no no no no NO!!! (Part 2)

I Think I LOVE You............

Chorong POV

Well....Today like any other day , I got ready and kissed both my parents on the cheek before leaving the house but, something was very  wrong...I locked the front door and turned around to walk down my front steps but i may have caught the gaze of a certain testosterone filled idiot who was grinning at me. He jumped off his porch with one hand like it was nothing and strolled from one lawn to the other , easily climb up my porch...Something was fishy...what was up with the creepy smile...I wasnt interessted in the small talk that was inevitable, so i got straight to the chase

"What the hell did you do.."

"Well good morning to you too neighboor.." I just rolled my eyes ,I dont have time for this crap this early in the morning....the coffe machine wasnt working. "Look Jungkook i dont have time for you right now so go creeping me out with your ugly face..."

" me being happy disturbing you?..."


"really?" his face suddenly changed to a more hurt expression...too bad for him.


"good...two  birds with one stone...." then his grin reapeared like it never left ..."Dont worry is a good day, that pretty little frown will be turned up side down " He then stuck his fingers in my face making a smile with my mouth...I brushed his hand away

"get ur dirty hands away from my face ...God knows where those have been..."

"yeah...i had to pick up dog sh*t with my bear hands and give my uncle a foot massage....then i came to see you ..."

"that's that case go away and go take a shower....i pinch my nose" ur starting to stink "

"haha...very funny.."he said dryly as i rolled my eyes and started walking down the setps of my porch....I didnt hear him following me so I turned around to catch hime red handed, smelling himself ...his armpits (i hate that word ..its just so weird....armpits, armpits....yeah still weird) 

"Does it smell good?" i mocked him but only, after asking did i realise how bizarre that question was..His face was priceless though, I think i could make out a faint shae of pink on his cheecks. His lips suddenly formed a devious grin..

"Oh yes....Would you care to have a whiff?" he slowly started coming down the steps with his arm lifting up...My eyes widened as i shook my head...

"Jungkook......" I started backing away down my pathway to the sidewalk.....he kept advancing towards me

"oh c'mon showgirl ,I know you want to..."

"don't you dare ..."

" i know u want to smell....its ok , you dont need to be embarrassed.."

"You have some sever issues..." He started gettiing closer to me a bit faster and then i realised I was on the sidewalk.....Ok Chorong, you have two options...sprint or kick him where it hurts.....or do both ...I smirked and kicked him in the shin since i didnt actually want to go anywhere near that area and then I sprinted off..

"AAOOWW!! You little b-"

"Happy thaoughts Jungkook, Happy thoughts!" i turned around to see him holding his nee for deer life and glaring at me.

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"Alright, class dismissed" Mr Shang dismissed us with that please-go-far-far-away face expression. I grabbed my books and walked out of the class when emmediately some random 12th grade jock came running my way

"Chorong! CHORONG!!!!" he yelled and I turned was Hoon. He came to an abrupt stop and was about to start talking but bent down grabbing his nees because he was out of breath. He put his index finger up to say give me a minute and I couldnt help but laugh "no offence Hoon but its lunch break ,what could you possibly want right at this particular moment?.."

"You...." he took a deep breath "you... "he let out another one " you need to ..." and another " god dammit chorong just go outside.." he pointed to the main entrance . i saw where he was pointing at and I looked back at him... i was curious but ,again something seemed slightly off....JUNGKOOK.....the realisation made me freeze but i was awoken out of my daze by the sound of snapping in my face..

"chorong?.....hello~ earth to Chorong...are you going to go or not...?"

"oh umm yeah ...." I start walking towards the exit but quickly turn around to find him grinning like an idiot .I try to sound as casual as huanly possible "Hoon, my main"

"cut to the chase..."

"yeah..."...I knew I wasnt going any where with that.." does whatever I'm about to witness have do with anything at all?"

"I think the faster you get outside'll find out.." he gave me a cheeky smile ...I heard he's a nice guy...

"gottcha..thanks..." i give him a short smile and go to the entrance. Once I get to the glass door, I see thenn Entire student body standing outside in a huge crowd around a certain area and I cann se Jungkook holding an intercom and his friends surrounding him in the far front of the crowd ,facing them...."What the hell is going on?..." I push open the doors and suddenly his eyes and all the eyes of the student body are turned towards me.....gulp..just breath Chorong.....I take it step by step and then suddenly I hear Jungkook speak through the intercom

" AND HERE SHE IS FOKS " I heard some guys hooting and the girls ggiving me sympathetic glances and other jealous glares ..what the frick is their problem...Jungkook...what have you done now....

I attempt to push my way through the crowd but they all gladly mve to the side to let me pass...why...I have my eyes foused on one thing....a smirking Jungkook with his arms crossed. i stomp over to him "what is the meaning of this.." I look around us and see every one still staring. Then I turn my gaze back towards the culprit "what did you do...."

He simply smirks and shruggs. My eyes for some reason look up and my jaw dropps....."OH MY no no no NO!!" Right in front of me, is diplayed ,my black laced bra and underwear blowing in the wind at the top of the flag pole......I cant believe this is happening to me....he turns around and stands beside me. He takes a satisfied sigh and shoves his hands in his pockets..." Pretty sick isnt it?" i'm frozen, there are no words to describe my fury towards this bastard.... he nudges my shoulder with his

"Ohh come on showgirl it's pretty funny...dont be such a kill-joy.." this is beeyond embarrassing, I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes.. i look at him and hes looking up admiring my bra and underwear " 34C is a nice cup size..."....Then he looks at me

"You're a reall a**hole ! you know that! " a tear strolls down my cheek and suddenly his smile falters a bit ...." What the hell did I do to you that was so bad you dipsh*it!"

"relax it's just a stupid joke and you deserve it for kicking me..." He is so infuriating....I cant think straight with all the talking in the crowd *SMACK!!!!* suddenly theres a deffining silence in the crowd and Jungkook is staring at me with a shocked expresion that slowly turns into anger and regret but I'mm way to pissed to give a sh*t right now....then the realisation comes crashing down on me.....HOLY CRAAP !!I JUST SLAPPED JUNGKOOK  IN THE FACE......serves him right....we stand in an awkward silence until

"What the is going on here...." I hear Kai in the background but I'm a little busy if he can see...Jungkook goes to say something but I run shoving Kai back and I just run home .Screw my school books..hell...I dont even remember where they are..I probably dropped them..."I hear kai and his friends call after me i'm too embarrassed to turn around...


Jungkook POV


I feel a burning sensation in my left cheek and I know that its red....Im such an idiot. I watched her running figure run down the street and i seddenly feel the guilt rise up and i want it to go back down....I dont even know why the hell that feeling is there....She obviously brought this upon herself.....she lost the bet and didnt want to pay up..then she told me i smell bad which i DO NOT and then kicked me ....I let the comment slip but no one kicks me and gets away with it ....No i didnt go too far.....did I?.......whatever

" HEY! WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLAM BRO !!??" great ..the kast person I want to talk to right now...I gladly ignore him and give Jimin the signal to lower down the flg to retreive her belongings....

"I'M TALKING TO YOU MAN!.." he shouts again and i try to walk away but he grabs my shoulder. OH HELL NO!!......I quickly turn around, brush off his hand and punch him square in the face... " Dont in put ur hands on me...and I'm not your bro or your it?." I sent him a death glare no one dared interfear but, his friends went by his side and hepled him up. His lip was split and his nose was dripping with blood. I loossened up my tie and walked away, followed by Jimin and Hoseok

"This isnt over PUNK!" i eard him sneer at me after he spat the blood out of him mouth. Still walking, I turned around and smirked "Punk...oh com on you could use bigger wourds then sister has a better vocabulary than you..shes four...that says a lot.." some guys laugh and some girls look at me in aww. I just wink an they basically fall on the floor....pathetic.

I see his friend with the Yoda ears ( chanyeol's ears are adorable so dont kill me) hold him back and the other one who has the same face expression for everything and that looks constipated (sehun....n offence i luv sehun). He looked pissed but that just amused  me...

But let's get back to more important things....What the hell am I going to do about Chorong being pissed at me.....




WEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL!!!????? what do you guys think plssss comment and subscribe..sorry if their are any mistakes i'm really trying but this isnt edited.... anyways ill try posting another chapter by the end of the week since i'm on march break. :):):):):)


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Chapter 8: I'm seriously enjoying this :D
Chapter 7: Understood, don't work your brain too hard. It's a Good story by the way!
S_Eternity #3
sry for the spelling mistakes im really busy with school and don't always get to correct everything and when I do sometimes my eyes skip it. thank you and enjoy the story pls subscribe and comment