


I don’t know why this scenario popped into my head. I was just listening to Lorde and missing the rain. Well oops.

Disclaimer: As much as I’ve learned about natural disasters in uni, I’ve never had firsthand experience with floods. There may be are probably some inaccuracies. And despite experience and doing research, I’ll say the same for medical conditions and treatments.

Aside from that, enjoy?



"Come on! We have to hurry!"

"Minho, we can’t!" Taemin shouted over the deafening rush of the river against the meandering banks. Minho was on the slick black rocks that dotted the rising body of water and the other stood frozen on the relative safety of the pebbly shore. The heavy rain pelted every inch of the two adolescents and their hair and clothes clutched onto them as tightly as Taemin balled his fists.

"We can make it! Take my hand!" the older of the two yelled, extending an arm toward the hesitant boy. "We can do it, Taemin, you said so yourself!" Minho’s legs were beginning to quake from the strain and his dropping body temperature. The other’s teeth were already chattering, whether because of the cold or fear, he couldn’t tell.


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Chapter 1: uunf;ioWFMKLDSRELD;X./;EPDA/!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

DA FEEEEEELS UNNIE >/////////////////<
jesselee #2
I thought I would end up in a sobbing mess and im pleased I didn't