
What's my name?
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The pitter patter of rain fell harshly against the asphalt as the dark grey clouds loomed over my school.

Soaked. I was soaked from head to toe. I was late and the rain wasn't helping me one bit. I sprinted towards the main gate just as it was about to close. I rubbed the water away from my eyes  as I ran, coincidentally bumping into someone, making me lose my balance and fall flat on my face. 

"Ow.." I whined loudly over the harsh  drumming of the rain. I rubbed the forming bruise on my forehead and looked at the culprit. My eyes met round, framed ones as I stared at the cute brunette in front of me.

"Jin—I didn't mean to bump into you.. I just—" 

"It's fine." I continued to squint at his face, trying to remember where I had seen him before. He looked awfully familiar, it almost seemed as if i'd known him for years.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?"

He stammered a little bit the moment he opened his mouth to reply, "Uh, yeah. I used to be in your AP Chemistry class back in middle school."

"Ah, I don't recall seeing you though. What's your name, again? God, I don't remember—" I shouted over the harsh rain.

"My name's-"

"Yah! you kids get up! the bell's about to ring!" The security guard hollered as he beckoned us in. The brunette quickly helped me up to my feet and guided me through the gates of our college. 

Upon shelter from the rain, he ped his soiled bag and handed me a jacket. 

"Here, you're gonna need it more than I will."

"No it's fine, what if you get cold? You're drenched."

"I'll be okay." he smiled shyly before flipping his wet hair away from his eyes. "See you around!"

I looked down at the fabric in my hands and called after him.
"Wait! How do I return your—" my words fell short as the tall boy disappeared down the hall. 

I stalked off towards the bathroom to take off my blouse and put the hoodie on. Out of habit, I took a whiff of the fabric. It smelled like the typical musky cologne. How masculine. I smiled to myself as I thought about how cute he was. His cute bangs, that little button nose and bright eyes—sigh how adorable. 

The bell rang, shocking me out of my reverie. 

Well what's new, Jin. You're late for lecture. Again.


"Great spike, Jin! Take five ladies!" My coach complimented as I smashed the ball over the net. 

"Wow, our Captain Jin is getting better and better every training. You're like, National standard now." a friend exaggerated as she nudged my arm.

"Yeah,Jin. I heard you got scouted for national team tryouts! How did it go?" another friend asked curiously as she took a swig of her energy drink. 

"Oh, I missed it." I laughed. "I don't think I'd wanna play volleyball as a national athlete anyway. It's too much stress, not to mention a real a burden. I've already got so much on my plate as it is." 

I took a seat on the benches, gazing out of the full glass panels facing the soccer field. I took a sip of my water as I noticed a lean figure running around the pitch. 
His taut arms and muscular calves bore testament, that he wasn't at all scrawny. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. That sense of familiarity washed over me again. 

The brunette flicked his bangs out of his eyes and scored a goal. His overjoyed teammates ran over and tackled him into a group hug. I widened my eyes as a flash of recognition hit me.

"Who is he?" I pointed out the window, speaking to no one in particular.

"You okay there, Jin?"

"Him! That guy over there, what's his name?" 

There was a sudden stampede of girls rushing to press their faces against the glass  window to catch a glimpse of who I was so worked out about. Excited murmurs filled the sports hall.
"Is that your crush?" "Are you interested in him?" "The other soccer boys are cute too!"

"Hello? Can someone please answer me!" I shouted, exasperated. 

A shrill blow of the whistle sounded from behind us and we all straightened up in shock. Our coach stood tall behind us, her arms crossed, an amused expression on her face. 

"That's Luhan. Center midfielder. Cute isn't he, Jin?" 

"He's..." I flushed a bright red and shrugged with a sheepish smile played on my lips. 
My whole team broke out into a round of 'ooh's and 'ahh's and started to poke fun at me. I frowned and perked up. 

"Let's just get back to training." 


It was another another boring day in school, I clicked my pen restlessly as I waited impatiently for the bell to ring. It seemed as if fifty decades had passed before the bell finally rang and I quickly gathered my books, running over to my locker. As I turned round the corner, I bumped head first into a solid chest, dropping my books in the process.
"Ow," I pouted as I rubbed the still-recovering bruise on my forehead.

"Sorry, I—Jin?" I cracked my eyelids open and looked up to see the same dark-haired boy I had knocked into the other day. 

"Oh? Hey. I'm sorry about all this, I was in a rush and—"

"We gotta stop meeting like this." he chuckled as he leaned over to help pick up my books.

I bit my lip in embarrassment as I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm really clumsy. Sorry—"

"Is your forehead okay?" He asked as he gingerly reached out to feel the bump on my head. He grimaced as if he felt the pain. 

"I'll carry these for you. As an apology for bumping into you twice. Sorry about your forehead."

"No, no! It's fine. It's just a little bump. It'll heal." I waved it away as we started walking towards my locker. 

"So where were you heading off to?" he started casually as he looked towards me. His brown orbs sparkling behind his framed eyes. I swear if I continued staring into them, I'd melt. 

"Oh, I was just trying to get into the early queue at the cafeteria. Looks like that plan's gone down the drain." I laughed awkwardly.  Luhan smiled good-naturedly as he tightened his grip on my books. 

"I'm sorry, I should've looked where I was going."

"No! it's not your fault, Luhan." His name rolled off my tongue so casually, i didn't even  notice I'd mentioned it until I realised how big his eyes rounded at my mention of his name.
"You know my name?"

"Sure I do. I asked around yesterday." I cringed as I remembered how the other girls had gone all out to pester me.

"Oh." his face fell. He looked a little disappointed that I couldn't remember his name.

"No it's not like that! You see, I'm better at faces than names—"

"It's okay!" He brightened up, though his usual eye smile had no mirth in them. "Not many people remember my name anyway." 

I frowned at him. "It's really not like that, Luhan..." 

He stopped the moment we reached my locker and I sighed as I watched him stuff my books neatly into it. "Is it because I have a really ordinary face?" he joked.

"No that's not it at all! You have a really striking face! I mean—"

"Nah it's alright, people don't really pay attention to guys in glasses. Not even the girl I like remembers my name."

I pursed my lips in displeasure. "Well that's not very nice."
I pouted slightly as I folded my arms. I felt a slight pang as I replayed his words in my head. 

He must already like someone. Wow, so all the good guys really are taken, huh? I thought.

"Listen, you wanna know how to get her attention, then? I'll help you. It's actually relatively easy to impress a girl. If she doesn't like the way you look, that's not very nice, but let's give her something to think over. Let me give you a makeover. The girl you like will never forget your name ever again." 

Luhan's eyebrows rose at my sudden suggestion. "Makeover...?"

"Meet me outside school this Sunday at 12." I closed my locker and patted him on the shoulder. 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a split second, but soon enough, his lips found themselves curling up into a smile.


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skyhaneul #1
Chapter 1: What a lovely story... Actually I read the sequel first and got curious with the first story, so here I am... and I love it ^^
Populariti #2
Chapter 2: Wow wow that is cute
Chapter 1: Best of all your oneshots author nim! Realistic and just plain adorable. The time span for this is just on point! As usual, your writing style is beyond praisable. :)
Chapter 1: i want a sequel... ehehe
Chapter 1: Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 1: but it would better if you make sequels for all of them.
I actually think I want D.O's sequel the most
CosmicLatte00 #7
Chapter 1: can I ask for sequel on this.
Chapter 1: This story is cute though I would say I knew all along who Luhan's crush was. There's no way he'd remember someone he didn't like or care about from just ONE class, right? That said something.

Thank you for this wonderful story! It's really great! ^_^
Chapter 1: Awwies! Too darn cute.
I'm seriously jealous of girls who get asked out like that. Especially since homecoming is like, next Saturday.
Chapter 1: Cute story! :>