
I fell for him!!!!!

Your pov: I was jogging back home  from school while jogging I heard a groan which made me creeped out alittle bit, since my neighborhood isn't a normal neighborhood it was full of gangs and gangsters. Although at first I wasn't going to follow the sounds, but the groans got louder and I would feel guilty if I had just left a hurt person lying there. I did what I had to do I followed the groans and saw a man lying there he didn,t look old probibly around his early 20s and yes very handsome, my heart was beating so fast i forgot the reason I came to him (saving his life). I didn't know what to do and did't had the first in kit with me so I took him home, and treated it him and i went bak to bed.

Luhan pov:  I woke up finding myself lying in a couch and at the same time wondering how I got here, all i remember was me walking home alone and finding block b standing infront of me and that was when i got punches and got hurt badly and I forgot everything after  that. Suddenly I  heard a lady voice asking me if I was awake I guess she saved me, I looked her way and saw her standing there she was beautiful, cute, and she wore glasses I guess she must be one of those college nerds then later she headedsome where and soon she came back with porridge in her hand and put it afront of me and told me to eat, I did what I was told I ate it after that she asked me what happened so I told her about all the gangs fight i head and she realized i was a gangster which gave her a very shock face, which also made my heart skip a beat since she was so cute when she got shocked. I asked her name and asked wether I can stay for a few more days since i wasn,t in the condition to leave and a part of me wanted to stay with her.

Your pov: I found out that he was a gangster, i was shocked,scared, and I froze right there until he asked me wether he could stay for a few days I was scared to say no cause I was scared he might hurt me if I said no, so with no other choice I had to say yes even if I didn't really want too.

Author pov: It has been two days since luhan stayed and now he's acting sick even though he got better and as for her she's falling for him even harder and a part of her didn't want him to leave and exom has been tracking luhan for days since they havent heard from him for days, and after they found luhan they took him back luhan felt very dissipointed that he had to leave now but before he  leaves he said to her that he will be watching over her and made sure to come visit.

Your pov: it's been three days since luhan haven't came, I guess he must have been very busy as for me i went back to school and do what I've always done, but everyday i've feel like i have  been followed until today I got angry and yelled for that person to come out and show themselvs. It turned out to be nobody else but luhan. As much as i was happy to see him i also wonder why he couln't come talk to me but followed me secretly. It turned out that he didn't want me to be seen by other gangs because if they see him walking with me, they will harm me.                                                  

Iuhan pov:It has been 1 week since i've followed her, I wanted to meet her in the eyes but I didn't want her to get hurt. Today she asked me to come out i guess she must have noticed that she's being followed' and I did what i had to do so now and today is the day I confessed to her  she said yes so now were dating  and we bothed share a passionate kiss together.

Your pov: and now he,s living with me and thats how my love love went with him!!!!



and pleaseee excuse my grammer and since I sort of think I should make a long version of this oneshot, but if you don't think i should please comment or I might end up making a long version without anybody reading it!!!!


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