New Girl


Hello everyone that clicked on this story~ I'm not really good at descriptions so you'll just have to read on to find out if you like it or not.

If you like the way i write, please please PLEASE subscribe and spread the word around about me.

Thank you and enjoy~


Everyone always complains about horrible it is to wake up and go to school, being scolded by teachers for being late, etc. How cool would it be to homeschooled?? 

Waking up whenever you want, staying in your PJ's, this all sounds tempting to us right? Anyone would be crazy to want to go to school!

Well..except one girl.

Im hana, a 16 year old girl that has been homeschooled ever since she learned how to speak finally wants to break from her restricted life and wants to experience new things! 

Love being one of them...

Will she like it? or will she wish she never rebeled against her parents wishes?

Keep reading to find out!


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