Meetings, Greetings, and Unnecessary Feelings

This Love...It Hurts

"_________, this is your cousin! His name is Myungsoo, but you can call him L," you waved to him awkwardly and he waved to you. He was quite the handsome male. But....
You had to admit, the first time you saw him; you fell in love. You haven't seen him since you were children. Now you were in your Junior year of high school. 

"I think I like him," you vented to your best friend Woohyun. You and Woohyun had been friends ever since the 5th grade. 

"Like who?" He asked.
"My cousin," He looked at you weirdly. 
"Your cousin?"
"My cousin," you said. He took a minute to process the given information. 

"Isn't that a bad thing? You shouldn't be falling in love with your cousin," he said in a stern voice. 
"I know, but, I just, well, it's complicated," you tried to explain. 
"Really, and who is this cousin of yours?" Woohyun asked. You blushed and replied, "Myungsoo." Woohyun's eyes popped out of his eyes. 
"Myungsoo is your cousin?" 

Woohyun shook his head, "are you serious?!" You nodded your head looking at him like 'uh, yeah why?' 

"I think so, I get really nervous when he's around me. Whenever I talk to him, I can feel my cheeks flush." 
 "When did you start feeling this way?" Woohyun asked. 
"It was a while back when we met again," you sighed as you remembered. 
 "Did the feeling just creep up to you or was it like love at first sight?" Woohyun asked. 
"I think the feeling creeped up on me, but I'm sure I felt sparks when I first saw him," Woohyun looked at you weirdly. 
 "Can we stop talking about him?" He asked again. 
 "Because you look really stupid with that grin on your face and your eyes are glazed," he said without a second thought. 
"Do I really look like that?" You asked. Woohyun nodded.

Embarrassed, you guys stopped talking about your cousin Myungsoo, but you were still thinking about him. Soon it was time for you to go back home. Since you had a class the next day, you wanted to wake up early and get yourself ready. 
"I'm home!" You announced. Your cousin Myungsoo came into view.
 "Welcome back," he mumbled. You forgot to tell Woohyun that Myungsoo was living at your house until his family had found a place to settle down. Which just made you even more nervous. 
 You looked at the clock, 7:27 PM. Myungsoo also had a brother, which was the total opposite of him. His name was Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu, Kim Myungsoo, brothers. 

Sunggyu was pretty much a nerd. You weren't excactly fond of him, but you didn't hate him either. You guys were neutral, but when Sunggyu wasn't being a nerd; he was pretty handsome. Like, really handsome. Almost as handsome as Myungsoo, but less handsome than Woohyun. 

Quite frequently, Sunggyu had brought his friend Dongwoo over. The house was always pretty full when you came home. 

"What did you guys have for dinner?" You asked Myungsoo, trying to keep your calm expression.

"We just ate some ramen noodles," he replied. Honestly, anything he said or did looked beautiful. He was perfect in your eyes; he had no flaws. When you thought that, you realized you really did love him a lot. 

You went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of ramen noodles, then went to boil some water. While you waited for the water to boil, you started thinking 'What if Myungsoo wasn't my cousin?'
'What if Myungsoo had liked you too?' 'What if...' Too many thoughts ran threw your head that you hadn't realized that the water had boiled. 

"_________!" Sunggyu yelled to you while waving his hand in your face. You jumped and glared at him, "what?" he didn't say anything and just pointed to the boiling pot. "Oh," you smiled nervously and went to go put water into your noodles. You carefully poured the water into your noodles and got your chopsticks. Sunggyu was still standing there looking at you.

"Did you need something Gyu?" You asked him. He nodded, "Is there something wrong with you _________?" He asked. 
"Why do you ask?" 
 "Well, it's because you've been spacing out lately, and you alway look glazed." Sunggyu had replied. 
"Really? Do I looked like that?" You asked with a worried face. Sunggyu nodded. That's exactly what Woohyun had said. He said that I look glazed. Am I really obsessed with Myungsoo to the point I look glazed? 

You sat down to eat your noodles. Oh, how ramen noodles tasted so good! Sunggyu was staring at you eating your noodles. It only took about 10 minutes and all your noodles were gone. After you were finished eating, you threw your cup and wooden chopsticks away, but Sunggyu was still sitting there. 

"Did you eat?" It took a while for Sunggyu to reply, so you assumed that he didn't eat yet. You got a little irritated that every time you came home, Sunggyu had never eaten anything yet. Maybe, he was probably just waiting for you to come home. Which was nice, but you wanted someone else to do that. 
Sunggyu was a very huge nerd. He was only in his Senior year of high school but he was already taking college classes. Sunggyu was also a homoual. He came out last year, and revealed that he was dating someone. His boyfriend had never come to his house. He would always talk about his boyfriend whenever he came home. He would say that his boyfriend was the most cheesiest person on earth, and today he was so handsome. He smelled really good. (Not that he was smelling him)

Sunggyu really and truly loved his boyfriend. You seriously thought that they should get married already. 
When you fell in love with Myungsoo, you considered talking to Sunggyu about your love problems since he had a boyfriend. Since you guys weren't close, you didn't trust him as much. 

You looked at the time and an hour had already past. I guess I should go to sleep now, you thought. You were going to go wash up, but someone was already in the bathroom. For all you had known it could've been your older brother Sungyeol, but he came out of his room right when you were about to check him. Sunggyu was still downstairs eating dinner, and your parents were away with your aunt and uncle. By using the process of elimination, it has to be Myungsoo. The thought of Myungsoo taking a shower made you blush. 

"You okay _________?" Sungyeol asked. You came back to reality and nodded. 

"I'll be in my room," you replied. You quickly scurried to your room, but, honestly, the thought of Myungsoo taking a shower; it was hot, very hot. The best part is, the bathroom was right next to your room, so you could hear every single thing that was going on in the bathroom. (Not that you were listening) 

After being a creep for 10 minutes, you decided to write in your diary that you kept under your sheets.
 Diary Entry 17
I told Woohyun about my crush on Myungsoo. Hopefully he doesn't tell anyone else. Also! Sunggyu didn't eat again today! I'm worried about him. I know I seem like a bully to him, but lately he hasn't been eating properly. I see him at school too! He doesn't even eat lunch. I don't want to force him since he's been bullied before, but still! 
It seems like my little crush on Myungsoo has become a big crush on Myungsoo. I don't know what to do!? I know it would be totally wrong and weird if I just told him I like him! But then he would probably take it the wrong way. What should I do? 


After you finished writing in your diary, you checked to see if anyone was in the bathroom. 
Nope. None. You carefully put your diary away and announced to the world that you were getting in the shower.


The next day, you woke up early to make breakfast for yourself. Soon, you would have to wake up Myungsoo and Sunggyu, but breakfast comes first. While you were making breakfast, you hadn't realized that you were still in your sleeping clothes, so when someone came into the kitchen they were quite shocked. 

"Um _________?" Sunggyu came to the kitchen. 

"Morning Sunggyu. What are you looking at?" You questioned him. He just pointed to your clothes. You looked down and realized how bad you looked. 

"Oopssss, you know what Sunggyu, can you take over breakfast real quick for me? I gotta go..." You trailed off. Sunggyu just nodded and took over the stove while you changed your clothes. 
A few minutes later, you came out from changing your clothes and went back into the kitchen. When you got in there, you saw everyone. Myungsoo had woken up and decided to sleep on the table. It didn't really matter if he had bed-hair or anything; he just looked really good when he was sleeping. If you could make a list about everything that's good about him, it would be long because his flaws are beautiful too. Like the way he stumbles over his words when he's nervous, or the the way he his lips when he knows they're dry. It didn't matter if he had chapped lips because you loved him the way he was. You had almost cried when you had thought that. You almost cried because you know that he'll find someone good, he'll have a big family, and that his kids will be best friends with your own.

You knew a love with him would never work out. You put on a smile and sat down at the table. 

"Good Morning Myungsoo. How was your sleep?" You asked. 
 "Good, I guess," he replied. You nodded and waited for Sunggyu to be done with breakfast. 


So, how's it going? Good? Good. Okay, well first of all, sorry for not updating any of my stories. I know I should probably be working on the other ones, but I just had to get this out. 

Anyway, I hoped you liked the first chapter. Stay tuned! 

Collaboration with: TheLastManStanding, and UaenaBoiceForever <3



...You know what? Just call me D. 


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 1: interesting.....update soon
Yehet_143 #2
Chapter 1: It's so interesting and good so far