
Sidus Praesidium


         As Alteria stirs awake, she shuffles out through the dark kitchen, the soft illumination of the morning haze pours in through the window. Her warm feet drag across the cold apartment floor towards the culprit of the gentle light.
She looks out the picturesque window at the barren streets, their rough shiny surface soaked in rain. The city lights are barely visible through the charcoal skies. She looks down at the few people walking the blurry grey streets, their heads covered by their protective plastic umbrellas. The streets are coated with silky streams of bluish-green water that run like tiny rivers across the dark pavement, that to Alteria, resemble veins of emerald cutting through rubble. On the skyline, blinking city lights are barely visible through the blanket of rain. Even though the morning haze is gloomy, she has always cherished rainy days. Rainy days meant curling up in bed with her favorite romantic novel, listening to lovely piano solos and acoustic music, while sipping on steaming hot coffee or tea and watching beautiful water drops slide down the glass. Those are the days she lives for, the perfect days to her. If today wasn't such a special day, she would stay at home curled up in her warm bed that only beckons to stay comforted with, and doing all things associated with her typical rainy day.
 But today was the day that would change her whole life, saving her from her current depressed destruction, and she didn't even know it yet. Instead, she stood nervously drinking her brown morning cappuccino, with hands slightly shaking, and peering at the clock every two seconds.
   Her best friend, Nanomi, had worked extremely hard to break through her newly constructed tough concrete layers and secure her a job at her company. She had convinced Alteria with some debate, to relinquish all stress onto her, and to allow her to do all the work of getting her the very first job she would have in this new world. Not just because she is Alteria's closest friend, but because Nanomi knew that if she didn't do anything, she would have to watch her best friend continue on her downwards spiral. Nanomi knew, after-all, that she had just lost her parents. So Nanomi begged non-stop.
 "Aww come on! It would be, like, totally so amazing if we could work at the same place! I can help you get used to your new home. After work we can walk around the city and I can introduce you to all of the amazing Korean traditional foods! I know this great place that serves fantastic hotteok! You'll love it. You have always had a sweet tooth. Come on! Let me get you the job. They just fired the last guy because his past caught up with him. The position won't be open for long. People are lining up in droves to grab it."
Alteria had refused for the first few days, but living with Nanomi didn't help. She is known to keep attacking until she gets exactly what she wants. The fact that the last guy with the position got fired for his past didn't make the career all that enticing, especially given her past, but reluctantly she agreed anyways. After-all, she couldn't lay in bed forever. Besides, millions of other people would die for the position.
 Standing at the window, Alteria looks back at a reflection of someone she no longer recognizes. The person staring back at her looks thinner, way thinner. The stranger's ash-blonde hair no longer as short as before, but now reaches her mid-back. Her face, months free of makeup, looks aged and sad from months of rejection. Alteria no longer sees the young out-going girl she once was, but an introverted young adult instead. Suddenly, she recalls boxes upon boxes are loaded for shipment back in America. It still amazes her that here whole life had fit into a few cardboard boxes. Her sister, Jessica, had helped her pack everything, whining in the meantime about how lonely she was going to be all by herself in her now half empty apartment. At the thought of her only surviving family member, Alteria's stomach churns. She feels so guilty for putting her own life in front of her, and also for leaving everyone at her old job. Being a photographer was what she thought she had always wanted. Since fifth grade she yearned for the days she could travel the world with just her vintage camera and leather backpack.
    Upon graduating high-school, a professional photography studio asked her to join them. They had been impressed at her young skills, and after reviewing some photos, they grabbed her with no intention of letting go. She immediately snatched the once-in-a-lifetime position and began doing weddings and street photography for the studio blog. After three years of working there, and two promotions, the people at the studio were more than colleagues. They had been family.
  For the first week after Alteria's arrival, she walked around Seoul and took pictures of everything that inspired her. Hundreds of beautiful photos found their spot on her flash-drive. But there was one photo in particular that she had taken that week, that could possibly be the single best photo of her career. It is a photo of a boy. Perhaps the age of twenty or a little more. He is quite attractive for his age. His dark coffee colored hair covers his eyes as he sits, alone, at a comfortable little cafe. His right hand carefully brushes the side of a steaming white coffee mug, while his left is placed on his lap. His crossed legs make him seem like the perfect chic gentleman.

   Even though she had taken millions of street photos like this, for some reason this one connects with her on a deeper level. Although the boy's eyes were hidden behind his shiny hair, she somehow instinctively knew they hid a stronger meaning than his outside appearance projected. He felt familiar to her, but in a completely different way than a family member or old friend would. His presence had been comforting. His expression was mostly hidden, but she knew, just knew, he was sad. His body language and strong structure was conditioned to exude confidence, but his head and hands spoke vulnerability. He had looked like the kind of man who had gone through war. Not war with a nation, no. War with himself. Like for many years something had been attacking or possessing him. Like he had the urge to do something, but he only had enough control to ref-reign from actually doing it. And it was eating at him from inside out, desperately attempting to break free from it's shackles.
   She had snatched the picture so quickly, that she wasn't sure if she had actually gotten it. The boy slightly turned his head at the click of the shutter, but not enough for her to know if he had had understood the sound, or if something else had caught his attention. But none-the-less, she found herself instantly frightened, as scared as a cat after a loud noise. Scared that he might not like his picture being taken, like most people on the streets,so she turned and ran away. She ran a quick couple of blocks, before stopping out-of-breath and checking the camera. She had gotten the picture. Relieved, she went home and uploaded all of the days photos to her laptop. She opened the specific photo, then closed it, only to find herself drawn back to her computer screen staring at it. It was a masterpiece. Just looking at the photo, she had the urge to rummage through the whole city, or even the whole country, to find that boy. But he was gone. She knew he would be impossible to find.

 Among the few items ALteria was allowed to keep from her last life, witness protection services allowed her to keep a small black flashdrive containing all photos she had ever taken. They were only viewable by the most privleged individuals. Not even Nanomi was allowed to look at them. And now, the photo of the young boy found it's spot in the sea of files.
   Before she could continue thinking, her cell-phone rings. It's light shines bright as she notices who the call is from. Her boss. She remembers Nanomi telling her about his scary ways. Since she was the one who helped her score such an awesome job, she thought it would be a good idea to heed her warnings. She had once told her about how this one time he fired an employee just because they had worn the wrong colors in front of the managing committee. "What do you think you are at? A night club?" He had said. She quickly answers the call and puts forth her most professional voice.
  "Yes, Boss?" She says as she glances at the clock. She doesn't have to be at work for another hour, and lives within walking distance, so why is he calling?
   "Four of the members would like coffee from Drop Top. And don't be late to work, or you will be fired." His stern voice reinforcing that what he is saying is true. She imagines him sitting in some big office, swiveling on a throne-like chair, placed prestigiously in front of a huge desk fitted with the appropriate name plaque. Feeling nervous, she starts to habitually bite her lip as if to ref-reign from saying anything wrong.
   "Yes, sir. See you soon." The phone call promptly ends and Alteria immediately races for her apartment door, sliding across the clean,cold, hard-wood floors. "Why did they wait so freaking long to ask for coffee?" She mutters to herself. She has always hated people who expect things to be accomplished instantly. But really, who can get mad at them? She smiles and grabs her shiny black work purse, and jumps into her favorite lucky heels. These heels have been through everything, she thinks. She remembers the day she had first gotten them.

  It was October in America. She had just started dating for the first time two months prior. At the tender age of 17, most people had already dated before. In reality, she had dated before, but that was in third grade, And really, a playground romance shouldn't be counted unless splitting a PB&J is considered romantic. But then for that first time, she decided to try it out. He was tall and muscular, but not the type of muscular a body-builder would be. He was a starter on her high-school soccer team. The mighty fighting Spartans. She still finds it hard to believe, even to this day, that of all people in her huge school he had chosen to date her. He was that guy that all the girls gawked at when he walked down the hallway. He looked as if he had walked right off the cat-walk, and unfittingly into her hormone-filled school.
Normally he was very quiet, and only spoke when he needed to, but the moment he stepped on that field, he transformed into a whole different person. His dark auburn hair almost seemed darker, his frame larger, and to her, he was ier. He had gotten many scholarship offers from big universities in America, but she never got the chance to witness his final selection.
   That breezy October day, she was waiting like always at the soccer field for his practice to end. The tall trees surrounding the field were vibrant colors. Oranges, yellows, browns, and hundreds of other fall shades painted a surreal picture against the cloudless blue sky. It had been one of those beautiful days where the moon was visible in the evening sky, before the sun even got close to setting. She played with her soft navy scarf and scrapped at the emerald grass with her shoes. "Hey Darling!" He shouted at her while running off the field. She looked up and watched him draw closer. His auburn-brown hair swept across his flawless skin, and although the ends were sweaty, he still could be in a Pantene commercial. He smiled brightly and she recalls how she had gotten butterflies every time he smiled that infamous smile. He picked her up and swung her around playfully like he normally did. She always found herself suprised at his crazy strength.
 Giggling, she covered out of habit like she did when she was nervous. He stopped her hand and his smile fell with it. "I told you not to cover that beautiful smile. Didn't I?" She nodded and looked down. She really hated doing anything to make him upset. She had been so lucky to score someone like him. He playfully kissed her on the cheek and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. His blue eyes were meaningful and devious, only comparable to the ocean. Standing by it's shore,it always feels like there is more to life than what human-kind perceives. More than just working day-to-day and going to school. To unpathed waters, undreamt shores. But the ocean also has a mysterious side. The side that sinks ships and steals lives.
  "Darling, I got something for you, just wait here." He quickly ran presumably out to his car, and was back in an instant. She heard his steps draw closer behind, his soccer cleats clicking on the black pavement. "Don't turn around until I say so!" He said from behind her. She clenched her hands at her side, trying with all her might to not swing around and see what he had planned. "Alright now--" But before he had finished she swung around, and was instantly suprised.
  He had set up candles around himself in the shape of a heart, and was holding a soccer ball bearing the words, "Will you go to Prom with me?" accompanied by a dozen roses. He walked closer and she felt like crying out of happiness. He handed her the flowers and kissed her forehead. "I will love you every day until the last one dies." He told her. Confused and scared, she looked down at the fresh velvety-red flowers. She looked for a moment before realizing that one was out of place. It looked darker and not as shiny as the rest. She yanked it out and realized it was a fake. He just smiled and waited for a reply. "Yes I will go with you!" Alteria squealed and pulled him in for a kiss. He pulled back after a moment and stepped back to pick something up. She had barely noticed there was more. "Here, these would look wonderful on you." He winked and handed her a pair of satin red heels with distinct bows on the ends of each.
  A noise outside of her apartment door brings her back into reality. It was probably her noisy neighbor. Even though he was a young kind man, probably three or four years her senior, he had a tendency to come home with intoxicated girls every now and then. She lifts her wrist to check the time. , I have to leave now or I might be late, she says to herself. She swings the heavy door open and hears the door lock as she frantically races down the steps, knowing all to well that the closest Drop Top is eight miles away.

         As he wakes up, he instantly thinks about her. Like always, she was right there, in the back of his mind. He had watched her grow up. To him, she was extraordinary. He noticed little details like the difference between the faux smile she used when she was with friends, and her actual smile- an infectious smile filled with such happiness that lit up an entire room. How she would keep quiet but become argumentative when someone questioned her beliefs. They way she has always seemed to view the whole world differently from those around her. The fact that she cared about the little things in life, stopping to capture everything with her small manual camera while everyone else passed by. He still remembers the day she got that camera. It was Christmas day, during her sophomore year of high school. He stood outside in the freezing snow and smiled as she ripped open the red package from her parents. He knew how long she had begged her parents for her own camera. If he were allowed to come in contact with her, he would have bought her one years before then. But he couldn't. He had strict orders to protect her, without ever letting her see or know about him.
    At first, he found her a nuisance because he had to spend his days taking care of her. But it didn't take long until he found himself slowly falling in love with her. He loved the style in which she drank her coffee, brushed her hair, read books, ran when she was upset, stood up for herself, sat quietly in class, especially how she smiled, and even the adorably shy way she walked. If anyone were to ask him what her favorite food was, he would have the answer- pizza. What her favorite color was? Blue. What her favorite type of music was? Piece of cake, piano. But there were many times her life she had come in danger, and he was there to clean it up. And she would never know he had done it. He sustained so many injuries that she would never know about. He had killed so many people that she would never know about. And he also knew that she would call him a monster if she were to ever know his job.
     He loved everything about her life, well, he loved everything except for one thing. That guy. That horrible soccer player he had wanted to kill the moment he touched her. He wanted to rip his arms off so he could never touch her again. He was jealous; jealous that she was with him doing something he could never do. He desperately wanted to touch her, for her to look at him, finally see him, or do anything that would allow him to be involved in her life. But he could only watch her from afar. At first, he hadn't seen the soccer player as a threat. He was certain that a high-school student could not possibly be a member of the Elite killers after her. After-all, he treated her well and seemed to truly love her. But thinking that was his mistake. That was the time he should of protected her and didn't.
     Suppressing the memories, he stands up out of bed and begins to put on his clothes. He pulls on his black dress pants, and buttons up his white shirt. That moment he didn't protect her from that disgusting soccer player, that was the moment he was fired from his job. He couldn't keep her safe. All those years of helping her, washed down the drain.
   But now more than ever he wants to keep her safe, so he still follows in the shadows, and she lead him to this. She had gotten so close that day at the cafe.That was the first time she actually looked at him. The first time she actually saw him. He had felt so nervous. He was certain she had gotten a photo. He sits down and lets his make-up artist begin. He begins to think where she is right now. He hadn't seen her since that day.
       As Alteria waits in line, she looks around the cafe. Its packed. Business men dressed to the nines, all carry briefcases filled with various important documents, holding secrets and revolutionary ideas for their respective companies. Interns from local businesses flood the cafe to complete their morning coffee runs. Just like me, she thinks. The air smells of fine roasted coffee. If she had more time this would be exactly the place Nanomi and her would love to hangout if it wasn't as busy. She watched the black dressed baristas as they robotically fill orders and put the signature Drop Top symbol in the foam on top of each carefully crafted coffee.
        She stops admiring because it is her turn to order.
 "Hello, I would like four classic Drop Tops in viente." The barista quickly types in her order and collects her money. "Thank you. Please move to the right to pick up your coffee." The rude female quickly mumbles. It seems almost instant and the four  hot vientes are given to her in a to-go carton, assisted by a quick wink from the tall male barista. "Have a nice day." He says. It seems as if he wants to say more, but short on time, she quickly spins and sprints for the exit. She peers down at her shiny rose-gold watch that had been a parting gift from her sister. It's going to be close.
 A stunningly attractive man opens the spotless glass door for her just as he is entering. Rushing, she only has enough time to smile at his seemingly perfect face. "Oh..." He exclaims as he presses his back against the door to get out of her way. If she wasn't running late, she would have stopped to formally thank him, but she has no time. She runs out into the rain, being careful not to spill any of the precious coffee. She curses at herself for forgetting her umbrella, then shrugs it off because there is nothing she can do now. She quickly decides that halting a cab in this area of town would be nearly impossible, and only has one option, to run. She doesn't care about the cold pouring rain. Only about getting to work on time with the coffee safe from spills. Man that guy was so damn hot, she momentarily thinks. Just then, a sharp snap jerks her body downwards. She looks down to discover that her right heel has broken. "Damn it!" She says out loud. Feeling like crying, she bends over to try and pick them up, but she realizes that she has way to much in her hands. Checking her watch once again, she sees that she is running behind. "I guess now of all times, I should let go of the past I came here to start over, didn't I?" And with apprehension she kicks off her other shoe and runs across the street with a quick glance back at her now soaked red shoes. She feels guilty like she has just forgotten a piece of herself, but she picks up her pace so she won't be late. "Great. Exactly what I need on my first day." She scoffs inwardly as her bare feet pound against the wet pavement. Someone shouts at her from behind, but she doesn't stop. Determined to make it to work on time, and not ruin Nanomi's image, she breaks into a full out sprint, bumping into the people who don't move out of her way. She feels the cold water drench through her previously ironed white shirt, and her soaked hair sticks to her face. Run, run, run; she repeats to herself over and over again, hoping that the chant could somehow get her there quicker. The boss's words echo in her head "or you're fired."



*Authors Note: Hmm, what is going to happen? Will she get fired? And who was this mysterious attractive man?? ^^ Onward to figure out! :D * On another note, doesn't this look like such an amazing place to get coffee? Mmm.

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Chapter 5: when will you update your story? can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 5: Sorry for not updating in a LONG time. I broke my leg and have been busy with it as of late. I will get moving along with the story soon. -xoxo Shallen
Chapter 5: Also! What is the English translation of Carpe Diem? I do know the Dutch one (pluk de dag), but realised I didn't know the English one.
Chapter 5: Have fun at the concert! ^^ (Wish I could go..)
And that must've been hella awkward... ._.
Chapter 4: Thanks you for the update! ^^ The scene with Minho actually made me laugh, I could imagine it in my head. XD
Chapter 3: Wait what? You have no comments at all? O.o Time to change that. (: So yeah, I really like this story so far. And I hope there'll be many more wonderful chapters in the future, too. Keep up the good work! ^^