Reviews 。

❈ Pink Angel 。SM Entertainment // choosing members
USERNAME » Lxndsxy
POSITION » Lead Vocalist, Rapper.
STATUS » Pending
REVIEW » Hello, sorry for the late review. First, good choice for choosing Sori as your face claim because she suits Maena a lot. Hehe. Her personality is great because we need this kind of member in each group right? 

About the habits, can you add more? Because there are too little and I need to write it in the chapters if you're chosen. You can put in how she is when she wakes up, what she does during practicing and so on.

I'm a Luhan fan and his gif is just so... adorable!!! haha. If I want to use Baekhyun as her love interest, is it okay with you? Because I think they suits together. hehe.

Well, there's nothing wrong with your application, just add the things I've asked you to. Thanks for applying and keep on supporting this story. Although I didn't update much but I will in the future. haha
USERNAME » hwang_sunyoung
POSITION » Main Vocalist, Dancer.
FACE CLAIM » Lee Dasom
STATUS » Accepted
REVIEW » Hello Yin, sorry for the late review. First of all, I was shocked when I saw your short personality. It's okay, but can you write more of the negative personality? Because it didn't show on her daily life, just sport. It is hard for me to write when you are chosen. So you can just write her bad character during practice, on stage and many more.

Besides, can you put more habits of Jinhee's? Because I need to write more detials for you guys. Hehe. I hope it is not burdensome. 

Taemin is really mischeivous, I think every maknae is like that, right? haha. About the dating, can I tweak a bit? I want to make a twist in the story, hehe.. I have some idea in my mind now. Haha

Overall, your application is good. Please add some things I stated above and you're good. Thanks for applying!
USERNAME » Lostintraffic
POSITION » Main Vocalist, Dancer.
LOVE INTEREST » Kim Jonghyun, SHINee.
FACE CLAIM » Joo Sunyoung
STATUS » Accepted
REVIEW » Hello Iris, sorry for the late review. First, I'm sorry for changing the face claim to Joo Sunyoung because I think she's better and I like her. Hehe. I hope you don't mind.

Well I must say her background is good and reasonable. That's what I like. Hehe... And she has a lot of sisters and a brother!!! That family must be really crowded right? Haha.. I see that Kangrin and Seulgi are best friends, so I think there must be a lot of funny things happened between them. I'm imagining it now.

Kangrin's interaction with Jonghyun is great, and I'll surely write that if you are chosen. Don't worry, I will surprise you at the end of the story, or maybe middle. 

Your application has nothing wrong with it. I like it. Thanks for applying again and I hope you'll enjoy rhe story and keep supporting it.

POSITION » Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
LOVE INTEREST » Kim "V" Taehyung, BTS.
STATUS » Accepted 
REVIEW » Hello, Yoomin. Sorry for the late review. First, is it okay if I use May as Aeyoung's face claim? Because Suna looks quite old for her age. I'm just asking because I like Suna too. She looks mysterious. Haha.

Seriously, I love her background. Maybe because I can feel that she wants to be an idol and most importantly, she is intelligent. Haha. I love clever people. I guess that the school is sad because their hope has gone to Seoul Arts High School.

Hmm... You want to use Ken as your love interest? Well, I like V and Aeyoung more. I ship them already! Brother-sister relationships are always the cutest, for me.

Overall, your application is good! Thanks for applying again and please support my story!

USERNAME » PokerFacedDeer
POSITION » Main Rapper, Dancer.
LOVE INTEREST » Song Yunhyeong, iKON.
STATUS » Accepted
REVIEW » Hello Rainy, sorry for the late reviews. First, Yeri is pretty and it's a good choice for choosing her. haha. And she really has a lot of nicknames given by everyone she knows. Wow.

Well, her personality is good, you explained it well. And I like her background. I honestly love YG style but the survival is really too cruel. Pity the boys of WIN and iKON.

I guess you must be a fan of iKON huh? Haha. Me too! Hmm.. can you elaborate on the "How You Met" section at love interest? Because I have some plan in my mind now and I need detials from it. I hope you can do that.

Finally, there is nothing much wrong in your application. Just add the things that I've requested above and you're free to go. Thanks for applying again and I hope you will keep supporting this story and iKON! haha


USERNAME » ShinSeungAh98
POSITION » Lead Vocalist, Rapper.
FACE CLAIM » Park Hyemin
STATUS » Accepted
REVIEW » Hello Tisha, first of all, I'm sorry to change the face claim, this is because both Dahyun and Eunji are too cute for the group. So I change it to Park Hyemin, if you don't like you can change it in the form and inform me.

Wow, it is cool that she had become a traineee at Big Hit Entertainment, and it's a pity that she has a harsh time at Big Hit. Well, her personality is good and has nothing wrong with it. I love her trivias!! If you're chosen, I'll definitely put up your trivia into my story! Haha

Besides, your relationship with Hoseok is too cute! Btw, can I know what is Hoseok's stage name? I don't know anyone from BTS actually. Haha. 

Overall, your application has nothing wrong with it, if you don't like the face claim, feel free to change it and tell me. Thanks for applying and bye!

USERNAME » potito.
POSITION » Main Dancer, Vocalist.
FACE CLAIM » Stephanie Lee.
STATUS » Pending
REVIEW » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec viverra odio, vitae elementum lorem. Curabitur faucibus viverra pretium. Curabitur quis nibh lacinia, gravida diam non, interdum nisi. Quisque posuere fringilla sapien, eget vehicula tortor tincidunt sed. Maecenas justo velit, euismod sed sem ut, vestibulum congue ante. Integer lobortis ipsum adipiscing, posuere massa et, ultricies urna. Aenean elementum porta auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque accumsan nunc lacinia volutpat blandit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Ut dignissim lectus vitae mauris dignissim, vel ultricies augue eleifend. Morbi tortor velit, consectetur ut interdum at, euismod ac nulla. Cras vel nibh posuere, mattis est id, dignissim sem. Fusce sed erat nec erat elementum iaculis. Etiam eget elit non turpis dictum vulputate eget et sapien. Praesent lacinia purus vel lorem molestie interdum vitae vel mauris. Etiam quis tincidunt nibh. Praesent nec vulputate mi. Praesent ac luctus ligula, vitae venenatis nibh.

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Chapter 2: Hello, author-nim :)
Ooohhh, I like the ulzzang that you've chosen! Sorry, I don't really know a lot of ulzzangs...
And thank you for accepting my app! Luckily it was ok! :D

Oh, and Hoseok's stage name is J-Hope...
Chapter 2: Haiii<3 I'm glad you liked YoungSook! I was kinda worried because, as I said in my ap, she's a new character so yeah.
Generally, I'm not that much of a YG fan, I just like the new generation (WINNER, iKON, AKMU, LeeHi) and Tablo, but they have a good music style. I knowww, it's so cruel ;-; I really hope JinHyeong and HognSeok get a chance to debut though...
And yes, I really love iKON<3 Specially YunHyeong, SassHwe and ChanWoo. I already elaborated more on it! Hope it's okay like that<3
Anyways, again thank you for the review and fighting author-nim<3
Chapter 2: Hii ^^ Thanks for the review and accepted May X)
You can use May as her face-claim and V as her love interest ~
I'm okay with everything ~
Just make the best for her :) and Hwaiting !
Chapter 1: Hii<3 So, I'm applying, but I have a lil' doubt... Can my chacracter's love interest be from iKON? ;u;