Chapter 12

Seven Become One

The boys stayed a safe distance back from Hyunki as they watched him hurry down the hall and down the stairs to the café. The six of them stayed back as Hyunki hurried into the café and over to a little seven year old boy with sunglasses on and a white cane with a red tip in his hand. The boy was blind!

“Shi Woo, what are you doing here.” Said Hyunki leaning down so he was at Shi Woo’s height

“Hyung,” said the little boy reaching out his hand and touching Hyunki’s face, “I missed you. I wanted to see you again.”

A tear rolled down Hyunki’s cheek and he touched his brother’s cheek.

“Where was mom and Noona?”

“Mom’s at work, Noona…”

“Knocked out,” sighed Hyunki, “Shi Woo it’s dangerous to come here by yourself don’t do that again. Call me when you’re going to come.”

“Okay,” wined Shi Woo, “Can I watch you practice?”

“No, not tonight, come on I’ll take you home.” Said Hyunki taking Shi Woo’s hand and walking him out of the café.

            The boys called it a night and Kikwang texted Hyunki that they were heading back to their dorm and to take his time. All of them were rather curious as to who the kid was. They all knew that TOP had no more siblings so the little blind boy couldn’t be Hyunki’s dongsaeng. Everyone was voicing their opinions on who the little boy could be. Hyunseung was quiet though he hadn’t said anything at all, Junhyung could tell that Hyunseung had an idea on what was going on but he didn’t ask him. Right now it was just best to leave Hyunseung alone. Hyunki arrived back at the dorm an hour later.

“Your smile was quick to fade.” Said Dongwoon.

“I have a lot on my mind,” said Hyunki rubbing the back of his neck.

“Who was the kid?” asked Yoseob.

“My dongsaeng.” Said Hyunki petting Yanggaengie and walking over to the fridge.

“Dongsaeng,” said Junhyung, “I thought TOP just had you and a  Noona.”

“Oh, yes that’s true. But I’m adopted.”

“My question is why did you start looking for your family,” said Hyunseung, “You’d said you never would….”

“Well you know times changed,” said Hyunki holding in his temper, “and I needed answers. Plus you weren’t around anymore.”

            Doojoon sighed. It had been about a week since he’d put Hyunki and Hyunseung in the same room but it hadn’t made much of a difference. If anything it had just made the two of them further apart. He wasn’t the only one worried about Hyunki and Hyunseung though. All of the members could tell that things weren’t getting better and were worried about the situation. All of them had been very close and had good teamwork but after Hyunki had arrived things had started to become stressful not just during practice but also in the recording studio and the car rides. Tomorrow they had to get up early as they were going to Busan for a fan event. It was a five hour car ride one way so they had to leave early.

“Hyunseungie, how close were you to Hyunki?” asked Junhyung

“Close,” said Hyunseung, “We grew up together.”

“What happened?” asked Doojoon

“What usually happens, time.”

 “Who wants to watch some TV?” asked Kikwang, “running man is on.”

            All of the members decided to watch the program with Kikwang,  Yoseob and Junhyung looked around for snacks while Dongwoon looked for Hyunki to see if he wanted to watch it when them but when he reached the bedroom door he heard Hyunki talking to someone one the phone and decided not to disturb him. The boys started the program and about halfway through it Hyunki emerged looking for something to eat. He grabbed one of the rice balls that Yoseob had made and headed back to his room. Kikwang was about to get up and go after Hyunki but Doojoon grabbed his arm and told him to leave Hyunki alone tonight.

            The following morning the members were all half asleep as they went to the salon and then headed to Busan. It was a long five hour drive and Doojoon told Hyunki and Hyunseung to ride in the back together, hoping that this would ease up the tension between them before the fan event in the afternoon. Junhyung climbed in the back with them while Yoseob, Kikwang and Dongwoon took the middle seats with Doojoon getting shotgun. At first they all dozed in the car and then eventually they started waking up and fooling around. Doojoon and Dongwoon kept doing their impersonations making everyone in the car laugh.  Dongwoon asked Hyunki if he could do any impersonations and Hyunki proudly impersonated all of BTS along with BAP’s Zelo which made them laugh. And so the five hour car ride passed by, without anymore fights between Hyunki and Hyunseung.

            It was noon when they arrived in Busan and fifteen minutes later they arrived at the fan event location. The group was going to do a short performance with their title song “Shadow” and the preleased song “I’m Sorry”. There was lunch waiting for them in the waiting room and they ate as they got their hair and makeup touched up and changed. The performance went well and they quickly hurried back to the waiting room to change and wipe the sweet from their faces. Ten minutes they were out front again and started giving out autographs. There was a large crowd of fans and it was going to be a long few hours. Hyunki got stuck between Hyunseung and Junhyung during the fan signing event. A few times Junhyung whispered something funny in his ear making Hyunki laugh and keeping him energized and awake. At one point a bug landed on Junhyung’s arm and he freaked out, jumping up and shaking his whole body. All of them just laughed at him.

“Who do you like better Hyunseung or Hyunki?” asked Junhyung as a fan walked up.

“Hyunki,” said the fan after glancing at the two of them, “he’s cuter.”

“I’m not going to sign your cd then,” teased Hyunseung pouting.

Junhyung laughed but Hyunseung signed the CD and gave the young fan his warm bright smile.

            The signing event continued for another hour and the boys did their best to interact with their fans, both the ones who they were giving autographs to and those who were waiting. Hyunki had done a few of these  already so he had gotten used to it and had begun to really enjoy them. When it was done it was time for the members to say goodbye to their fans.

“Thank you all for supporting me and allowing me to join this wonderful group,” said Hyunki, “I promise to work hard.”

The other five members in turn also spoke leaving Doojoon last.

“Thank you all for coming out today. Please give lots of love to our new album and our new member Hyunki. Get home safely.”

            It was five thirty when the members climbed back in the van and headed back to Seoul. Even though it was going to be after ten when they got back they still had a radio program to do along with dance practice. They were already talking about their concert for the summer so there was a lot to talk and think about too. Hyunseung was listening to music when he felt a heavy weight on his right shoulder, he opened his eyes to see Hyunki fast asleep with his head on his shoulder. He glanced up and saw Doojoon watching him in the mirror, Hyunseung sighed and gently moved Hyunki’s head so that it was resting on a small pillow. Then closed his eyes again and listened to his music.

            Before they arrived at the radio station they made a stop at a coffee shop to get something to keep them awake for the next four hours.  The radio program was lively and fun, Shindong was a good radio host and made them all feel very comfortable.  They talked about all sorts of things and Shindong asked each of the members what their favorite song was on the album starting from the Maknae.

“Personally I like Kikwang Hyung’s ‘History’,” said Hyunki making Kikwang smile so that his eyes disappeared, “it’s got a beautiful melody and I love the lyrics. Kikwangie Hyung did a good job.”

The other members all gave their honest opinion some picking their favorite songs and they had a lot of fun talking about their album and the recording process.

“Junhyung what do you think of Hyunki’s rapping skills and in your opinion what separates him from you?” asked Shindong.

“Age…” laughed Junhyung, “no but seriously Hyunki’s voice is deeper than mine giving the rap a different feel and he can also rap rather fast, not as fast as Zelo but rather close. He also has a good sense of rhythm and can put the emotions in his rap, which is key.”

“oooh,” said Yoseob grinning, “Junhyung is admitting someone is just as good as he is.”

“Yeah!” said Junhyung poking Yoseob in the side.

            The radio program ended at thirty minutes after midnight and the boys said good bye to Shindong Sunbae and headed to the practice studio. They hadn’t gotten any practice done yet that day so they had a lot to do. They went over “Shadow”, “I’m sorry” and some of their old songs as well, Hyunki had learned the chorography for most of the old songs but they needed to be edited for a seven member formation along with just perfecting them, They weren’t going to do it that night but Junhyung and Hyunki also had to go back in the studio and rerecord the rap for all of their previous songs so it could be used during the concert. It was after three when the members finished and got back to the dorm. Hyunki looked around for some heat patches but there were none in the dorm, he must of used the last of them earlier that week. So he grabbed his wallet, hat and mask and then headed out to the nearest convenient store to buy some while the other members were cleaning up. Hyunki was coming out of the store when he thought he saw an old friend go down a side ally, he quickly fallowed but he turned the corner nobody was there! He turned around but found himself face to face with his old rival.

“Leo,” said Hyunki startled

“Going somewhere?” asked the boy with long black hair in a cold yet soft voice.

Behind Leo emerged two other boys, one with  short dark hair wearing a dark tank top and silver studs the other was taller and if he hadn’t had bangs covering one eye one might consider him a flower boy. Hyunki glanced behind him and saw a three other boys glaring at him. Leo’s whole crew was here.

“What do you want Leo?”

“Isn’t it obvious,” said Hongbin the dark flower boy.

“Now now, Hongbin we wouldn’t want Hyunki here to think we have lost our manners.” Said Leo

The other boys snickered.

“I don’t have time for this,” said Hyunki pushing passed Leo and Hongbin.

“How’s the leg?” asked Ravi

Hyunki froze.

“You know, you really shouldn’t be so heartless towards us,”  said Leo wrapping his arm around Hyunki’s shoulders, “after all we didn’t want to hurt you, it was Hyunseung who paid us to make sure you’d be out of commission.”

“You’re lying!” said Hyunki pulling away from Leo, “Hyunseung would never do that.”

“Why don’t you ask him yourself,” said N, “I’m sure he’ll tell you the truth.”

“Or have you not kept in contact?” smirked Hyuk, “Oh yaeh you’re in the same group so there’s no escaping him is there.”

Oh, Hyunki has a little brother! How fun, but why did he keep it a secrete from BEAST?  Oh and the bad boys of VIXX appear, what do you think of Leo as the scarry leader? I mean just look at him !!!!! Please comment and subscribe

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hyunseunglover15 #1
i miss this fic :(
Woah i havent read a good beast story in such a long time >< this is awesome!!!!
Trillion #3
Chapter 22: Please update soon i am officially addicted to this
Chapter 18: i like the story and its mysteries but i think the phasing is too slow? or are you intending to do that? because all they do is fight and argue so that means hyunseung is the antagonist in the story? hoping for next updates keep it up^
AwhHyunki has a little brother. Its sad hes blind but i bet hyunki is a good big brother.
The fansign was very funny. Junhyung got scared by a bug haha. Think my favo part was hyunki's head on hyunseung's shoulder. It was cute and i hope hyunseung will be nicer to him. Also the ending! Hyunseung paid vixx?! Whats going on!
Chapter 10: I really liked the little Junseung parts ^^. I'm very curious who this girl HaeYoon is. She looks important for Hyunki. Also seeing him finally smiles makes me happy. Nice chapter!
Chapter 10: Sometimes your scenes changed in a sudden it made me a little confused. Its okay, you have a good plot and the mysteries... i can't wait!! Btw try to have POV, it will help show their feelings better :]
Chapter 9: How TOP talked about Hyunki was so touching. Aslo GD's speach made me emotional.
Hyunki has it really hard, it's good he stands up against Hyunseung, even though I love Hyunseung so so much haha. He's an towards Hyunki. I loved the ending. What happend to you Hyunseung? You was always such a sweetie...Tell me whats wrong.
Chapter 8: Poor Hyunki. He's trying so hard but only get scoled by Hyunseung.
I liked the way you descibed Hyunseungs room oh and they way BEAST let him and Hyunki scared haha.
TOP as Hyunki's brother? That's going to be good. And YES GSeung!!!!!!
i like the plot! can't wait to know about hyunki n hyungseung's past! ^^