A New Family

All the World's A Stage

The circus is small, much smaller than Sehun expected actually. But it was beautiful, very beautiful in fact. The exterior was simple but the interior was a whole new world. The decoraton was exquisite, and probably very expensive, with hanging chandeliers and gold streamers running across the entire circumference of the ceiling. The stage is a round, elevated platform that is made out of the purest crystals and the spectator stand that surrounds the stage is filled with cushioned seats covered in red velvet. Sehun was nothing short of being absolutely impressed. And this is nothing compared to the top-grade circus equipment that is hanging off the ceiling or standing by the side of the stage. Years of being in the Seoul Academy of Circus Acts, or more popularly known as SACA, had taught Sehun how to distinguish between the various grades of circus equipment and all the equipment here is definitely top-grade. Sehun heaves a small sigh of relief, good equipment is definitely a plus point for safety. He is also immensely glad that Jongin is here with him. He cannot imagine being alone in EXO, especially since he only got in because he was scared stiff. He is not sure if he can replicate that stiffness even if he tried. 

The first person to greet them is Joonmyeon, the young supervisor of EXO. 

"Hi, I am Kim Joonmyeon. Feel free to call me Joonmyeon. I am probably not that much older than you." He then smiles and offers his hand out. Jongin took it first, smiling back brightly, as expected of the top student of the graduating year. Sehun took it cautiously but was pleasantly surprised by the warm and firm handshake. 

"Do Kyungsoo. Joonmyeon's secretary." The scary-looking guy beside Joonmyeon mumbles under his breath. No smile, no handshake. Sehun is slightly intimidated. But Jongin just laughs and offers his hand. Scary-looking guy swats his hand away instead. If Sehun was not this afraid, he would have laughed at the incredulous look on his friend's face. Looks like there is still someone who cannot be bothered with the superstar status of Jongin. Sehun might just grow to like this tiny spawn of Satan after all. 

Sehun sees the rest of the circus at dinner time after putting away his belongings in the room he shares with Jongin. 

There is Minseok and Luhan, the two oldest members (even older than Joonmyeon though they totally do not look their age). Minseok was also from SACA but Sehun does not recognise him, probably because Minseok was too low-profile and does contortion which belongs to a different department in the Academy. Luhan, on the other hand, is from Beijing and does juggling. Sehun thinks that he is a little too pretty to be a clown though. 

Sehun immediately recognises Yixing. Though he is from Beijing and not Seoul, no one who does circus would not know who Yixing is. The best flying trapeze artist in the world, with no one even close to being on par. Sehun has once seen a performance of his when he was in Seoul and has been admiring him since then. Sehun is definitely more than a little honoured to be in the same circus as him, especially since he knows Yixing could be anywhere he wanted to be, much like Jongin. 

Sehun is a little less excited when it came to the Beagle Trio, as he has conveniently nicknamed Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol. They were notorious as the troublemaking trio ever since their days at the Academy and even though Sehun is two years their junior, there is no chance that he would not have heard of them. Baekhyun does magic tricks, and even though Sehun has to admit that Baekhyun is pretty good at it, there is no way that he can be impressed by a magician. Magic tricks are just not comparable to the rest of the circus stunts, it is pure trickery. Jongdae does the trampoline, which Sehun approves of, and belonged to the same department as Sehun. Sehun has seen Jongdae on the trampoline a few times and he is absolutely certain that Jongdae got into EXO by a of luck just as he did because Jongdae has to be the clumsiest trampolinist Sehun has ever seen. He falls more often than he does not, but somehow he has never gotten injuries worse than a few nasty-looking bruises. Must be a real lucky one. The last beagle, Chanyeol, plays with fire and that just makes him a dangerous person in Sehun's eyes. Sehun is not in the least bit fond of fire. 

The last person Sehun is introduced to is Zitao, also known as T-A-O Tao (he has emphasised each letter like Sehun was a kid learning his alphabets for the first time). Zitao simply states that he performs with weapons but the smirk does not escape Sehun's eyes. He knows that Zitao does the Wheel of Death, because every circus these days has to have the Wheel of Death - it is what people pay to see. Sehun hates the Wheel of Death, it is the only circus performance that endangers others more than yourself. To Sehun, only an incredibly selfish person can agree to perform the Wheel of Death. 

"Jongin, Sehun, we are all so glad to have you join us and from now on, we are your new family. We will always have each others' backs and share joy and pain together. Cheers to our new family!" Jonnmyeon smiles widely as he proposes a toast, shaking Sehun out of his thoughts on Zitao. 

Everyone stands and toasts, and while Sehun is still a little intimidated by the perpetual scowl that the tiny spawn of Satan has on his face and a little apprehensive about some members of the circus, he feels a surge of warmth as his glass touches the other glasses and the sparkling champagne makes its way down his throat.

Family. Yes, that sounds really nice. 


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Maya04 #1
Chapter 4: Don't deny it Sehun it's Tao
XiumInYourFace #2
Very cute! Looking forward to reading about everybody :-) Love pouty Tao <3
FairyLove5 #3
Chapter 2: Nice story. I hope you'll update soon! :)
1fanfic #4
Chapter 2: Yes, interesting setting! :)
Chapter 2: very interesting
I like it ♡ wanna read more