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I recommend you guys read while listen wu yi fan's song time boils the rain ost tiny times 3




Was it my fault? For not being feminime like another girl. Is it he feel embarassed for dating me? but we already dating for 3 years.

It wasn’t easy to let it go. he told me that he want to break up




“Am, i think we need to break up. You know i’m tired. i can’t take you to go to my friend’s party because you said you hate dress. You always late when we date because you always played basketball with that bunch of guy.” Kris said

“what? I sensed something wrong in here. You never complain about this before. And why you suddenly become like this? “ amber crossed her hand in front of her chest. She was upset. They were perfectly fine before.

“no, i can’t hold on anymore. we need to break up. Goodbye Ambie “ he kissed Amber’s forehead and want to walked away but Amber held his wrist

Her eyes became teary. “are you cheating on me ? Kris answer me. don’t do this to me”

Kris heaved sigh “i’m sorry “ he let go Amber’s hand and walked away



Amber and kris start dating three years ago. Amber was freshman that time. Kris was her sunbae. on her first day she was late and got punishment from kris

“hey you come here? “ Kris called Amber

“me ? “  Amber pointed  her self

“yes you, the tomboy one “ kris said

“why you late on your first day? And you late freaking one hours? “ kris yelled at her

“mian, i’m watching football last night dude “ Amber said coldly

“what? How could you speak banmal (informal) with me ? “kris raised his voice. Amber bitted her bottom lips, she knew that she was in trouble right now

And she was right. She end up cleaned men’s toilet ALONE



After that day Amber always disturb kris’s life. She accidentally slipped her hand whe she played basketball and the ball hit kris’s back.

Honestly she did that on purpose. She poured strawberry juice in kris’s shirt when they bumped  each other. She did that on purpose again

In another side, kris has so much have fun when amber did her prank. She sometime failed to did that. And he love to saw her face, when she was upset. 

someday, kris caught Amber want to do something with his car.

“what are you doing in here? “ kris said

Amber turned around and saw kris watched her intensly

“mm, i – i ... “ she began shuttered. “ i did nothing “ she said

“but you look suspicious ? “

“aniya, sunbae. just go home safely. See you tomorrow. Annyeong bye ! “ she want to left him but kris stopped her

“wait, let’s go home together “ kris dragged her to his car

Amber took a deep breath, this is wrong.

She was frozen when kris sat beside her. She didn’t know what to do. It was unexpected.

“you know sunbae, i have somewhere to go. i can go home by my self. Thanks for your kindness. “ she want to out from kris’s car but kris locked it

“I can accompany you anywhere. I felt bored anyway “ kris said

“o okay “ she gave up

Suddenly kris came closer to Amber. Amber felt nervous, she was sweating.

“your safety belt “ kris said and put it on her. Amber felt dumb



Amber was lose. Her feeling  for kris start grew. She was mad. Why? How could? To released her strees out. She played basketball  at park.

She played until she exhausted and fell to the ground.

“here “ someone extend his hand to help her got up. Amber’s mouth gaped. It was kris. finally Amber hold his hand but something unexpected happened. When she want to got up, kris kissed her. She gasped and pushed him

“what are you doing? “ amber yelled at him

“i’m sorry “ kris said and looked down. Amber’s heart was soften

“i just can’t stop. I like you amber “kris confessed his feeling. Amber felt butterfly on her stomach. She like him too

“I like you too kris, “ Amber said. It was kris’s turned to shocked.

“really ? is that true “ kris hold her hand

Amber nodded. Kris began to peck amber’s face. From forehead, temples, eyes, nose, check, and lips”

“hey i’m sweating. “ Amber tried to push him. but he held her waist tightly.

“don’t care “ kris said and continue what he was doing







Tears are blocking my sight again in case i see him. it has already gotten late without me knowing. Again today, i only waited for him. i call out him like a fool. I waited for a long time while tears well up. Like this,  another day passes. It was one month without him, i tried to called him many times but i couldn’t reach him. and my pride didn’t let me to looking for him.

I couldn’t hold anymore. i love kris so much. I miss kris. i would do what what he want and change for him. i went

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BeepBeep1234 #1
Chapter 1: I was touched, if I'm not be able to hold my tears maybe I could cry a river now
Mimi0910 #2
Chapter 1: Please don't make it sad if you want to write a fanfic next time! Good luck!
Chapter 1: 0-0 I cried........T^T
Chapter 1: I hate angst BT dis fic is an exception! X3
Helloyo #5
Chapter 1: Y did kris needed to die??????????
Helloyo #6
I love this fanfic. Is totally cool
Chapter 1: you know what authornim, this is great story..i love this so much,,, and suddenly i miss krisber so much..hope you can do more of this pairing authornim..i thought kris will live...anyway #fighting authornim ^^
Jiseon_So #8
Chapter 1: Omg you make me cry author-nim T_________T
Chapter 1: so sad and I crying so bad
Chapter 1: oh my.. I am crying :'( I miss krisber so much :'(