uncomfortable when he lifted his arms and he felt the dampness of the sweat. Jonghyun sighed as he sipped his waterbottle underneath one of the many tents set up around the field. 

His eyes surveyed the field as he searched for something that was mildly entertaining for him. The field was overrun with various idols, and the stands bowing underneath the weight of thousands of fans, their deafening cheers never relenting under the hazy sun. Jonghyun finally spotted someone in a red t-shirt not unlike his own racing by on the track, far ahead of the other runners. Choi Minho. 

Jonghyun watched Minho as he won the race, as expected, and ambled over to where he was sitting. His eyes never left the boy, never left his soft fringe dampened by his sweat, never left his slightly heaving chest as he panted. 

"What's up Hyung?" Minho's deep voice pierced through Jonghyun's thoughts, causing him to twitch and snap focus his eyes on Minho's face. He marvelled the way his eyes stayed large and sparkling, even when he smiled. 

"Oh, nothing, just sitting here," Jonghyun replied, patting the spot next to him on the grass. Minho silently sat beside him, their thighs grazing and hips touching. Jonghyun sighed. 

Minho glanced over and smiled softly, his eyes full of affection. He reached over and pushed Jonghyun's head to rest on his shoulder and wrapped and arm around the older boy to pull him closer. Jonghyun smiled, sighing now with contentedness rather than exhaustion. 

The older boy took one of Minho's hands and played with his fingers, smiling to himself at how beautiful he was. No one was as flawless as Minho in his eyes. Minho chuckled and placed a kiss on Jonghyun's temple. 

"I love you," he whispered in his ear. 

Jonghyun closed his eyes and snuggled closer, appreciating the warmth of his body. Perhaps it was the sun that made him so warm, he didn't know. He only knew one thing. 

"I love you too," he sighed. 

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Chapter 1: SQUEALS LOUDLyy
Chapter 1: ohgod, so beautiful and damn cute ;;
Chapter 1: I'm crying because this is sooo cute and well written. Fluffy Jongho just makes my days. Amazing job! ❤