Cradle Robbing

No Matter the Universe

This was not Mark's fault. When his friends broke into his apartment and told him they were going clubbing, he had politely declined and wished them a lovely night out. They responded by manhandling him into tight fitting clothing and kidnapping him. After an hour long drive they ended up at some gay club with a tacky name, something like The Back Door. Inside it was nearly pitch black, and the music made it hard to hear what anyone was saying. His friends loved the place. Mark did not. He retreated to a dark booth near the back of the club.


After some time a waitress began delivering drinks to him, saying they were sent by the guy sitting at the bar. Mark ignored them for a while, but watching his friends get loaded without him felt pretty lonely. When they all abandoned him in favor of drunkenly stumbling in the facade of dancing, he figured he might as well salvage something out of the night and get wasted . After all, if someone was gonna buy him drinks, he might as well drink them.


After the fourth drink things got a little blurry. He's pretty sure he wandered over to the bar and found the guy that was buying him drinks. He was unbelievably hot, with eyes that flashed with a wild light and nice muscles that were accented by his tight shirt. They talked for some time, then pretty boy had flashed him a grin that made all Mark's blood run south. They grabbed a cab, and...


And that's all Mark could remember. He woke up in some strange bed with his pants off and an ache in his back, so he guessed they had . Pretty Boy was no where in sight. While he was no expert in One Night Stand etiquette, Mark was fairly certain he was supposed to leave.


He grabbed the nearest pair of pants and began to pull them on. The tight fabric clung annoyingly and he had to hop a little just to pull them over his . The effort caused a wallet to fall out of the pocket, which he bended over to pick it. When Mark flipped it open he realized two things.


One: Those were not his pants.


Two: Pretty Boy was underage.


Needless to say Mark started flipping the out, because he was a cradle robber and he's going to jail. If he had been in a better state it mind it might have occurred to him to ask how exactly an 18 year old got into a gay club anyway. Evidently Pretty Boy (Jackson, according to his ID) wasn't actually gone because he came running into the room.


The next few minutes was filled with intelligible screaming as Mark lamented being a e and Jackson struggled to figure out what was wrong. Eventually Jackson managed to calm him down, and brought them both into the living room area. He quickly fixed them both some coffee and grabbed two aspirin for Mark.


They settled onto the couch, and in between sips of coffee Jackson tried to coax Mark into telling him what was up. Mark didn't really want to, but Jackson's continual prodding finally made him burst. He placed his head in his hands and moaned that he was a dirty cradle robber.


Jackson looked confused and asked how old Mark was. Mark managed to mumble 29. Jackson was silent for a moment, then said “, you look, like, 19 at best.” Then he grinned and added, “Dude, you got topped by someone way younger than you.”


Mark contemplated if the coffee was hot enough to burn his stupid face off. When Jackson started making kissy faces at him, he decided it didn't matter and sent his entire mug flying.



AN: e au was requested by issykiss! 
not gonna lie, i'm not super happy with this one. i know i could've done better, but i was crunched for time >.<

My profs apparently got together and decided all my tests would be in this one week! the horror.


Excuses, excuses. Hope you're all looking forward to the ~~bonus~~ update this friday!











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pinkissmonsta #1
kanimelife #2
Chapter 7: Please update
flyboy-lover7 #3
Chapter 6: omg thank you so much for doing my request! this was awesome! i love how unique jacks is in this xD
and marky.. such a sweet boy.. he cut off his arms knowing he would turn... T___T
looking forward to future AUs!! ^^
klollipoper #4
omfg i love ur writing skills ;;
Arashika #5
Chapter 6: i god damn knew it i knew the damn zombie would be mark god damn it casually tearing up over here bye

Nice touch to have Jackson seem to be drawn to Mark regardless, to wonder who he was in life. He didn't seem to do that about any of the other zombies he's seen- granted, Mark is his first kill. I guess Mark's actions before his death also earned him Jackson's respect...

But yeah- hopefully next time they'll both be alive and able to actually talk in the next life :( My poor Mark TAT

Great job, keep writing~
Chapter 6: Awww that's so touching. I really like the mixture of safety and fear hehehe and omg Mark why'd you have to be a zombie :( oh well at least now you're with Jackson in spirit hehehe
Ooooh can you try doing a steampuck or AU? It'd be awesome if you could! Hehehe :3
Chapter 6: Awww... That was really sad...