

word count: 794 words

type: drabble

genre: pg-13 - fluff

pairing: jjproject / bnior

hey guys! made this drabble (supposed to be one-shot but I've been crying too much my eyes kinda hurt when staring at the screen) of jjp (my ultimate ship!!) at 11:30 pm........ not sure if it's good enough, but yeah. Took place during the predebut-trainee-jjp debuting era. Enjoy!


"That moment, Im Jaebum fell for Park Jinyoung."

"But when Jinyoung saw the smile adorning Jaebum’s face, and a pair of arms were wrapped around him (he almost couldn’t breathe, but Jinyoung did not want to ruin his hyung’s happiness so he stayed quiet), Park Jinyoung fell for Im Jaebum."


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Chapter 1: d ; u ; b
*cries rainbow*
marshmelly #2
Chapter 1: This was adorable. ; w ; ♡
Thank you for this!
Chapter 1: aaawwwwww cute fic~
thanks ^.^