Chapter 13- Forgetting to remember

Our Story
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It took two hours for BamBam to wake up and for GOT7 to convince him to let go so I could go home... But now it was 11:28 pm and I had a long walk home ahead of me.
*No use in complaining.... I wonder where JB went.....*
I walk through the park that is next to the school... I had to make a few turns every now and again because I kept getting lost.

I suddenly see someone beating somebody else up so with no time to think I quickly rush over and Kick the attacker to the ground and tell the man on the floor to run and as I do so I hear
"What are you doing, Bunny!" It was JB wiping blood from the corner of his mouth.
"What am I doing?!" I shout "What are you doing, JB?!" he stands up and glares at me before he shouts causing everybody that was in the park to look at us. "HE ATTACKED ME!"
My eyes widen "Oh..." I say as I realize the situation...
"Arghh! I hate you Bunny!" he said as he turned and stormed off.
*Oh.... What should I do now?....*
I just watch him leave until he completely disappears into the darkness.

I sigh quite heavily and make my way back to my house...

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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 15: So cute ><