


When tears fall, even my smallest cherished memories don’t know what to do
Because it hurt so much, we promised to let each other go
When I keep thinking about you
When it’s so hard that I can’t take it

Please let me hear at least your breath

It has been a few years but it felt like forever since it happened. Jongdae was still traumatized that even though he dated other girls, she was the only girl in his mind. He kept blaming himself for what happened to her. Because of his careless actions, she's gone... and impossible to come back. Even if he cries an ocean, even if his heart is already crushed into pieces, nothing can be undone. She won't return into his arms. She won't say those three words to him again. 

He kept remembering the past, how they met and how they spent their times together. But he knows reminiscing won't resolve anything. It would only hurt his poor soul more. If only, if only, Jongdae wishes, he could hear her breathing once again, for the final time. He still wishes to turn back time and hear her voice and apologize for everything.

He regretted not being there to hear her last breath and words, no. He regretted not being there to stop it from happening.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONGDAE! Happy Jong Day everyone! 

Chen aged a year and I aged a month! 

Hihi, I felt so much emotion while writing this. Idk why but meh, here it is! 


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