My crying girl

My kawaii girl

Something was odd… strange, weird. As if something was missing.

I looked around. The other students seemed to be immersed in whatever the teacher was saying, but not me. For some reason, something, maybe someone? was missing…

Ah! That annoying little girl! ChaeJi! Where the heck is she? Wasn’t she suppose to be here annoying the out of me?

God… what am I even thinking… I’m probably going crazy… because of her, definitely.

For the past two months, she has been sitting by my side. IN. EVERY. SINGLE. CLASS.

Always asking things that are none of her business. Pocking me. Writing small notes on her book for me to read. Or just casually staring at me and whenever I sent her a death glare, she would smile at me.

She was always smiling. It made her even more annoying. That someone could smile so much and be so happy in such a place like our school was.

We, me and her, were surrounded by idiots.

Though she was annoying, irritating, boring and childish, I never considered her to be a dumb idiot like 99% of our school mates. She was, in fact, very smart.

She would always carry a book with her to read when we had free time between classes. And those books were high literature, not like those stupid teenager diaries the other girls usually read.

Sometimes it was fashion or photography books that she took from the school’s library.

While most of the time she got on my nerves, she knew when to shut up and be concentrated on classes. She had that thirst for knowledge I haven’t seen in anyone for a long time. Especially in History, I almost could see her eyes shining whenever the teacher mentioned famous artists from the Renaissance or Impressionists.

Her constant bothering me became a routine, and I was already used to it. I was used to have her greet me as soon as I stepped inside school. I was used to her sitting for lunch with us uninvited; well, at least not by me. Kyung and P.O. insisted to invite her and she would accept sometimes, and others she would excuse herself to have lunch with her friends. But she would always flash me a smile.

And I don’t think I ever smiled to her.

It was the first class of the day and she wasn’t here, and it was odd. She was sick once with a high fever and still came to school.

Besides, I’ve seen her already today. She was by her locker and greeted me cheerfully as usual.

What happened that made her miss class?

The school bell rang and I took my cell phone, leaving the rest of my things inside the classroom. We had twenty minutes break before the next class, which was in the same room.

I went to the school’s rooftop, a place where students weren’t supposed to go. I used it as an escape, a place where I could be alone and think between classes.

Before twisting the door’s knob that led to my small paradise, I understood that I wasn’t alone. I heard muffled crying and sobbing. God no, not another girl crying over a boy’s rejection. Please.

I sighed deeply. I was a curious by nature so I still wanted to know who was there, stealing my private refugee.

And then I saw her, between the profusion of lace, pink and glitter, there she was, my number one enemy (well, not so much anymore), hugging her knees, her face hidden, in a crying mess.

I was startled and didn’t know what to do. I had no reaction and just stood there, watching her. I was expecting some foolish heartbroken girl to be there, but instead, it was her. What could have happened? Was she heartbroken as well? I would never admit it in front of anyone, but I was worried.

She hadn’t noticed my presence until she brought her face up to wipe her tears away. Then she looked at me and horror flashed her face.

- “GO AWAY!” - she yelled, to my surprise - “I can’t let you see me like this…”

She kept on messily wiping her tears. Instead of doing as she told me, I approached her slowly. I really didn’t know what to do, I’ve never been good at comforting people. But at the same time, even though she had been annoying me for the past two months, I felt like I couldn’t just leave her there.

I sat by her side, my back on the wall, my arms stretched on top of my bended knees. She kept hiding her face but I still could hear her sobs.

- “Ya know, you’re even more annoying if you keep crying like that”

Idiot, I thought to myself.

To my surprise, she laughed. Relief rushed throw me. At least she kept her weird sense of humor that made her laugh at everything I said.

She turned her face to me and a small, sad smile emerged through her tear stained face. I smiled back.

- “Shouldn’t you be in class?” - she asked, trying to sound normal but her voice slightly breaking.

- “We’re in break now” - I replied - “But at least I went to the morning class”

I was waiting for an explanation or excuse but she just kept silent. I don’t even know why I’m worrying so much.

- “Come on, what happened?”

- “What?”

- “Don’t ‘what’ me. Don’t tell me you missed a class and you’re here crying for nothing”

- “I’m on that time of the month”

- “If that was it, you would just stay at home. Something happened in school and I want to know what it was”

- “Why do you even care? I thought I was annoying you all this time”

- “And you are, but you annoy me even more when you cry. So just spill it”

She sighed loudly and threw her head back, to rest on the wall. I observed her as she prepared herself to tell me what had happened.

- “It’s just… Well, I’m used to have people laugh at me and mock me because, you know, the way I dress and stuff…I try to be strong but sometimes, it’s just too much. Behind all the make-up and clothes, there’s a person here…”

Her words touched me. I followed the trace of a tear that was falling down her cheek and she wiped it before it could reach .

People could be so cruel sometimes. I know I kind of mocked her before, but I never said anything and never made her feel uncomfortable because of the way she dressed. Hell, it’s her body, why do people care so much?!

- “Are you seriously crying because of a bunch of idiots? You know how people in this school are”

- “It’s easier said than done” - she said with a sad smile.

- “Look, Imma tell you something I never told anyone.”

She turned her attention to me, with a curious look.

- “It was the first time I was going to rap live at a underground club. I was heck nervous, but I had my lines prepared over and over, nothing could go wrong and I was confident about myself. Guess what? I rapped two lines and the mic went off. I kept performing but it only worked again when I was finishing. I was so frustrated over it that I went home that night and cried like an idiot for hours. But, the next day, when I woke up, I felt so dumb because, truth be told, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Things like those happen all the time and I would have plenty of other opportunities in the future.”

- “It gets better…” - she said softly.

- “Exactly. I bet tomorrow you’ll feel dumb and you won’t even be able to face me”

- “Much to your pleasure” - she said with a smirk.

I smiled too. It was probably about time we went to the next class. It didn’t look like she had been crying anymore, so I stood up and waited for her to follow me. She stood up as well and smiled, this time a genuine one.

- “I… I kind of find it cute… your clothes…”


She widened her eyes in shock, before looking down. I played with my fingers nervously. Jesus, why did I have to say that? And to her? And… was it true? Or I just said it out of sympathy?

- “You shouldn’t say those things” - she said smiling - “And thanks for everything”

- “No prob”

We walked together to class, side by side. It was a weird feeling, especially because what I said to her and her reply kept playing in my head.

“You shouldn’t say those things”


I opened the door of the classroom for her. The teacher was ready to start class, so ChaeJi apologized that we were late. WE. She purposely said “we” and looked at the girls from our class with a smirk.

I saw their shocked faces as they realized we had been together.

We sat on our table as the teacher began the class, and the girls glared at her. I smirked and took a piece of paper to write a note to ChaeJi.

“It was those es, right?”


“Imma break their necks”

She hid her face behind her hand to muffle the laugh that threatened to come out.

That moment I realized that I enjoyed making her laugh.


Girls, it gets better. Never forget that ♡


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ZicoRuthy10 #1
Chapter 4: Wow ...... They're so ing cute .. Well done ^^
Chapter 3: Omaigosh.....
Im a huge fan of zico, and i actually think it would be better if the girl is just a normal one, wearing normal clothes to school
But still., this was great!!
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwwww! Totally love it! Kiss, kiss fall in love! <3
Chapter 2: Aaawh zico kkk. Btw i really like this story, i know what it will give people more confident thanks to you :)
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Awww, Zico... <3 He's such a sweet guy <3
And yes, it's always get better :D
Chapter 2: Sooooo cute, i think i'm falling in love with this zico *-*
Maki_SmileBack #7
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter! ChaeJi seems to be a really sweet girl and the "queen attitude" can't seem to last too long with her cute personality ^^
Chapter 1: So I'm waiting for next :D
Sounds interesting, I'll give it a try!