Get ready birthday-boy





Chapter 1. Get ready birthday-boy


Today was the day. Finally he had waited long enough for this day to come. Usually people wait for their birthday when they are still children but for Jongin every year was a reason to be happy and to wait eagerly for his upcoming birthday. Celebrating with his mother and his friends what else could be there to not be happy about it? Sadness was never a part of Jongin. Outgoing and his usual optimistic self was his greatest gift ever since.
And right now he can´t hold back a big and toothy grin as his mother greets him with a strong hug.

„Good morning dear. Do you had a nice sleep last night? You better had one because your buddy is already waiting in the kitchen so get up before he can´t hold himself back anymore and eats all of your cake.“, she smiles widely and in mere a second Jongin jumps out of his bed. The uncommon sight to see the other jumping out of bed makes his mother laugh. Jongin is more than lazy. Lying in bed all day is something he could do all the time but right now he heard the words cake and buddy. He has to get out of his bed as soon as possible. Running down the hallway he almost runs over his sister as he rips open the door to the kitchen.

The sweet and delicious smell of cake lies all around the small kitchen and the welcoming smile of his best friend is more than enough to make the heart of the blonde race in an abnormal speed.

„Happy birthday buddy. It was so hard sitting in front of this without touching it.“, Chanyeol says as he grabs the hands of his old friend to hug him tightly. Chanyeol and Jongin were friends ever since they could remember. Going to the same kindergarten and attending the same school was helping them to create a strong and lasting bond over the years.

Sometimes we find a person to spend a lifetime with. Some people are only a small part of our life and will leave eventually but with these two it was different. Nothing could ever tear them apart.

„Thank you. I dare you if you would had touched my cake I would had to cut your fingers. It´s mine all of this beauty it is only mine! I won´t share!“, grinning like the fool he is Jongin takes the knife so he could cut the cake into pieces. His stomach could bear a lot but a whole cake was too much even for someone like him with a natural high appetite. Often his mother has asked him where he put all the food he eats, not gaining any weight he stays in shape and his love for fried chicken is totally out of control. Inside of the circle of his friend only one person liked chicken as much as him, Jinki a good friend of Taemin. 

„Hey I just woke up early to congrat you first after your mother. Don´t be mean.“, Chanyeol scoffs, the big eyes glued on the delicious looking cake in front of them. The smell was good but the sight of the dessert was even better. 

„Jongin you forgot to blow out your candles….“, his sister says. Neither Jongin or Chanyeol were aware that the candles on the cake were still burning down, dripping their wax down on the chocolate layer. 

„Ups…. how could I oversee this“, chuckling he shrugs it off while putting down the knife. He still has a chance to blow out the candles and to make a wish. Every year he is wishing for the same stupid thing, to be able to forget about his childish dreams. To make them go away. Jongin couldn´t talk to someone about them. Chanyeol probably would understand and wouldn´t blame him for once believing in such things but Jongins pride was stronger and the knowledge he gained in the past were he babbled thoughtlessly about his fantasies to other kids. Heartlessly they laughed about him, calling him names like freak and other ugly things. Today wasn´t the day to think about horrible things like them. It was his birthday and he was over it. 

Sooner or later everyone grows up and for Jongin the time had arrived long ago, believing in such incredible stuff was embarrassing and to imagine he once dedicated his whole being to this it was making his stomach twist in shame. 

„Fool how could you not see the burning candles? In the end you would have binged on the cake with the candles on top. Mom why is my brother so dumb?“, jokingly she pokes her brother in his side, earning an annoyed hiss by him.

„He is not dumb but loves to eat too much.“, like every good mother she protects him and creates a big smile on Jongins lips. 

„You see I´m not dumb I love to eat and mom loves me more than you so be quiet, the cake is waiting for me.“

„And me!“, adds Chanyeol. The brown haired boy had to wait too long for his best friend to finish his useless speech to get ready to blow out the candles. Meanwhile the candles burnt down that much a lot of wax already spread on the first layer of the cake. They would it nonetheless, cake was cake and nothing could ruin the taste of a homemade chocolate cake from his mother. Instead of her normal meals cake was delicious everything else was just gross and the siblings often decide to make their own dish. It wasn´t that hard and most of the time Jongin could eat with Chanyeol at his place or at a cheap shop. One could say Ramyun was one of Jongins best friends when his mother created another meal she could serve the devil to make him kneel down to her and beg for forgiveness. Poor thing but the food wasn´t good. 

Yet the blonde positioned himself, the palms of his hands on the table and his upper body slightly bend to blow out the candles before the cake would become a mess of a thick chocolate coat with sprinkles of wax. 

Warm air left his lungs and the small fire fo the candles was gone, with the fire his wish was made. Once again he wished for only one thing but this time a little bit different than the years before. Jongins wish wasn´t to forget about the past it was to found true happiness.


One could say happiness is found in what we find our interests. Art or music, dancing or other ways to express yourself. Others say happiness could be granted if you love and find your soulmate. Making money and live a good life was another view of the society what happiness means. 

To find happiness you have to go through hardships too. When times get tough we tend to easily break away and give up on what we have worked hard. It is easier to give up and find another happiness. Still is it that happiness we want to achieve? 

Dreams and reality are close, sometimes closer than we except. If both meet what will happen?

Could they exist next to each other or is the the constant struggle of both too much to overcome? Will they fall apart as the leaves fall down with the beginning of fall? Is it written by destiny that two so different kinds shouldn´t be together that nothing could ever make their ways cross?


Rubbing his tummy in satisfaction Jongin has his troubles with following the words of his teacher. All of the funny wrinkles that shows years of frustration and experience are more interesting than the subject he is talking about. How could he pay attention to his classes when today was his birthday? After all he wasn´t a 50 years old man that lived through his life and had many great birthdays, he just turned 19 and wanted nothing more than to celebrate this. Getting out of the stinky classroom was all he asked for yet nobody was there to rescue him. His only saviour was the boy sitting next to him writing down funny words that made no sense. Jongin tried hard to not burst out loud laughing as Chanyeol had drawn the face of their teacher on his notebook. It was just the same, the drawing looked just like their teacher. The same thin lips, curved into a grumpy look, the swollen eyes decorated with dark circles under them and not to forget, his wrinkles. The freaking wrinkles that made him look like a newborn right after it escaped his moms womb. 

He had to concentrate on something else but it was hard.

„Don´t make me laugh… I don´t want to spend my birthday in here.“, he whispers to Chanyeol and the other adds another figure. A smaller one with a big head and petite feminine hands, it was looking like a girl. The boyish girl got a pair of eyes shaped as hearts and a deep blush on her entire face. At first he didn´t get it but as the latter continues to draw the story behind the drawing was sinking into his brain. The boy next to the boyish girl Chanyeol had drawn completed the painting if someone would like to call it like this.  Chanyeols drawing skills weren´t that great but weere enough to make him laugh. Picasso would turn around in his grave if he had to take a look at this masterpiece of Jongins best friend.

„What the hell? Is that Baekhyun?“, he asks out of curiosity, not sure if he was right about this. Assuming it was Baekhyun it made sense, the other figure had to be Jonghyun then. Ever since the start of the new school year Baekhyun made it clear enough that he has the biggest crush on Jonghyun. Bad for him Jonghyun deceived him, he wasn´t interested in the boy. They got along pretty well and both of them shared a lot of interests but Jonghyun wasn´t into him. There was a reason people call it a crush, it always crushes the heart of the poor soul falling for someone they could never reach. In Baekhyuns case he was blessed it could have been worse. 

„You´re mean even though it´s the truth…. just look at his face.“

„I know we both know who he dreams about when he has that look.“, Chanyeols gaze lingered on the other boy a few seats away from him and Jongin. Good thing Baekhyun didn´t take note of them watching his back like two full retards. He was staring in the front not getting anything. He was consumed by his thoughts, love must been something great if it has the power to exclude you from the reality so hard that not even the funny voice of their history teacher could wake him up.

Seeing his friend in a state of complete loss of mind control Jongin admits silently to himself he would like to have a crush too. The problem with the blonde was he just didn´t fall in love. A lot of girls were hitting on him, even boys but he never felt anything towards them. It was crazy and he felt sorry for all the nights he spend at Chanyeols place, lying in his bed, covered in the soft sheets and buried his head in the chest of the other, crying over his lack of feelings and ability to love. He wanted to share the exciting feelings everyone was talking about. When your stomach twists, you have these called butterflies in it and then the sweaty hands and when you can´t speak properly when you see the person you like. It sounded so good and all of him screamed for getting into the train of falling in love and sharing a hot summer romance. The stories of loving and be heartbroken it must be the greatest thing. He would do anything to get himself a crush yet he couldn´t urge himself to like someone. 

„I want to be like him….“, telling his friend he gets a little bit closer to him. Right now their teacher wasn´t paying attention to them but most of the time his eyes were glued on them. He knew who the real troublemakers were and Jongin couldn´t come up with good grades like Chanyeol. His talents never included being good with numbers or english. God help him, english was terrible he has problems with easy pronunciation and any lessons he had gone through to increase his knowledge ended in despair. Not from his side it was more like his tutors lost themselves and called him a hard case that couldn´t be lectured.

„Like Baekhyun? Have mercy on me I could never handle another fool in love. Do you know how often he talks about him when we meet? All the ing time. he raves about him. Don´t do this to me buddy.“, like a real man he gave the blonde his best puppy eyes to make him feel bad. Chanyeol was the one everyone would come running to when they had a problem even when it wasn´t that bad. They wanted to hear his opinion and and to get help from him. Always hearing about the troubles of others was exhausting, putting others over himself to help them instead of taking care of his very own problems. Jongin was aware of this and gave his best to lend his best friend a shoulder to cry on when it was hard for him. He didn´t like to take and take, he wanted to give as well.

„There is no need to worry you know about how I´m too dumb to fall in love… when I´m old you have the responsibility to marry me. I don´t want to die alone so marry me when I´m 30 and single.“, he suggests his stupid idea and both of them giggled, knowing it was nothing more than a tiny joke between best friends. Neither of them would ever think about marrying each other, staying together as friends was good but any ual action between friends always meant it would end sooner or later. Friendship wasn´t made to turn it into something ual, if Jongin would come and kiss Chanyeol they could call it off. It could be called as a kind of experience to get into the pants of some hot chicks but if they would start making out they would hurt the trust. Jealousy comes and carries off the hard work of many years. 

„Nah I don´t want to marry you. You´re not my type.“, the other declines and holds in the laugh. It was easy to see what a hard time he had to control his emotion. Chanyeol never could control himself, he simply had to express himself in any possible way. If a comment was lying on his tongue it had to be said otherwise he would explode. 

„Don´t say do you think I haven´t seen your longing gazes towards that reallife-photoshop-guy?“, winking at him he ducks to avoid the hand of the older boy. Out of the blue and right into the black spot, congrats to Jongin and his ability to be right about something he had no clue about. 

Since when had his best friend feelings for that guy? He always thought his friend liked the girl of the other class. Well not anymore as it seems.

„Since when?“, he asks in a low tone, his voice so soft it was almost impossible to make out his words. Chanyeol could act like a douche and ignore him but he was piercing him down with a burning fire in his big brown orbs.

„Since you are a girl! I don´t like him. He is arrogant and as you said he looks like a photoshopped model that´s fake.“, the defense is weak and if they weren’t in class anymore Jongin would jump him and bore in the wound as long as it would take to make him admit his crush. One could understand his best friend with closed eyes, no words were needed. Yes they were on that base and Jongin had to push him a little further. He would break the giant.

„You had better explanations. Since we both know I´m not a girl I rather doubt your gender talking like that. He is arrogant and blahblah. You sound like a school girl already fallen in love with the cold hearted prince. Sounds a little bit like the story of some drama don´t you think?“ If it wasn´t for Jongins crazy attitude and usual cocky behavior Chanyeol would have thrown the blonde to the moon, he wouldn´t even miss him! He hated it so much when Jongin started to . When he told him about the feelings for the cute girl in the other class he wasn´t laughing about him. He made some dumb jokes but that was it. With the god damn photoshopmodel he had to throw out the dumbest the little brain of his best friend could come up with. 

„Be happy it´s your birthday if it wasn´t I would probably kill you.“, seldom and a amusing moment to have Park Chanyeol losing clever words. He was good at arguments and most likely won them especially against the blonde, he wasn´t that bright. It was easy to win a fight over him.

„You love me so don´t be harsh. I only want your best and if you like this douchebag I have to know. I´m your best friend it´s up to me to check if he is good enough for you.“, sheepishly like a toddler he blinked at his childhood friend. Not feeling bad for making fun of him. A hint of truth was hidden in his words although he was his best friend and as a good friend it was his duty to test the qualities of the maybe-boyfriend of Chanyeol. He was sure the other would do the same for him if he could find someone to fall in love with.

And then people would tell him it was possible to fall in love with two people as Kibum told Chanyeol and Jongin a week ago. For heavens sake he wasn´t even able to fall in love with one single person so how did it Kibum to fall for two guys at the same time? He was at loss of words that day and Chanyeol being a sensitive friend asked him if they guys had ever met and if he uses protection at least.

Such a good friend and now the tables turned, Chanyeol was definitely falling for someone and telling him to stay away from any romantically feelings? What an unfair mess was this? He just realized and it hit him hard.

„Hey if you like him don´t tell me to not fall in love with someone.“, he groans and suddenly the attention of the entire class is on them, including their teacher who made a face like he tasted something very bitter.

„Kim Jongin! Park Chanyeol! Get out of my classroom and settle your personal matters outside if you can´t pay attention and only distract the other students!“, the yelling hurts in their ears, covering them they storm out of the classroom together. Mumbling curses under their breath unheard of the teacher. It was better for them to not having him hear any of the curses. Calling him an old bastard wouldn´t raise his mood much. Likewise the mood of the boys was down the level of the titanic, deep sunken in the ocean, covered in the dust of nature. 

„Why can´t you hold yourself back for once?“, Chanyeol asks his best friend. If they were lucky enough they would get away with a blue eye and Jongins birthday wouldn´t be ruined. Having a party in the classroom wasn´t that great since his friends gave their all to plan the perfect birthday party at Joonmyeons place. As the rich child he could offer the place without getting them any trouble. They still weren´t allowed to drink in public but Jongin wanted to, now more than ever. 

„Because it´s unfair!“, he yells back at the bigger boy. They are already outside the classroom, their teacher was angry at them, what else could happen? the situation was worse so it didn´t mattered to the blonde if anyone could hear him shouting at Chanyeol.

„I never said I like him besides if you would like someone I would be happy for you. Baekhyun is another case, he annoys everyone with drooling over Jonghyun all the time he opens his mouth.“, old Chanyeol was back, the one that could think right and chose the wise decision over the impulsive one. The exact opposite of his friend. Easing the nerves of him he pulls him into a tight embrace with no chance to escape him. Jongin is caught off guard, relaxing and feeling his tense muscles loosing a bit through the contact of their bodies. The older one of the two boys pats the head of the blonde, holding Jongin like this the anger is swept away in no time. The heat that caught his body is cooling down and with it he feels slightly lightheaded and stupid. It was awkward he was overreacting for nothing. Chanyeol was joking and he was taking it too serious, what was the reason his body is tensing up again. His friend strengthens his grip unable to work wonders on the stiff body of the blonde.

„Sorry… it was dumb…“, he mumbles and Jongin never felt so awkward in his entire life. When he forgot to blow out the candles this morning he hasn´t felt so stupid like in that very moment where his friend still hugs him tightly that he almost chokes on his own breath. 

„I´m sorry too. Today is your birthday. It was wrong.“, though Chanyeol had the chance to he didn´t choose to blame the blonde alone on the unpleasant situation. He made a mistake as well by saying those things and making his friend feeling awkward on his birthday. It was a special day and it wasn´t supposed to be like this. They should be rather in a crowded place with friends than in the empty hallway of their school waiting for the bell to ring to send them off. 



The smile on their lips is shy, a tiny hint of awkwardness still lies between them as they let go of each other, linking their pinky fingers as in old times.

Whenever they fought and didn´t want to talk to the other they endet it with asking for an unspoken excuse by linking their pinky fingers. It was enough for them to understand that they feel sorry. Others never had to understand them until now it hasn´t changed. 

The best way to end a fight is to just shrug it off and be on good terms again after letting out was needs to be spoken out. Words kept inside are sharper than any knife in this world. It can cause so much harm. Whenever someone has to swallow their feelings down the knife inside of them gets sharper until it´s too strong for them to keep it back, then they can´t control it. It has more power than them, taking over their mind and mouth, speaking for them or more acting for them. Hurting the other person with no regrets. A knife has no emotions, it´s just an object, something that is created for using it. Emotions are different, very different. 


„I can´t believe that he wanted us to clean out the classroom greasy old man.“, scoffing the brown haired boy massages his hurting neck. Jongin and him had to clean the classroom they had no other chance than to obey. The old man was deaf to listen to them when they tried to convince him they would do it another time but not today because of the birthday of the blonde. The birthday of Jongin didn´t matter as reason to be excused for punishment they had so clearly deserved. 

„It´s your fault it deserves you right when you guys can´t keep your conversation down in a low tone.“, Baekhyun says as he walks with the other two boys back home from school.  They usually walk together, sometimes Kyungsoo would pay them some company. Today he wasn´t with them what was surprising to Jongin it was his birthday and he was on very good terms with Kyungsoo. Also he hadn´t seen Taemin all day what bothered him even more. He would see him this night when they would celebrate his birthday at Joonmyeons place but still he had hoped for a single sign of the raven. 

„Says the right one. I´ll remember you next time when you get into an argument with Kyungsoo.“, Chanyeol reminds the smallest of the little group that instantly starts to pout at the latter.

„Whenever I fight with him it has a good reason for it. He has obviously the wrong privileges.“, the button was pushed to make Baekhyun turn into his mood. Complaining about everyone and their behavior. His own was surely with no exception flawless and could be used as a good guide line for beginners. Baekhyun thought like that and that was the reason Jongin simply start off laughing at him.

„Yeah sure, by the way where is Squishy anyway? Haven´t seen him today… and usually he walks back home with us. Did you scared him away?“, Jongin looks straight at Baekhyun, he calmed down a little and the look of Baelhyun that could turn any flame into a pretty statue of ice in a mere seconds, was helping him to remain civilized. Whenever the blonde starts to laugh he forgets about everything around him, he just enjoys himself not caring about his appearance. May he look like a full retard it was okay, he had fun and that was the matter. Chanyeol who had joined his best friend in the heartfelt laugh was as quiet as Jongin himself. Baekhyun had his way to make others shut up even though he just had looked at hem with a icy glance. Step one of so many he created over the years to get what he wants with the less possible effort a man could made.

„He didn´t said anything to me all I know is he had to help out at the store. I´m so jealous he could skip classes without failing them.“, he sighs hard and the frown on his soft features made him look like a mixture out of a lost puppy and a secretary. In fact Baekhyun was a paradox himself, looking like a complete different person when he wears thick eyeliner. His eyeliner game was very strong and the girls in their class couldn´t compete with him even when they really tried. He mastered the skill perfectly over the last months. 

„That´s mother nature some are just blessed with intelligence others have different skills like putting eyeliner on.“, coming from the giant that put his arm around the small brunette. Baekhyun snorts in a childish manner while pushing the other away who entered his personal space.

„Get off you´ve got a good mouth I can do more than putting on eyeliner and by the way it looks perfect all the time. Do you even know how many girls pray to god that they could do it as good and perfectly as me? Thin and with the prettiest wing. Who cares about grades anyway if you look handsome? People look at your face and not your brain.“, taking this as attempt to defend himself he had to admit it was weak but better than nothing. Swallowing down the oh so funny comment of Chanyeol was impossible. Nagging and bragging with each other was their favorite activity. It was their way to treat each other, loving and hating. That´s what true friendship is made of.

„Only because you can´t see it. Otherwise clever people would choose someone who's intelligent over a pretty face.“, in contrary to Baekhyuns words Chanyeol is fast with an answer. Jongin only rolls his eyes at the conversation of them. 

„Before you too get lost in your conversation that probably would never end, have you tried to contact him?“, the blonde brings the main topic back on top. Once a time he has to interrupt them otherwise the cycle wouldn´t be broken. None of them could back off, needing the last word in every of their arguments. Jongin couldn´t understand in his case he was too lazy to argue over something that small for such a long time. 

„No I didn´t. Why don´t you do it yourself if you miss him so much?“, he grumbles annoyed by the fact that Jongin has stopped his argument with Chanyeol before the ultimate point was made from his side. Baekhyun was desperately waiting for the day he could beat Chanyeol in a argument with a good point that would shut up the giant. For three years now the luck wasn´t on his side but he could wait, the glorious day would come when all of his patience would pay off he was sure of it.

„Thank you for being so nice and lovable to your friend who's birthday just happens to be today.“, Jongin snaps back at him as he starts to fish into the pocket of his trousers for his phone, it must been in there and after a while he found it, unlocking the screen lock he opens the messenger to skip the messages from his other friends. Many of them already sending their congrats for his birthday though he will see most of them tonight.

Finally finding the conversation with Kyungsoo he opens the keyboard to write down a short message.

‚Squishy? What´s up with you? Are you coming tonight? I wanna see you.‘, he adds a cute emoticon after his message before he closes the messenger, the others messages could wait. He would answer them later and he preferred outspoken words more than these that are written down on a phone or any social media everyone was into. He liked them as any other teen as well, it was easy to stay in touch with your friends when school was out all of their free time but a real conversation was better than this. Old fashioned but it was his personal liking for what nobody could blame him as he would never go around and tell others to stop texting each other and start to talk again like normal people do or more like the older generations does. 

„Okay see you guys later. Will you pick me up?“, Baekhyun asks as they arrived in front of the house in which he lived with his parents, eyeing especially Chanyeol who most of the time picked the other up. Chanyeol was like glue, the important ingredient to hold all the pieces in place, without him some things would dramatically change and Jongin was aware of it, sometimes it bothered him a lot. 

„I´m not sure… can we?“, he turns around to look at his best friend who nods. It was okay for the blonde to pick Baekhyun up. It was no big deal and it also was on their way to the house of Joonmyeons parents. 

„Perfect thank you. See you then!“, hugging both of them he shots them a last smile before he disappears into the building and leaving the two young mans in the almost empty street. A few students were walking down on the other side of the street and an old lady was taking her dog that was indeed as old and slow as it´s owner, for a walk. It was a wonderful match.

„Let´s head back home so we could get ready.“, the blonde demands and grabs the hand of the other boy to start running. The way to his house wasn´t so long and he had to lose some of his energy that just had come back crawling to him after the boring school day. The enthustiatic feeling was filling him up again and he was loving the strong emotion. 


Getting ready for a party was one thing, to get ready for your birthday was another and Jongin wanted to look outstanding. He was the main part of the whole event so he simply had to look amazing tonight. There was still the little voice inside of his head telling him he could find someone he could fall in love with. Maybe he had chosen the wrong wish this year, wishing for a crush was making more sense to him right now then for what he wished for. Once spoken out he couldn´t take his wish back, he had to wait another whole year for the change to wish for a crush. Yet he was hoping it wouldn´t take such a long time to make him find someone special. Everyone was at ease with this and they had no problems with finding someone, here he was, 19 years old for heavens not a anymore but lonely as a man with very good friends could be. Friends are a beautiful and precious thing to have but they couldn´t fill the space in a empty heart. A place that could only be filled by a lover. 

„How do I look?“, waiting for a quick feedback of the giant he turns on his heels to face him, laughing at the sight of Chanyeol who is struggling with the buttons of his shirt.

„Let me help you.“, he lends him a hand to close on button after another, closing the shirt to hide the light skin of his best friend.

„Thanks, you look y  by the way.“, thankfully the other gives him a short hug just to run off to the mirror to take a look on himself. Chanyeol was checking himself out with a serious expression on his else peacefully and rather cheerful looking features. Jongin joins him to to the same, inspecting every single detail of his outfit and his hair. The dark jeans that fitted tightly on his slim legs was showing of his well shaped and the thin black top was a good match for the highlight of his whole outfit. The jacket was the wow factor of his outfit for his own birthday party, the animal print was caressing his exotic look, it was able to bring it out without making him look like a star. Animal print wasn´t easy to wear off without looking cheap, he was able to. Most of his friends were blessed with a light skin tone but for Jongin it was the other way around, he had a dark skin tone and a really exotic look. Looking in the mirror he was pleased with the result of a long shopping tour with Taemin who did his best to help him pick out the right clothes for tonight.

„That´s what I wanted to hear. When I walk into the party everyone will goggle at me, their eyes will fall out and they start to drool over my awesomeness.“, Jongin says as he blows a kiss at the reflection in the mirror. The other boy raises one of his eyebrows skeptically because of the blonde. 

„There is a big problem, you need to get laid so your brain could start to function properly again.“, with his index finger he hits the forehead of Jongin, Sulking the young man drops down on the chair not far away from the mirror, covered in thick layer of different parts of Jongins wardrobe. His mother hated him for doing this but it was so much faster than throwing his dirty laundry in the bathroom for his mother and now and then he also wore one of the clothing's more than one time.

„It is…. I really need to get laid. Look me in the eyes can you see the need? I´m hungry for affection, for a hot body pressed against mine….“, it was heavenly to say those things, imagining all of it inside of his head, creating pictures that truly had a impact on his body. Out of sudden he felt very hot and he had to interrupt the dirty thoughts he busied himself with.

„God you really need it. We better go and find you someone to for tonight. I don´t want to lose my best friend because he can´t fulfill his manly needs.“, there was something hidden in Chanyeols was that made Jongin cringe, making fun of Baekhyun was funny most of the time but he disliked it when Chanyeol does it with him not in a situation like this. It was urgent and he had to release himself like any other human being, he was a male after all and as everyone knew a man needs to feed the hungry wolf inside. ing was good for a while but it wasn´t that satisfying. The only thing Jongin earned from it was pain in his wirst and more lust, unfortunately due the pain in his wrist wasn´t even worth it. The time he went shopping with Taemin he watched a girl walking by, swaying her hips in a seductive way just to have his whole world crushed by the cruel realtiy, it wasn´t a girl. It was a ing boy and he wanted to punch Taemin right into the fact at that time because the devilish brat was laughing his tiny off.

Chanyeol instead was not ready to let go of his reflection in the mirror, studying the pleasant sight as the still sulking blonde chews on his bottom lip,his legs dangling down in a nervous manner. 

„If you´re finished I´d appreciated it if we could go.“ he lets go of it. There was no point in telling him to stop the nonsense, he would go on and continue to let him suffer. Devil was the creator of Chanyeol, his spross was growing to his liking Jongin was sure. 

„Are you sulking now?“ carefully he asks Jongin, he had caught both of his feet and holds them, looking at the other male ignoring the look of death grim plastered on the face of the blonde.

„No just pissed everyone is against me while I´m trying to have a good time on my birthday apparently what is wrong to want.“ Jongin keeps up his gloomy mood as he wiggles his legs to release them from the tight grip of Chanyeol who had got down on his knees for this.

„Dramaqueen, you spend too much time with Taemin and Kibum buddy.“, Chanyeol shrugs it off, writing a note in his head to making it up to his best friend later when they arrive at Suhos place, he had to.

He would not go out with Jongin as long the other was drowning in self-pity, then he was the one that could drag his friend out of the dark hole to make him smile again.

„I´m no dramaqueen…“, his voice is soft and it gets even a little softer to the end of his response what happens to be caused of the actions of the brown haired giant that decided it would be awesome to tickle the feet of Jongin.

„Smile!“ he demands, tightening his grip with his left hand so he could tickle the misery away, the chance of success was small but it was existent and it was all what mattered for Chanyeol. No effort was worthless if a hint of light could be seen on the dead end. Keeping up with a positive mind saved him for so many times he would do it over and over again. 

„When you stop I will.“, Jongin breaks out in laughter, he was ticklish and the other exactly knew where to tickle him, where he was especially sensitive for his cruel and sadistic way to torture him.

Today wasn´t his day and he was not able to tell why. He wanted to calm down but it was so hard. It was not easy for him to handle the feelings he had. Chanyeol really helped him out to concentrate on other things but still he had a strange feeling in his stomach. 

Something tried to warn him, a familiar yet so strange feeling.

What was it? He felt like a pair of eyes was on his back since he left the school building this afternoon. Was it only his imagination playing tricks on him so he had to let go of it as soon as possible. It was distracting him too much for his own liking. It was like a ride back to the time where he was talking to imaginary creatures he thought were real. 

Whatever it was he wanted to forget about it and finally celebrate his birthday and he was gladly working in this leaving the house with his best friend.

Little does he know, Jongin had not taken the small hint he got over the last weeks. Something was indeed happening to the blonde male. 


A soft chuckle left the small lips, dark eyes following the two boys making down their way to their destination he knew about. Neither of them were able to keep it a secret and the figure hidden in the safe dark of the alley behind a tree, bothering himself more than necessary. 

He thought the young man would be a bit smarter but he was wrong after all he was nice to look at. He would have a lot of fun tonight after all these years of boredom he was released from the prison he was stuck in. Moving freely around was a good feeling but to know the wait was worth it made him shiver in pure anticipation.

„Jongin don´t step back when we will meet, I will grant your wish to come true just wait.“

And the other male would not have to wait for a long time. Tonight was the day they would meet. It was written down on the book of fate. A blank page with only their date of meeting when it was supposed to be, after being pushed into a corner of Jongins head was causing him some troubles. 

He could feel how his powers returned back to him but he was not able to skip the part of getting them back from him. He was to blame for it by forgetting him. Turning a friend down, pushing him into a golden cage where he can´t escape was what Jongin did to him. He simply tried to erase all he had granted him to see, to feel and even taste! The young male was so unthankful hating him for it. He never knew about him while he was hidden from him. Wanting to gift the boy with a colorful childhood. Jongin chose the other way and he had to let go off him for a while. He would get back what he lost and tonight he could do it and as Chanyeol and Jongin disappeared around the next corner he left his spot behind the tree to follow them.

The people around never took any notice of him they should do. All what they saw was a young man, pretty tall with a handsome face. A little bit skinny but the teenage girls loved it when he spared them a look not even interested in them. He liked the attention human would gave him whenever he was spending time in the world of them. Mostly taking advantage of this to get into the house his target aimed for. 

An unknown young man entering a house and nobody was saying a thing. It was very easy and there was a girl smiling brightly at him, next to her a guy with light hair and a friendly smile.

„Hey who are you?“ He should have known it from the start someone would wonder where he came from. After all it was a private birthday party and the location wasn´t one where it was easy to get access to. A private household in Gangnam but the other male did crack a smile, holding out a hand for the other.

„Hi I thought it would be okay coming here…. Jongin and I are friends but he sadly don´t talk about me often to his other friends.“ smart chosen words with the right tone were the key to make the blonde man believe him instantly. Smiling even wider and giving him a friendly hug.

„Poor thing well then feel free to keep us company. Our star of tonight has not arrived yet but I´m sure they will show up soon. Chanyeol texted me.

Besides call me Joonmyeon what´s your name?“ the stranger called Joonmyeon asks him, guiding him through the luxury looking house. The interior designer had given a great effort to make it look so comfortable and elegant at the same time. The young man bowed to Joonmyeon.

„Oh Sehun. It´s nice here wanna grab a drink to kill the time we have to wait?“ suggesting he grabs a bottle to fill two empty glasses. The living room was decorated with many things to spread the message a birthday party was going on. Sehun was the first to arrive here and it feels odd to talk with the stranger. 

On the other hand he was glad everything was happenng so smoothly and as planned what made the young devil smile at Joonmyeon satisfied.. He offered him one of the glasses, taking a sip of his own.




Here it is the first chapter. I´m so happy to have finished it even though I wanted to make the chapter a little bit longer. I have so many ideas in my head but I thought maybe you guys would like to read it and I promised to update sooner so please don´t be sad the next chapter probably will be way longer than this.
Sehun finally is here but what is wrong with Jongin? Why is he so y and why does Sehun know him when Jongin doesn´t or does he know him?
Who knows?  The author knows and if you keep on reading you will know too! hahaha

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opikonew #1
Chapter 1: nini meet sehun <3
please continue, I have a burning appetite for fantasy and it needs quenching quickly XD atleast the first chapter tonightxxx PLEASE xx