Chapter 3

The Answer Book


The Answer Book

JB and I walked home. Like I imagined, JB talked nonstop about the girl he liked. JB was so happy. He finally had a real, full length conversation with her. He even managed to get her number without wetting his pants.

Before we left the book store, JB couldn't stop waving and smiling at her. I practically had to drag JB outside. We stayed till almost closing time. I didn't even pay attention to the time. JB was oblivious of the time as well. 

I was too caught up in the fact that I had with me, something so amazing. I may be expecting a lot from the book, but there's already a bunch of evidence to support the fact that this book was practically magical.

I began to think about all the possibilities of this book. This could help me with anything I'm decisive about. From clothes, to food, to songs, to choreography, to practically everything. This book could practically solve it all.

I bought the book of course. JB hasn't noticed it yet. He didn't even bother to ask what I had in the bag. He was too busy telling me about the girl. But I knew he was gonna ask about it at some point.

We were already in our neighborhood. JB was in a really good mood so he was gonna drop me off at my house first. My house was farther in the neighborhood though. When JB finally finished talking about the girl, his eyes naturally led to the bag in my hand.

"You bought something?" he asked. "Let me see?" 

I was kinda hesitant at first. He might make fun of me for buying a book like this. I finally handed it over to him. He took the book out of the bag and read the title out loud.

"The Answer Book," he said. "What's this for?"

"For reading," I said. I prayed he wouldn't look at the book. But of course, he did. It's one of the most natural things to do when people come across a book of some sort.

"Mark seriously," he said after reading the back of the book. "What's this for?"

I didn't really want to keep secrets from my best friend. We tell each other practically everything. I mean, when he started to like that girl at the book store, I was the first person he came to. He was this first person I came to when I started to like Ji Ae too.

"Fine," I said. I thought about how I was gonna explain this. Why I bought this book in the first place. I didn't want to tell him that it was magical. He would just scoff and make fun of me for thinking such childish thoughts. I thought of a way to explain this.

"Give me word," I said. "Any word."

"Ok?" JB said. He was confused, I knew it. His confusion will only grow as we continue on with this conversation. I can bet on it. 

"Can it be a person?" he asked. I knew it. I already knew who he was gonna say. "Hye Mi?" That's the name of the girl he liked. Fine, that's alright.

"Well it works," I said. 

I thought about another question I can ask that had to do with Hye Mi. I remembered that she had JB's number. I followed the directions on the back of the book. JB watched me curiously. I really hope he didn't think I was nuts.

"Will Hye Mi call JB when we get to my house?" I asked. I opened the book to another random page. I realized that my hand had a tendency to waver around the pages for a while. Then all of a sudden, it just lands on a certain page. And my hand just stays there. Like it's confident where it lies. 

"You're kidding right?" JB said. I knew he would be full of disbelief at first. "Do you actually think this book will tell you the right answer?"

I ignored his questions. I focused my attention on the page I opened up to.

A: That's an absolute yes.

JB looked at the answer and scoffed. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right," he said. "As much as I want that to happen, I doubt she'll call at that exact time. Mark, what's up with this? Don't you think you wasted your money on this?"

"Whatever JB," I said. He just sighed as we continued walking to my house. You'll see JB. You'll see.

We walked a few more blocks before we finally reached my house. I turned to JB.

"See Mark," JB said. He was holding up his phone in front of my face. "She didn't c-" JB was interrupted by his ring tone playing. You were saying JB?

I looked at him with a smirk on my face. He stared wide eyed at me. He checked the caller id. Bingo. It was her. It was Hye Mi. JB was still in shock. His ring tone has been playing for a good two minutes or so.

"Aren't you gonna answer it man?" I asked. Don't keep her waiting. I know he really wants me to explain more about the book, but right now he had something else to take care of. He answered his phone.

"Yeoboseo?" he said. "Oh hi Hye Mi. Can you hold on one just second please? Yup, thanks." He put the phone down and turned to me.

"We have to talk. Later." he said. With that note, he left towards his home. I smiled and walked up my driveway. He'll probably get lost because he'll be so into his conversation. Hope he still has a sense of direction while he's on the phone with her.

I sat my things down on the ground when I entered my room. I plopped myself on my bed, book in hand. I held it up to observe it more. 

This book. It was right. Yet again. I began to think of other questions I could ask this book. Then, the ultimate question came to me. How could I have been so oblivious?

The ultimate question. A question to test love. My love.

I thought about Ji Ae. Could I really ask a question regarding me and Ji Ae? And get the question right too? This sounded a bit extreme. But then I thought about JB and Hye Mi. The questions I asked about them had a little bit to do with love. This wouldn't be something entirely new for the book to answer. Right?

~ ~ ~

It was morning. I didn't really get much sleep. JB kept me up all night. He talked on and on about the book. I was glad that he didn't give me a full description of the conversation he had with Hye Mi. But I guess it didn't matter. I still couldn't get much sleep. 

I told him everything about the book. And I mean, everything. He didn't want me to leave a single detail out. Not one. He also wanted me to come over after school the next day. He wanted to try the book himself. He wanted to test it's magical abilities on himself. I thought about it and was on board with the idea immediately. I was curious as to why it always answered correctly for me. But now I'm more curious to find out if it only works for me. Does the magical abilities of this book work for JB too? Not to mention, other people as well?

I got ready for school. I grabbed my backpack after a quick breakfast. I didn't forget to bring the book of course. I'd be needing it later on today.

I talked about it with JB and he says that it wouldn't hurt trying. It wouldn't hurt to test this on me and Ji Ae. But as I thought about it, it could hurt. The book could answer wrongly and then I would've made a huge mistake trusting it on something so important. That's why I pleaded with the book this morning. I pleaded that it won't let me down. This book never failed me in the past, and I hope it would remain that way. I didn't want my one chance to ask Ji Ae out, be ruined by a book. A book I put all my trust into.

I walked to school. As I approached school, I could see JB sitting patiently on the front steps. Our usual meeting place. I approached him. Almost immediately, he asked me if I had the book.

"You have it?" he asked.

"Yup," I said. "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna try this out on Ji Ae."

"Alright Mark," JB said. He slung his arm around me. "Our Mark is finally gonna ask his crush out. He's growing up into a great man." We both laughed at his comment. We walked into school together.

~ ~ ~

School ended a few minutes ago. I headed to my locker, where the book resided to during the school day. I didn't want to keep it with me, considering the fact that I might use it once in a while for tests and quizzes.

Just as I expected, Ji Ae was at her locker as well. She was packing up her belongings, getting ready to go home. I had to do this now, while she was still here. While I still have a chance. I couldn't keep it like this forever. I had to stop stalling for time. It's now or never.

I picked up the book and quickly followed the directions. I didn't bother asking the question before I left for school. I wanted to do it here, while Ji Ae was near. Therefore I could immediately go to her without once ever turning back. Here it goes.

Q: Will she say yes to the date?
A: Absolutely

Sometimes I wondered if every answer in this book was positive. Always answering yes. But no, there was some negative responses in there too. I tested the book a little more last night and believe it or not, I received a few negative answers. And they were true. Negative, but true.

I closed the book after reading the answer at least three times. I wanted to know for sure if the answer was what it said it was. I couldn't afford any mistakes.

I calmly walked up to Ji Ae. It's a good thing JB had a club meeting today. If he didn't, I could probably picture him standing nearby with a "Go Mark!" poster held up high.

She was surprised to see me by her locker. I calmly smiled at her. She gave me a warm smile back.

"Hi Mark," she said. I couldn't help but notice, she was looking at the ground while she talked. She also seemed a little shy when she said hi to me. Was she flustered to be so near me? I calmly backed up a little bit to give her some space. 

Another thought that crossed my mind, she knew my name. We've been school mates for a while now and we have a lot of classes together, so I guess she would know my name. But there are a bunch of students at this school, and she remembered my name? I felt a little glow of happiness inside, at that thought.

"Hi Ji Ae," I said shyly. "I know we haven't really talked much and we barely know each other..." It's true anyway, we barely talk and we barely knew a thing about each other. I just knew about the Ji Ae at school. Her life and personality here at school. But I was hoping I could acquire more knowledge about her. Through this date of course. I wanted to know the real her. Not just the her that everyone's already familiar with here at school.

"But, would you like to go on a date with me some time?" I said. There I said it. I finally said it. It felt so alien to hear those words rolling off the tip of my tongue. I never knew that I'd have the capability to say those exact words some day. I always thought that those exact words would only reside to me dreams. And only my dreams. But as I continue to pinch myself from behind, I knew that this wasn't a dream. I wasn't dreaming at all. This was the real deal. 

I watched her reaction. Her face was overcome by a sudden shock and surprise. She didn't see this coming. I showed her no signs of this coming today. But I couldn't tell if she was happy at the thought of me asking her out or completely against it. Just then, I saw a tinge of red beginning to show on her face. It spread before you even knew it. She was blushing. Apparently, uncontrollably.

"Yes," she responded. "I'd like that." She smiled at me. She turned to her locker to finish packing up her belongings. She shut her locker and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She took a small piece of paper from her backpack and a pen. She wrote something down on the paper, folded it, and handed it to me.

"Here," she said. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I really have to get home now." I took the paper from her hand. There was a moment when our hands grazed each other's. My hand tingled at her sudden touch. 

"No problem," I said. "Bye Ji Ae." I waved goodbye to her as she stepped away. She smiled at me one more time.

"Bye Mark."

~ ~ ~ 

JB was waiting for me when I approached the exit. He was leaning on the door and checking the time on his phone. I guess he's been waiting for a while. He looked up to see me approaching him. His eyes lit up when they met with mine. He rushed up to me. Impatient much?

"So?" he asked.

"So what?" I asked. He punched my arm.

"What do you mean, so what?" he said. "How did it go with Ji Ae? Please tell me you didn't chicken out and not ask her out. Wait, did the book say no? Please tell me it didn't say no." I didn't say anything. Instead, I took off my backpack and reached inside for something.

"Yah! Why aren't you talking?" JB said, clearly annoyed. I found what I was looking for. I handed the paper she gave me to him. He took it and read what it said. It didn't say much, considering she was in a hurry. But the highlight of that paper: Ji Ae's number.

JB handed it back to me and cheered. He got me in a headlock and rubbed his fist into my head.

"Yeah! Mark finally got her number! Finally! It's about time!" he yelled. He released me from the headlock. I laughed.

"Hey, it's a good thing you didn't put your good looks to waste." he said. I pushed him playfully as we walked to his house.

~ ~ ~

A few days have passed since I asked Ji Ae out. We've been talking a lot at school now. We even work together on partner assignments in class. It felt so great to finally talk and interact with her. It still felt like I was dreaming. Like I was living in a place that could never exist no matter how hard I try. But no, I wasn't. This is my true life.

We haven't yet to go on an actual date yet. I wanted time for us to interact more and become more familiar with each other's presence. So far, it's been working. I think today's the day I we should go on an actual date. To be honest, I'm actually relieved from nervousness and hesitance to go on a real date with her. As I talk and interact with her more, I become more comfortable around her. I don't stutter when we we talk. I don't constantly stare at the ground. Not anymore.

It was the end of school for the day. I walked up to her at her locker. I saw her take the lollipop I gave her off her locker. I saw her smile as she took off the wrapper and put it in . I learned that she had quite a sweet tooth from all the times we've talked. Lately I've been taping lollipops to her locker. I can tell she appreciates it very much.

"Hi Ji Ae," I greeted her when I approached her at her locker. She smiled at the sight of me.

"Hi Mark," she said. "What's up?"

"I was thinking, about our date," I said. "Do you think we can go on our date sometime tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was a Saturday. The perfect day for a date.

"Sure tomorrow would be great," she said. "When and where?"

"6:00 at Oz." I said. Her eyes lit up at the sound of her favorite restaurant. I even learned her favorite restaurant from all the times we've talked. Oz was famous for it's amazing Korean BBQ. It was her favorite and mine. It was expensive, but it was worth it of course. 

"Cool!" she said. "See you then." She happily walked away after bidding me goodbye.

I went to my locker and took out The Answer Book. I've been using this quite a lot lately. And maybe a little too much, to be honest. I once used this at a restaurant. I couldn't decide what to order. I also used it at the grocery store one time because I couldn't decided which kind of apples I wanted. I think I've been relying on this book a little too much lately. I've been using it for some of the stupidest and unnecessary situations. I think I need to lay back on this book, but something inside me told me that I should use this book now. Especially for tomorrow. 

JB once told me that I shouldn't need this book anymore since I already had what I wanted. I already got Ji Ae to talk to me and better yet, go on an actual date with me. He said that I should just keep it somewhere for a situation later on in the future. But since I'm still using it to this day, I refused on that suggestion. 

I just can't let go of this book. Not yet. Not now. There's still practically a billion more questions I could ask this book. I wanted to see if every answer will forever and always ring true. 

~ ~ ~

The date was in about an hour from now. I was already dressed and ready for the date. I asked The Answer Book a few more questions before I left for the restaurant.

Q: Should I wear this?
A: Of course 

Q: Flowers ok?
A: Why wouldn't you

After I was satisfied with what I was wearing and the flowers I bought for her, I headed over to the restaurant. I decided to drive there instead of walking. When I stepped out of my house, I was surprised to see JB there with a video camera. What the heck JB?

"Oh and there's Mark," he said. "Looks at him all dressed up and handsome. He's finally going on his first date."

"It's not my first date," I said. "Well it's technically the first real date I've been on."

"Yup," JB said. "So tell me Mark, how does it feel to be going through such a momentous occasion?" JB followed me as I walked to my car, which was parked on my driveway. 

"JB what are you doing? Are you just hear to make fun of me?" I said. Seriously, what's with the camera and the "momentous occasion"?

"What?" JB said. "I'm just trying to capture this momentous occasion of yours." He laughed then shut off the camera. 

"Have fun Mark," he said.

"Of course I'll have fun," I said.

"No Mark," he said. "Real fun. Not fun that you had to decide through the book."

"What do you mean?"

"Just lay off the book for tonight Mark," he said. "You know how in the movies when someone gets something magical. Then there's always some part of their life when they really regret ever using that magical thing, because it affected something or someone really important in their life. Yeah, that's what I'm saying."

"And you think that could happen to me?" I said. "I don't think so JB. How can this book fail me now? Of all times? But sure, I'll try to lay off the book a bit."

"Hey, you'll never know Mark." he said. "Bye." He waved me goodbye as I backed out of the driveway. I waved back.

~ ~ ~ 

I reached the restaurant. It wasn't that far a drive actually. I stepped out of my my car, flowers in hand. I patted my jacket for the book. It was in a pocket inside my jacket. It's only there for extremely indecisive moments. I won't abuse its magical abilities tonight. 

I took one last look at my clothes. It wasn't too fancy and wasn't too casual either. It was just right. Plus you'll be cooking on your table anyway. You didn't have to dress elegantly for cooking.

"Hi Mark." I turned to see Ji Ae walking through the door. Wow, I guess you can dress elegantly and still cook. She looked amazing. Neither over dressed nor under dressed. Just perfect.

"Wow, you look amazing Ji Ae." I told her. She looked down as the color red began to tinge her face. 

"Gomawo." We were led to a booth inside the restaurant. The waiter kindly explained how it worked here, but we told her that we were familiar with everything around here. She nodded and left us to decide what we wanted. In the meantime, she went to go retrieve our drinks.

I couldn't decide whether I wanted to order one round of meat or two. I'd ask Ji Ae, but she might say that it was up to me. My hand drifted to where the book resided in. When I could tell she wasn't looking at me, I quickly took the book out and hid it under the table. I looked down at the book as I followed the directions.

I thought about what JB said before I left for the date. It seemed unlikely that this book will fail me now. It hasn't failed me yet. And it seemed like it would never fail me no matter how much I ask. Nothing could go wrong with this date.

Q: One round?
A: Not a chance

I decided to check with two rounds, just to be sure. I checked Ji Ae to see if she was still oblivious of this book's existence. 

Q: Two rounds?

"What did you say Mark?" Ji Ae asked. I should've been quieter as I recited my question to the book. 

"Oh nothing," I said. "I was just humming the lyrics of a song. I love music."

At the sound of the word music, Ji Ae immediately perked up. We were blasted into a full on conversation about different kinda of music. I've never talked with someone so into music as I am, in my entire life. It felt nice to be talking with someone that really understood music.

When our conversation died down a little bit and Ji Ae went to go use the restroom, my eyes quickly resumed to the book hidden underneath the table. I opened the book on a random page.

A: You can do it

Ji Ae came back to our table just as the waiter from earlier came with our drinks. He asked us what we'd like to order. I asked Ji Ae if two rounds was ok with her.

"Perfect." she said, then she flashed me a smile.

~ ~ ~

It's been about an hour or so into our date. We've been talking so much that we burned a few pieces of meat. It's like we never ran out of topics to talk about. From school to music to family to plans for the future. Turns out we both had the same dream, except what she wanted to do, wasn't what her parents wanted her to do.

Before we knew it, we finished two rounds of meat and our bill was brought to our table. I check the bill. It was almost a hundred dollars. I thought about splitting the bill with her, but then I thought that it wouldn't be such a smart move on a date. Especially since it's coming from the supposedly gentlemen on this date, me. 

The waiter left the bill with us and went to go take care of other things. I still had the book hidden under the table. I quickly asked my question. 

"Should we split the bill tonight?" I asked. 

"Who are you talking to Mark?" Ji Ae asked in curiosity. She looked confused at the moment. Unfortunately she heard my question. She looked under the table. Before she could catch a glimpse of the book, I quickly brought it back out from under the table. She quickly shot her head back out from under the table.

I was busted. She caught me with the book. She looked angry at me. I knew she wanted an explanation for this. But I didn't exactly know how I was gonna put it to words. She would think I was insane and immature for bringing along such a thing on a date. Our date.

"Mark," she said. "What is that book?" Her eyes tried to read the title, but I tried by best to keep it from reading distance. I knew it wouldn't matter, I was caught red handed. She knew now what I've been keeping from her. 

This all turned out to be such a mess. We were having a great time already. If it weren't for my huge trust in this book, I wouldn't have brought it on this date in the first place. I should've adhered to JB's warnings. I messed up this date big time.

"Look I can explain," I said. I really hope that I could explain.

"The Answer Book," she said. She must've read the title right when her eyes landed on that book. "I've noticed you've been looking down a lot during our date. I thought you were just a little shy, but you weren't. You were actually asking the book questions?"

I could tell she was getting more angry, frustrated, and confused by the minute. I really didn't know how to explain this book. It's not like I could just tell her that the book was somehow magical and would always answer correctly. She'd think I was a complete loon. An indecisive, stupid, incompetent, loon.

"You were gonna ask the book whether or not we should split the bill. Weren't you?" she said. 

"If you could just let me explain," I said. I think I could work something out. I could give her a somewhat reasonable explanation if I really tried my best.

"Mark, there's nothing to explain," she said. "It's obvious that there's a lot of things you're undecided about. Including about me. I'm sorry, but I have to go." She got up from her seat and took something out of her purse. It was two hundred dollars. I couldn't believe it. She was gonna pay for the whole meal. Despite the fact that she's angry with me right now, she still couldn't handle me paying for the whole meal. 

I tried to stop her and even tried giving her the money back. But she refused. She even told me that either the waiter or I can keep the change. With that note, she left the restaurant. She didn't turn back once. She left without officially saying goodbye. I just sat there, feeling as regretful and stupid as ever. 

~ ~ ~

It's been a few days since the date gone wrong. JB and I call it that now. All he could say was that he was sorry. Then after that he gave me a sincere 'I told you so'. I don't know he managed to make it sincere, but he did.

Ji Ae tries so hard to avoid me at school. A few days ago, I would always try to talk to her. To get her to hear me out. But I gave up. It was useless trying. She was never gonna give me another chance.

I still had the book with me, but every time I laid my eyes on it, I was reminded of what happened with Ji Ae. Every time I'm indecisive about something, my instincts tell me to turn to the book. But ever since the date, I've been hesitating to do so every time. 

I need to talk to Ji Ae. If I talk to her, I'll finally be able to lift this burden off my shoulders. The burden of trusting such a stupid book. A book I've been relying on for quite some time now. I need to lay off this book from now on. I need to release it from my life and never turn to it ever again. It's for the best. It's for Ji Ae.

I first needed to figure out a way to talk to her. Ji Ae and her best friend always hang out on a bench under a tree, everyday after school. Ji Ae's friend usually leaves before Ji Ae. That's the perfect time for us to talk. When we're alone.

The bell rang for the end of school. Ji Ae waited outside her last class for her friend. They walked together to their meeting place. Ji Ae's friend didn't stay very long. I believe she lives a short distance away from school. I watched from a distance as Ji Ae bade her friend goodbye. Her friend drove off and Ji Ae resumed waiting for her ride. Now's my chance.

I slowly walked up to Ji Ae. It was nearing fall so the ground was littered with leaves of various shapes and colors. She turned at the sound of crunching leaves. Her eyes landed on the ground, then slowly rose to my face. She didn't look happy to see me. Her face gradually turned into a frown in seconds. She got up, readying herself to leave me, but I softly took a hold of her arm. I didn't keep a firm grip, but enough to keep her in place.

"Mark," she said. "I have to go somewhere right now. Maybe some other time."

"That's what you always say," I cut her off. "I know you're trying to avoid me Ji Ae. Could you just please hear me out? Just once?" She looked hesitantly at me. I pleaded with her with my eyes. I needed her to listen to me. To hear me out, just this once.

"I'm sorry ok," I began. There really is no other way to start. Apologizing is the only way to start this. "I shouldn't have brought that book to our date in the first place. I was stupid to think such book could solve everything. All my insecurities, everything that makes me indecisive about." I stopped for a moment to see if she was listening. She looked at me like she wanted me to go on. So I continued.

"I tested that book so many times and every single time I asked a question, it always rang true. I guess I got a little carried away by the book always being right. I didn't know that there would be consequences. I'm sorry I brought it on the date. I'm sorry I asked the book questions regarding you. I'm sorry I'm such a stupid person-" I stopped at the sound of laughter. She was laughing. Ji Ae was laughing. What could possibly bring her to laughter? I stared at her in utter confusion. She noticed me staring at her in that way.

"I'm sorry Mark," she said. "You're not stupid. I only have one question. Why? Why did you use the book to ask questions about me?" I stared at the ground, not daring to meet her gaze.

"It's just" I was at a lost for words. Not when she was staring at me. Expecting me to say what she knows I'm about to say. But I continued on. But I didn't continue talking. I did something else. 

I leaned over and kissed her. She was surprised at first, but then she gradually fell into the kiss. Her lips were so soft, so smooth. I didn't know I was gonna kiss her. I thought I just came here to talk to her. I didn't know it was gonna lead to this. But as we talked, I realized that that's the true reason why I'm here. Why I'm here with Ji Ae right now. Ever since I met her and interacted with her and practically ever since I laid my eyes on her, I longed for this moment. The moment I finally had the guts to kiss her. 

I realized that I didn't need the book to do this. I could've asked the book if it was the right thing to do, but I didn't. I relied on my own thoughts and my own instincts. I didn't need a stupid book to tell me what's right or wrong. I realized that I didn't need that book. I was a person that could decide things on my own. I didn't need anyone or anything to tell me what's right or wrong. What's true or false.

If I loved Ji Ae, then that's what I should stick with. I shouldn't question anything that I'm unsure of when it comes to Ji Ae. I should make the decisions myself. If I love Ji Ae, then I love Ji Ae.

We stopped to regain our breaths. I saw a blush gradually creep up on Ji Ae's face. She looked at the ground. I did the same. I didn't know how I was gonna explain what I just did. Instead, I lifted her chin up to my face. I leveled her face with mine so that our eyes met. And they stayed there.

"I love you Ji Ae. People do stupid things sometimes when it comes to love. Even me." I smiled. "If you could just give me another chance, I'll show you how much you really mean to me. I don't need a book that's always right in my life. I need you in my life." I stopped all of a sudden. Ji Ae slowly moved her hand towards mine. She softly intertwined out hands together. Her hand felt so soft, so warm. I wanted to keep my hand in hers forever. 

"Ok Mark," she said. "I'll give you another chance. I've been holding what I've really felt for you this whole time. I tried so hard to hide my feelings for you, but now I'm ready to let them out of their shell. I still can't believe I had the guts to hold your hand. Just promise Mark, that you wouldn't use the book ever again. Especially for me." She pleaded with her eyes. 

I took off my backpack and opened it. I dug inside for the book. I finally had my hand on it and took it out of my backpack. She eyed me suspiciously. 

"I just need to ask one more question," I said. She had a hesitant look on her face. As if what I'm gonna ask, wasn't such a good idea. "Please." She nodded her approval.

"Did I make a mistake trusting this book?" There it is. My last and final question I'll ever ask this book. I followed the directions for the last time. 

A: Yes

Author's Note: Wow, this chapter was way longer than the other two chapters. I guess I have to learn how to write chapters so that they're at the same length. Well, I hope u enjoyed my first oneshot. More will be on the way. Also, sorry for any mistakes, I posted this right after I finished it.


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LeeXueyun #1
Chapter 3: Nice~~~ love it so much~ daebak!