Chapter 10

Come Back To Me
The party went crazy eventhough it was just seven of them. Taeyang and Seungri really lit up the mood with champagne, beer, jokes and laugh. Seunghyun didnt realized this is his 7th glass of wine. 
'Oppa, stop it you're drunk already' Nara said and tried to take the glass of him.
Actually all of them were a bit drunk. Daesung, taeyang, seungri and Sena still drinking but they still quite sobber to let out small jokes. 
On the other hand, Nara just drink a little because she did feel dizzy and unwell. Jiyong was out for smoking.
'No, sweetheart. Let me drink some more' Seunghyun begged and kissed her cheeks.
'No, its enough' Nara said. 
'Hey hey lets play truth or dare!' Seungri quickly put the bottle in the middle and Taeyang called Jiyong.
'What is it?' Jiyong asked when he get in and saw all of them already made a circle. 
'Its truth or dare! Come join us hyung!' Daesung said with champagne in his hands. 
'Okay! The first one!' seungri moved the bottle and the bottle stopped in front of Seunghyun.
'Well, hyung. What was the gift you prepare for Nara? Truth or dare!' seungri asked. 
Seunghyun smirked, still quite sobber to shout, 'Truth! Babe, let me take a look at your finger' he said gently to Nara. Nara blushed a little and she showed them her ring.
'Well, I proposed to her this morning and she said yes!' Seunghyun said again in excitement and all of them went surprised
'Really? Oh my God congrats you guys!' Sena laughed and clapped her hand. While congratulations could be heard from the rest, Jiyong's face become sad and gloomy. 
'Now its my turn' Seunghyun said and the bottle stopped in fron of Jiyong.
'Okay, Ji. Tell us what's your biggest regret in your life. Truth or dare' seunghyun asked him.
Jiyong being quite for awhile before he sipped his champagne and said 'Truth' 
He stared at Nara deeply. 
'Its when I lost someone important' Jiyong said, didnt take away his gaze from Nara. 
'Its your first love again, isnt it? Aigoo hyung can you just forget about her and start a new life already?' daesung said made them laughed a bit.
'I want but I cant. In fact, I already found her' Jiyong said, made Seungri spitted out his drink.
'Then why dont you meet her?' taeyang asked his bestfriend.
'I cant. She's already have someone' jiyong said again with sad smile. 
'Ooooo poor Jiyong hyung' Seungri patted his shoulder, act like he's sorry for him. 
'Its my turn, isnt it?' Jiyong said and the bottle stopped in front of Nara.
'How's your life in US? I mean before you met Seunghyun hyung?' Jiyong said. 
'Dare' Nara said and take a glass of beer and drink it immediately. She felt hot and her head spinning but she would take glasses of beer rather than answering that question.
Nara's bottle stopped in front of Sena.
'Are you in love? Or do you already have a boyfriend?' 
'Truth. No, I once madly in love with someone but he rejected me so badly. And I couldnt find any man better than him after that'
Sena's bottle stopped in Jiyong again. 
'So, how's your first love? Can you describe her for us? She surely has something that made you love her that much' Sena said.
Nara really wanted Jiyong to just say dare and keep silent but it seems like Jiyong didnt wanna.
'Truth. Yes she is. She is beyond beautiful. And when she came back, I couldnt believe my eyes because she really looks like an angel. i would have mistaken her as one' he chuckled.
'You love her so much, huh?' seunghyun suddenly asked him. jiyong looked at his hyung and said firmly 'Yes, I do. i wish I meet her earlier' 
Nara kept her head low but she knew that Jiyong was staring at her. Could it be ended already? 
'What's wrong, babe? You look pale' Seunghyun asked her. 
She forced a smile for him.
'Ani, just a bit headache. I think I need a fresh air, oppa. Just continue the game without me, arasso?' She tried to stand up and make her way outside. 
She really needs some fresh air. 
A bit far from the villa, she found a bench and decided to sit there. Its a bit cold and she regret didnt wear her coat. She leaned on the bench, feeling the cold breeze in her face. She felt a bit drunk because of earlier and her face was burnt. 
'Do i catch fever? Oh ' she said to herself. She wanna go back already but her headache stopped her. She looking for her phone to call Seunghyun but seems like she left it in the villa. She tried to stood up, but she felt around her was spinning right away.
And just then, Jiyong suddenly appeared behind her, preventing her from falling.
'Hey, you okay?' Jiyong said.
She tried hard to looking up and saw him. She releases his grip immediately. 
'Im okay. What are you doing here?' She said.
'Nothing. I just want to see you' Jiyong said.
'Can you please st..' Nara said but being cut because Jiyong hold a box in front of her.
'Open it. This is for you' Jiyong said.
'What is it? You dont need to give me anything' 
'Please. I beg you' Jiyong said with a very sad eyes, looks like he can broken down soon. Nara's heart clutched because of his stare. She bit her lip and slowly received the box. She opened it and the box has a very beautiful neklace with shell and other sea ornament.
'This is what I got for you from that trip. You want me to bring you something beautiful, right? I got this for you and I always keep it because I know someday I'll get to meet you again. Everyday when I feel like give up, I looked into this thing and it encouraged me to still looking for you, Nara' Jiyong explained.
Nara couldnt say anything. She felt her eyes got teary. He still kept his promise after all these years. She already knew it but it still hurts to believe him again. 
'Can you forgive me? Please?' Jiyong said and move forward, cupped Nara's cheek with one hand.
'Please, please. I just need you to forgive me' A tear slipped out from Jiyong's eyes. 
Nara slowly nodded her head and her tears were falling too. She decided to just forgive this man. She couldnt denied that she still care. 
Jiyong smiled and immediately hugged her tightly. She still sobbed in his chest.
'What are you two doing?' seunghyun anger voice suddenly came out. They released the hug and looked at seunghyun immediately.
'A..ani, Oppa its nothing' Nara immediately said but Jiyong already step up and he's standing in front of Seunghyun. 
'We're just made up about something' Jiyong said.
'And you take the chance to hug her, huh?' seunghyun said again, raising his voice.
'Oppa, stop it you're drunk. Its not like that' Nara said and stepped forward too, holding on Seunghyun's arms. 
'Then like what? You're hugging my bestfriend in front of me!' He said angrily, holding Nara's hands tightly.
'Oppa, you hurt me' Nara said slowly because her headache became worse. 
Seunghyun immediately turned around and dragged Nara going back home 
'She's my first love, hyung' Jiyong suddenly said, make Seunghyun stopped. Nara looked at her man and his body shake because the anger. 
'How dare you!' He shouted and punched Jiyong, hard. Made the younger fall. Jiyong felt iron taste in his lips. 
'Oppa, stop it!' Nara hold Seunghyun's arm. 
'How dare you, Jiyong! She's my girlfriend!' 
'Then what?! I've been waiting for her for ing 7 years, hyung! You are the one who steal her from me!' Jiyong was about to stood up but Seunghyun was clenching his fist to him again but Nara suddenly moved to protect Jiyong and Seunghyun stopped. 
'So you're protecting him, huh?' Seunghyun asked her angrily
'Its not like that, Oppa. This is misunderstanding, and you're drunk. Please stop, Oppa.' Nara said, nearly in tears. 
Seunghyun looked at her eyes and eventhough he's angry, he still hates the sight of her crying. He sighed and turned his body and walked away. 
Nara couldnt run after him. Her headache become worse and her vision starts to blurry.
'Thank you. But its not necessary. I'll fight with him if its needed. I'll fight for you. I'll do whatever to get you back' Jiyong said as he passed Nara. He walked back to the villa.
Nara watching Jiyong's back moved away from her when slowly everything become dark.
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Gondance #1
Chapter 6: the update is really good, looking forward to the next one :)
Gondance #2
Chapter 5: please update soon :)
aldimia #3
Chapter 2: Oh my it:)
dirtborn #4
looking forward on this :)