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When Luhan woke up, he felt weird. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he felt like that, as his mind was still clouded by the blissful oblivion it had been swimming in just a few moments later, but he did know that something was off about the way he was lying in the midst of silky blankets and soft pillows. His head was pounding in time with his heart, the pain urging a groan to escape his lips.

And suddenly cold hands were pressed against his aching forehead and a sweet voice filled his senses, pleading him to open his eyes.

"My dearest, I really wish to see your pretty gaze on me, so could you help me? Can you open your eyes?"

And while it caused him great pain, the coax of that humming baritone did its magic: Luhan was soon staring into pools of enthusiastic, loving burgundy. He felt his cheeks flush as the gentle words from before had finally registered in his dazed brain.

"Who...?" he croaked out after many deep breaths."Why?"

"I will tell you soon, my dearest... You will know everything. But for now, you only have to know that I am Sehun..What is your name, beautiful?" Luhan felt loved just from those quiet, sincere words. He wanted to ask so many other things, he wanted to flee from the dangerous monster in front of him, but... he felt unable to and not only because he was still in great pain.

"Se...hun." so he smiled as his lips formed that hauntingly familiar name, he smiled because he couldn't do anything else.

"Good little one..." hummed the vampire sweetly."Now, tell me your name!"

"Luhan.." and Luhan smiled again at the gentleness, at the longing for Sehun to be closer.

Was this how his mother felt when people were drinking from her, when she was being touched and kissed?

Was this how his father felt when he could let go of his worries, of his struggles at daytime?

Was this how his sisters felt...?

Was this...was this how it felt to be cared for?

"Now, rest, my sweet Luhan. When you wake up next time, I will give you something to eat..but for now, hush."

And Luhan fell into a peaceful slumber under the care of the only one who had ever cared for him.


Sehun had gone out hunting for the first time in many days. He couldn't quite recall when he had found Luhan, but he did know that now, it was somewhat safer to leave the boy alone, even if just for a short hour or two. Had he not felt the quenching thirst, he would have stayed by his beautiful mate's side... and yet there he was, looking for a quick, easy prey. He wasn't going to use whoever he found for other purposes though: that would have been a disgusting act towards his lovely human.

Soon he found a small woman, clad in thin clothes. She was smiling at him in a somewhat seductive manner as she pressed herself close to the vampire the moment he stepped to her.

"I only need your blood, woman." Sehun hissed coldly."I'll pay once done."

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Chapter 2: Author-nim plx don't give up on this. :)
BTS_Rania_ARMY #2
Chapter 2: This story is really amazing .
It is a waste that you abandon it .
I hope you come back and update it soon .
joanna20 #3
Chapter 2: Author nim how r u? Please update soon! Ty ;) fighting!
Chapter 2: Woah this is hella good! Pls update authornim~ ^.^ such a wonderful sounding story~
It looks hella interesting! *o*
Subscribed, and will get to reading once I have some free time~
Also, you deserve more upvotes. TAKE MINEEE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Chapter 1: I can't WAIT

faithlu #7
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 1: Omo this is so exciting XDD can't wait for the next chapter XDD
faithlu #9