Truths and Trouble

Of Crushes and Fluttering Hearts

She didn’t know how long he’d held her, but the kiss had been thorough enough to make her forget almost everything. They don’t address it because they isn’t much to say, however an unspoken promise hangs between them as she makes it back to her dorm before curfew. It’s been years and she’s done a lot of growing up yet, a single meeting and kiss has those tall tale butterflies coming back and it’s almost embarrassing how many times she touches her lips in memory of it.


Despite the definite steps taken by both of them, her week goes uneventfully –class after class, study session after study session with no real social commitments other than coffee with Kang Joo. She however omits what had been on her mind and begging for resolution – ‘I told you so’s are bound to occur and she’d rather not over think the moment too heavily when he hasn’t bothered to call all week.


Friday finds her once again dodging her mother’s call, and contemplating calling him again for an out even though Kang Joo would be an easier choice. Frustration and claustrophobia have forced her out of the solitude of her dorm for some air and quiet.


It’s a surprise she forces herself not to show, as she spots him at the same place he’d been a weekend prior, lounging on his sleek bike as though he was waiting for her. She can only snigger, because she’s relieved he’s there but equally annoyed that he couldn’t even bother to call her all week. It’s not that she expects them to run off into the sunset together, or a profound confession of love – a simple acknowledgement would suffice.


She has half the mind to ignore him completely and walk the other way, and is poised to do just that when he calls out to her, “Song.”


Despite her earlier resolve, she can’t move because her being annoyed at his silence is telling and he reads her easier than she’d like. She doesn’t protest when he pulls her toward his bike, nor does she say anything when he pulls the helmet over her head.


Some things never change.




They don’t speak for a while, taking the view off the bridge that has become synonymous with them. Only major difference to the other times is that they are older, there’s beer and her feelings are now in the open for him.


“Why did you stop hiding?” he’d done a good job of it, by not showing his face or calling for an entire week. Why change things now.


“Because you’ve stopped running,” she glares, but he meets her stare for stare. “Besides I have to pay you back for stealing my kiss.”


Her eyes travel to his lips out of their own volition, knowing her cheeks are already tinted at the mere memory. But he can’t win, “It was to shut you up because you were talking too much.”


Namsoon moves closer and she feigns nonchalance convincing, she thinks because, she won’t let him win. “So, if I can’t keep my mouth shut. Will you do it again?” It’s a challenge, and the beginning of something.


She is foolishly thrilled.

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Chapter 4: It is so beautifully written. Waiting to know what happens next
akhilleides #3
Chapter 3: *swoons*

To be honest, if you end with this, I'll be fine, because FINALLY. It would've taken so little for my Namsoon-Hakyung shipper heart to be content in the drama--just one more meaningful moment between them after that awkward moment with Kangjoo and Heungsoo. Such as Namsoon reacting to Hakyung skipping out on the disciplinary meeting regarding Junho. So really, this is a lot for me. Whew!

But if you continue, then great! If you're one of the people who headcanon them breaking up eventually because they're too different (gulp), then... still okay, since that is realistic. But I'm always, hoping, hahah.
akhilleides #4
Chapter 2: This is really interesting. I like the slow, steady pace... because it's so out of character to suddenly have them all romantic. There are basically zero Namsoon and Hakyung fics and it's a pity since they're my favorite part of School 2013. I hope you'll continue this.
KKibumyul #5
Keep going, it's good!
danglymaverick #6
looking forward on this :)