That's what you're worried about?

Drifting away...[One Shot] Woohyun

“Can you stop being so laid back!” I scolded. Still that didn’t do anything other than make him laugh.


“You need to stop being up tight,” He told me. Yet again I rolled my eyes at him. I didn’t see how he could always be so laid back and chilled. I mean didn’t he have things to worry about? I assumed everyone did. Yet, here he was. He always wore a confident smile and never seemed to be stressed about anything. It annoyed me because almost everything seemed to stress me out.


“I just don’t understand you. I mean you’re so successful and you make it seem like it’s the easiest thing in the world.” I muttered. He merely hugged my shoulders and shot me a smile.


“Just relax, that is all it takes,” He told me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my college application. It was insane all the things you had to do to get in to a university.


“Woohyunnie… if you are so relaxed how about you do these applications for me?” I suggested. He laughed at me.


“Yah just because I am laid back does not mean that I want to do extra work. That’s not part of my job description,” He joked. I rolled my eyes and went back to the computer screen that was still in the same place where I had left it.


“I don’t want to fill out my profile. What do they care? It’s not like they are going to be like oh she’s 5 feet tall nope she’s not getting in to college,” I muttered. Of course I was exaggerating, but I think I made my point. Woohyun merely smiled at me. Woohyun had been my friend even before he became a trainee for Woolim. He had always been this greasy, kind, funny, dorky friend of mine. We were seatmates in middle school. From that time forward we remained friends.


I won’t lie and tell you I didn’t gain feelings for him, but I never acted on them. He never showed me any signs of being interested in me. So, I didn’t exactly give up but I just decided to leave things as they were.


“Do you want to go get some ice cream?” He wondered. I shook my head.


“Thanks but no thanks, I have to finish the essay,” I told him, facing the screen typing away. He grabbed my hands and twirled my chair so I was facing him.


“Nope you’re going to get ice cream with me because you love me,” He commanded. I sighed and stood up from my chair, shoving him slightly.


“Have I ever told you how much I hate you?” I muttered. He shook his head at me and slung an arm around my shoulder.


“Nope you haven’t. I know you love me don’t deny it,” He said pulling me out of my room.


[At the Parlor]


I sat staring at the cup of ice cream I had, my worries were else where. I couldn’t focus on the fact that Woohyun was staring at me or that my ice cream was melting. No, I was thinking about college and what kind of life I would live after high school was going to be over.


“Here you go cutie, it’s on the house,” a sultry waitress came giving Woohyun a milkshake with her number on the napkin. I took one glance and turned to look at the people walking on the street. Normally I would throw some kind of jealous comment at him, but today I didn’t feel like worrying about my standing with Woohyun.


For all I knew after this we wouldn’t even be friends anymore. He would go and become an idol and I would slowly become engrossed with college. We won’t see each other much and he’ll be surrounded by beautiful women.


“Yah Eunji what’s wrong?” Woohyun asked. I looked down at my ice cream and shook my head.


“Nothing, just thinking about some things,” I replied to him. He looked at me curiously.


“You don’t want to talk about it?” He wondered. I sighed, feeling a knot in my throat just thinking about telling him. I shook my head.


“Nah I’d rather keep it to myself.” I told him. He pouted.


“You love me right?... so just tell me.” He insisted. I chuckled and stirred my partly melted ice cream.


“Want some?” I asked, holding a spoonful of ice cream. He quickly placed the spoon in his mouth while looking at me seductively. I, still holding the spoon, started pulling the spoon away from him, but he bit the spoon fiercely. “Woohyun quit being so greasy,” I scolded him. He laughed and I took the spoon out of his mouth. With out thinking too much about it I went in for a spoonful of my ice cream.


“Muhaha Eunji you kissed me,” Woohyun pointed at the spoon in my mouth. I blushed slightly and rolled my eyes at him.


“Yah it’s not a real kiss. It’s just sharing utensils. I’ve done it with many people before,” I told him. He smirked widely.


“Oh so it’s a real kiss that you want!” he exclaimed. I shook my head and quickly covered my mouth. He laughed and ruffled my hair.


“Ah Eunji it’s just too fun messing with you,” He said. I pouted and hit his arm lightly. Secretly, I was laughing with him. Then I looked down at my ice cream wondering again.


We might not ever be like this again.


I stirred my ice cream melting it even further.


“Seriously Eunji, what’s wrong?” He asked, his eyes fixated on me. I sighed and tried to avoid his gaze.


“Do you think after school is over that we’ll ever be like this again?” I asked, still not looking at him. His expression softened and he placed his hand over mine.


“Is that what you’re worried about? If we are still going to be friends after high school?” He asked. I nodded. Then he leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful expression.


“Well we’re not,” He told me. I felt like he shot me in the heart. Did our friendship really mean that little to him.


“We aren’t?” I asked quietly looking over at him. Then he grabbed my hands and held them between his.


“Nope, because I want you to be my girlfriend,” he told me. My eyes widened and my heart was racing.


“But being your girlfriend doesn’t mean we won’t drift apart. You’ll be a trainee and I’ll be studying. We won’t ever see each other.” I told him. He shook his head.


“I’ve admired you for such a long time. I’ve watched you study hard and I’ve seen you be clumsy. I’ve spent so much time with you I don’t think I can go on with out knowing you’ll be here for me. So what if we won’t get to see each other all the time? At least we’ll get to cherish the times we have with each other, and we can find creative ways to get together. Most importantly…” He stated, leaning over the table and pressing his lips against mine. “I want to kiss you every time I see you.” He told me. I pulled my hands away and glared at him.


“You’re still greasy… but I’m willing to try,” I told him. He smirked at me.


“Please… don’t act like you don’t like me, I felt you kissing me back,” He commented.


“YAH!” I exclaimed, punching his arm lightly.


“Ah… jagiya you hit so hard! Kiss it and make it better?” He asked, puckering his lips at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up to walk away. Woohyun merely chuckled and ran after me wrapping his arms around my waist to stop me from leaving. “Alright alright… I’m sorry for being so greasy… but you love me right?” He asked. I nodded.


“Yeah… unfortunately.” I muttered, smiling at him. He kissed my cheek and we walked out of the restaurant. “Woohyun,” I called once we were out side.


“Hm.” He answered.


“Let me go… people are staring,” I told him. He shook his head.


“Nope you’re mine I’m not letting you go,” He insisted. I shrugged knowing I couldn’t convince him to let me go.


“I totally forgot I have to go write my essay!” I exclaimed remembering, trying to get out of his grasp to run home.


“I’ll let you go under one condition,” He insisted. I looked at him curiously.


“And what is that?” I asked. He puckered his lips. I sighed and went up on my tippy toes to kiss him. Then he let me go and I took off running. Woohyun sighed and smiled.


“Ahh… I love her,” he said as I ran away.


I smiled as I ran… staring off in to the distance. I didn’t have to worry about drifting away from Woohyun because he wanted to be with me too.


Aish… I love that guy

So it was corny but i had this partly written and i figured i'd finish it ^^; i hope someone out there enjoyed it? maybe? anyways til next time ^^ pyong!~

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Ahh… I love woohyun :"> cute ff , :)
Matocian #2
Aw, that was a cute oneshot :3
DumbBunny #3
OMGGGGGG!!!!this is so SWEEEET~
WAAAAAAA NAMUUUUU!!!! THIS IS SWEET T_______T I adore this kkkk.
bubleshii #5
It was so fluffy and cute~<br />
Love that pic of Namstar<3
thx 4 writing! XD