
One-shots Pool Inspired Ver., LovieB


"....the glass slipper fit another girl's foot even before the prince and his servants got to Cinderella's house."


Once upon a time there was a kind and beautiful girl, whose name was Cinderella. She lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters where she was treated as a servant and spent her days cleaning, tidying and waiting on them hand and foot.

One day an invitation to a royal ball arrived. The prince was looking for a bride and everyone in the kingdom was invited. Her stepmother immediately ordered her gowns to be made for herself and her daughters. Cinderella worked day and night to prepare the new dresses in time. 

On the day of the ball, as they were preparing to leave, Cinderella came down the stairs in a dress she had made for herself. Her stepmother and stepsisters were so angry to see her looking so beautiful. They tore up the dress and left without her. Left alone, Cinderella began to cry when all of a sudden, her Fairy Godmother appeared. "Do not cry, my child. You shall go the ball!" she said. "But I do not have a dress to wear." cried Cinderella. Her Fairy Godmother waved her wand and at once Cindrella's rags turned into a beautiful new ball gown. Then her Fairy Godmother found six mice playing in the pumpkin patch.She touched them with her magic wand and the pumpkin turned into a beautiful coach and the mice into four white horses and two coachmen. When everything was ready, Cinderella waved goodbye to her Fairy Godmother who said, "The magic will only last until midnight. You must reach home by then." 

When she entered the ballroom the guests were struck by her beauty and her stepmother and stepsisters didn't know who she was. The prince asked Cinderella to dance and she was overjoyed. The prince and Cinderella danced all evening until Cinderella noticed the clock approaching midnight and she remembered her godmother's words. "I must go." she told the prince as she fled from the ballroom. As she ran down the steps of the palace, one of her glass slippers fell off, but Cinderella did not stop to pick it up. She returned home just as the clock struck twelve. Her coach came back into a pumpkin, her horses became mice and she was wearing rags once more. Her stepmother and stepsisters arrived shortly afterwards and were full of talk of the beautiful girl who had danced all night with the prince. 

The prince had fallen in love with Cinderella at the moment he saw her, but he did not even know her name. He picked up her glass slipper from the steps and declared "I will marry the girl whose foot fits this slipper." 

The prince and his servants took the glass slipper to every house in the kingdom. Unfortunately, the glass slipper fit another girl's foot perfectly even before the prince and his servants arrived at Cinderella's house. And yes, it was every girl's dream to be the princess so she just smiled sweetly in agreement instead of denying the fact that she was not the lady whom the prince was searching for. An imposter she became. 

It was the best day for everyone in the kingdom. The palace had never been more beautiful than that day. It was the prince's marriage. The imposter was wearing the most beautiful dress sewn by the best tailor in the kingdom. When the prince saw her, he froze. He had never seen anyone so beautiful and lovely. "She is even more beautiful than she was at the ball." he thought and fell in love with her even more. Everyone was envious of the couple. In the fanciest carriage of all, rode the prince and the imposter around the kingdom with their hands waving at the people. Finally, they had their first true love kiss. The 'happily ever after' has not arrived yet though. She was just a imposter. Only the real princess deserved the 'happily ever after'. So, here is what happened next.

After a few months passed, the imposter felt so wrong because the prince repeatedly talked about how he fell in love with the lady whom he danced with at the ball and believed that it must be fate who brought them together. Them.. Not her the imposter but the prince charming and his REAL princess, Cinderella. After giving a really deep thought, the imposter decided to reveal the truth. She couldn't handle the fact that the prince seemed to love the lady at the ball more than her. After she told him the truth, the prince was stunned. After for a long moment, he asked "Is this true?" The imposter nodded silently as tears were starting to fall from her eyes. She felt even worse! She never meant to hurt him this much. Her greed of wanting to be the princess was just too big and now that she had became the princess, she did not feel any more special because she was not even meant for this. She was just an imposter and the charming prince was just fooled. He loved the real princess. "I am so sorry. I know that I have done something really wicked and unforgivable. I had always been wishing to be a princess since I was young. On the day of the ball, I spent so much time preparing myself. I was trying to be as perfect as possible without realising that I was late already. And when I arrived at the ball, you were already dancing.. with her, the lady, the lady that you couldn't stop thinking of. Patiently, I waited, hoping that you would give every girl at least a chance but no. You danced with only one girl all night and I went home with tears on my cheeks and despair in my heart. But god seemed to be on my side. The glass slipper somehow fit my foot perfectly. Not wanting to throw the precious chance away, I fooled you, the king, and everyone else in the kingdom. I am so sorry." cried the imposter. "I will need some time alone for a few days" said the prince as he left the imposter alone. 

The prince charming rushed into the imposter's room and looked at her in surprise. He asked "What are you doing?" "I'm leaving. I do not know why I should be here anymore. The truth is revealed. It is time for you to find the your real princess now." "Why should I look for her now? It is too late! We are married now, Naeun." "A divorce is pefectly fine with me. And the one thing that I know well is that it is never too late to be with your true love." she replied with tears streaming down her face. Many thoughts were killing her inside. The thought of him living his life with his actual true love happily ever after. The thought of him forgetting her. The thought of never seeing his face again. The thought of...losing him.  "To tell you the truth, I found you even more beautiful than the lady from the ball on our wedding day. I gave a deep thought about this during these few days and I realised that I am lucky. Luckily, I found you before the lady from the ball because you definitely are the best lady for me and I am sure of that. Maybe it's us who are meant to be; otherwise, I would find the lady from the ball first. True love is when we used to live happily together. I love every single thing about you and is that qualified as 'true love'? So can you not leave me? The one thing that I know well is not to let go of your true love." said the prince. 

And the prince and the princess, his true love, lived happily ever after. 


Starring: Kim Myungsoo as the Prince Charming

Son Naeun as the imposter



Oh my god. Sorry guys, I've messed up the story so much and I'm updating this instead of updating the story that people are looking forward to. I just want to reveal the reality. How we eventually "learn" to love and the truest kind of love doesn't seem to exist. See? The imposter was prettier than the real princess so the prince kinda fell in love with her more than the lady from the ball. I'm not saying that this apply to everyone out there but if you look closely at the story CInderella, the prince mainly fell in love with Cinderella's beauty. That's all. So of course, when he saw someone prettier, he must fell in love with the new girl harder. And after a few months of living happliy together, the prince has "grown" to love her, TRUE LOVE. He had grown to love her for being her, everything, including her attitudes and stuffs. No longer just beauteh (beauty + meh. lmao). 



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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 1: I really love this author ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Littlesonyeoshin #2
Chapter 1: This is too cute and sweet ^^ I love it <3 good job author-nim !
Littlesonyeoshin #3
Chapter 2: So sweet <3 <3 I love this story and I hope you could write more one shots about myungeun and update your other myungeun story ! Your fanfic 'Sunday Monday' is one of my fav fanfic I've ever read !! I hope you could write something sweet and cute about myungeun ! Update soon author-nim ! Hwaiting !
SamGurl #4
Chapter 2: my point of view Cinderella has a twist in her story...she only caught the prince eyes just cuz of only her beauty....n Cinderella story is one of my least fav fairytale....anyways thnx n hope u keep giving us more MyungEun!!
iamkheypop #5
Chapter 1: Nice ♡♥♡
koala_panda #6
Chapter 1: it's sweet they are..hope u will write myungeun again
Chapter 1: So good ~ (>w<)