임의 - Random Roleplay - (◑‿◐) FBRP , Newly opened, NOTICE US. SPECIALLY HEECHUL FOR TAEYEON


fb roleplay
the random
01. one account per person.
02. no outsiders.
03. be social please. we need a happy place not a loner one
04. any type of pov is welcomed. RP in whatever way you feel comfortable with
05. no bullying, killing, or anything bad like that. We're a family so we must be happy
06. #randomunicorns
07. we accept /yuri, but limmited. we think about the straight peeps.
08. avoid new accounts. recycled accounts are more then welcomed just to prevent s/c.
09. events will occur every month so this place will be pretty hypper.
10. 1 week dating ban.
11. hiatus ? leaving or deactivating ? Warn all the admins.
12. Maximum hiatus - 1 month ; maximum semi-hiatus - 2 months.
13. Following every rule is also a rule. Three broken rules and you'll be out.
01. subscribing it's a must [we're checking] and upvote if you're lovely enough
02. check the masterlist and please also the wishlist.
03. comment bellow your desired idol + password ? [ noticed the hashtag ?
04. after being accepted you've 48 hours to join us.
05. change your alt name to random
06. add the admins and add yourself to the groups
07. Arrival | Departure | Boys | Girls | Confessions | Anon confessions | optional-
about us
Who doesn't love to be random ? Seriously. Who isn't that random awkward turtle around peeps ?

This roleplay is created thinking about you and all the awkward turtles around the place. Isn't that awesome? A Place where you can be random and everyone is random with you. sighs happily.

Obviously this was edited by Tiffany. Isn't pink a pretty color ? :3 #random


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Please visit this page if you want to save your people in your roleplay. It's currently happening right now
[ ATTENTION ] To Facebook Roleplay
May I be f(x)'s Krystal?

#random unicorns