everything is all right

His Muse

Min Yoongi had said to himself for the longest time that all he wanted to focus on was music. When he slaved away on his desk in classroom 3-1, beats and melodies would swim through his mind. The teachers would lecture and the students would gossip, but he hardly had the time or effort for any of them. All he heard was music. Though he would try to listen to keep the bare minimum grade, there would be a thin black notebook in between the sheets of his notes. It was crowded with scratches and arrows and pages of black ink scribbled so illegible that even he couldn’t read it anymore. Rhythms and rhymes that hardly made sense to him after the moment had past and unfinished lyrics that he wrote in a burst of inspiration and energy. But it was his soul and it was something that kept him sane as the school days sauntered by. Though teachers would slam their hands against his desks and his hands would be so whipped that they were raw, he wrote on and thought on about music. Min Yoongi had said to himself for the longest time that all he wanted to focus on was music. But that didn’t happen as smoothly as he wanted, because one day she walked into class.


Yoongi wasn’t someone you might call “friendly,” since he mostly spent his time writing music, but in a classroom on the other side of the hallway is a boy much like him. His name was Jeon Jungkook. The two were sent to punishment for the same thing: “serially disregarding the orders of their teachers.” Yoongi asked him what Jungkook did and he answered, “I was too busy writing music to listen to the lecture.” Yoongi smiled and he said that they were gonna get along just fine. Yoongi was willing to mentor and befriend a boy with similar taste and it was on a Tuesday that Jungkook wanted Yoongi to review a piece of music he had been polishing. Yoongi nodded his head along the beat with the one plug in his ear.


“Do you like it, hyung?” Jungkook asked as Yoongi pulled the earpiece off.


Yoongi nodded. “I like it as a start, but it’s a little flat, you know? I think that you could add another layer of beats--”


"Excuse me, I need to get through.”


Yoongi turned around to see a young girl trying to get to her seat. Her face was turned down but he could still see it through her thick hair. She looked up at him to see if he would move and that’s when he started to sweat. He was about to apologize, but then the words started to twist and change in his throat


“Sorb--” he started before quickly clamping his lips shut.


Jungkook chuckled a bit before he turned to the girl. “Sorry, Sera. You can go through.”


“Thanks…” she replied as she went over to her seat, without a second glance at Yoongi.


His eyes followed her as she stepped into her seat and moved a piece of her hair out of her face. As she did so, Yoongi caught a glimpse of her profile. Her long eyelashes tapped her cheeks. She was all curves; her smooth forehead seamlessly roll into her nose that turned into two rounded lips. But it was for a second, even though it felt like an eternity. Everything was quiet for a moment until all he heard was a beat, steady and loud. His heartbeat. She turned to the front of the room and he saw her black hair shine from the light spreading through the window.


“Hyung? Are you okay?” Jungkook tugged on Yoongi’s sleeve.


But Yoongi didn’t respond. Instead, he held his expression and calmly walked out the door. Jungkook called out to Yoongi quietly, but simply watched him leave to his classroom. If you watched him carefully, you could see he was tapping his fingers against his leg. Yoongi could only hear the beat that playing in his head. His hands started to add melodies and soon Yoongi had a song. The only thing he didn’t have was the paper to keep this song down and he definitely didn’t want to lose it. By the time he had gotten to his desk, he was already muttering beats. Scrambling for his phone, he was shaking with excitement--he hadn’t composed a song like that in a long time. He put the recorder on and started to relay the melodies. To other students, it wasn’t a strange occurrence. Every so often, Yoongi would put the phone to his lips and repeat melodies or amatuer beats. Turning off his phone, the school bell began to ring. But it didn’t matter; he grabbed his notebook and started to scribble his lyrics. If Yoongi didn’t write as fast as his thoughts, the words--the right words--would be lost forever. But after a verse, he was burnt out. As abruptly as he began, he stopped and he hadn’t a word to write afterwards. At this, he placed an earbud in his ear and started to write half lyrics, only to pause, cross out and rewrite. This went on the whole day.


Yoongi didn’t even hear the bell ring for lunch. Most of the students leaped from their desks and talking had ensued, but Yoongi did not look up from his notebook. Yoongi was left with his thoughts for about ten minutes before three boys crashed through the door. They came in like firecrackers; all going off at the same time.


“Yoongi-yah!” They all shouted. Two of the boys bounced toward Yoongi. Jungkook was one of them, who took a seat on the desk beside Yoongi. The others stood watching him for a minute.


The dark brown friend smiled widely and flung his arm around Yoongi’s neck. He looked down at the black notebook, that he knew held Yoongi’s secrets. He smiled slightly and read something out of it. “Usually words flow easily from my mind to my lips, but with her I turn into a fool--”

“Yah, Namjoon!” Yoongi snapped as he quickly closed the book, with a face full of red embarrassment.


But the friends laughed as if everything was a joke. One named Hoseok took the seat in front of Yoongi and laid his head on his arms. “What’s with the love songs, Yoongi-yah? It’s rare to see you write songs like this.”


“Yah!” Yoongi called out as he pointed to the both of them. “I’m older than you by a couple of months! Don’t forget that!”


The boy giggled to himself, before Namjoon butted in again. “Hyung, what is this? What girl has captured Yoongi-yah’s heart?”


Namjoon couldn’t even finish his sentence without stray chuckles coming in between his words.


Yoongi just shook his head. “It’s nothing, just forget about it!”


The youngest smiled mischievously before getting up from his seat. He pointed toward Yoongi and asked very excitedly, “Hyung! Is this about the girl you saw in my class?"


For the life of himself, Yoongi wished Jungkook was somewhere else. Somewhere very very far away. Just as he finished, Namjoon and Hoseok slowly turned toward Yoongi and had their “oooh” faces on. Namjoon’s a bit dirty and Hoseok’s just plain anxious. Hoseok started to hit Yoongi, but Namjoon just crossed his arms and eyed Yoongi slyly.


“Jungkook’s class? Hyung, did you just fall for a first year? That would make her sixteen!” Namjoon laughed again.


Hoseok’s silly grin didn’t leave his face as he thought about it himself. “I always knew that Yoongi would get himself a younger girl!”


For about twenty minutes, they talked about it. Jungkook gave a brief description of this mystery girl to Namjoon and Hoseok. He had said that he didn’t really know much about her other than she kept to herself. Yong Sera was also friends with a boy named Kim Taehyung, who’s really loud. And when she’s with him, she’s pretty loud too. Namjoon joked that Yoongi needed his approval before the two could start dating, to which Yoongi replied that this girl didn’t even know who he was. They laughed and joked some more. Namjoon tried to give Yoongi tips about girls, but Yoongi didn’t want to hear them. Hoseok kept saying that Yoongi was in love and started to prance around with Jungkook, singing and laughing. But even throughout their incessant teasing, Yoongi said nothing and took it. He knew not much could shut them up. Eventually, the jokes were getting old and the news wasn’t as funny and they turned to new topics. The lunch period had ended and the three left Yoongi. But then he started thinking. Placing his head in his hand, he thought about the girl. He only saw her for about a minute, but he replayed that minute over and over again. Her hair in her face, the roundness of her eyes, the length of her eyelashes. It churned his stomach--but in a good way. Jungkook said her name was Sera.


“Sera,” he whispered. Other students had started to flood the room again as a grin moved up his face. He moved his hand as if to cover his mouth. A small laugh escaped his lips. He really liked her.


And so it began. It was strange. Whatever was happening to Yoongi, it was happening fast. The next day, he had an itch to visit Jungkook in his classroom before school started. Before entering 3-1, Yoongi stole a glance toward Jungkook’s class. He tapped his fingers against his legs as he thought about what he should do. He saw many faceless first years move into the room, nonchalantly. Though to them it was just a classroom, to Yoongi it was strange and filled with intentions. After biting his lips, he relaxed his hands and took a step. Yoongi moved slowly toward the other side of the hallway; he figured he would just look inside and wave at Jungkook and get a quick look at Sera while he was at it. As he walked over, a shadow came up from under him and blocked his view from the door. Yoongi looked down and saw a young boy in front. He widened his eyes and stepped back a bit.


The boy swirled around quickly and held up a hand in apology. “Ah! Sorry!” But before Yoongi could say anything to him, he ducked into class.


Yoongi saw who he walked toward. The boy hit the back of Sera and when she turned around, she hit him back and shouted out.


“AAUUGGHH! Taehyung!”


The other grimaced a smile but he still laughed along with her. Yoongi watched from the doorway. He finally saw her smile. She opened wide with her eyes closed tightly. It made him smile too. It was hardly magical, but simply happy--purely happy. When he saw her like that, she was so natural and in her elements. He thought perhaps, she could be like that with him.


Again, it came down like fire. He walked into class and started to scribble again. Once the teachers began their lectures, Yoongi hardly paid attention. Quietly, he took his pen and wrote one line at a time. He even forgot that he was hungry once lunch came around. Jungkook poked his head in to see if Yoongi wanted to eat, but even he couldn’t pull him from his music. Even at home, Yoongi’s mother came home with dinner in hand and though she expected him to get out of his room, she hardly saw him that night. But if she looked into his room, they’d both scream. He filled the room with lyrics, even as he did school work and notes, words seemed to end up on the edges of all his papers. So his work laid on the floor along his black notebook and older lyrics he had dug up for inspiration. Overall, his simple song had turned into a complete mess. But as he kept writing, he started to split the song. So overwhelmed by his music, Yoongi slipped off his bed and laid on his floor beside all the words he was trying to straighten out. By the time his mother went to sleep, he had three different melodies and groups of lyrics. Looking over them again, Yoongi seemed to have exponentially created a mess of his feelings.


Jungkook was surprised to see Yoongi in front of his room. To an untrained eye, Yoongi looked like any normal student beside a classroom, but Jungkook knew that Yoongi was fidgeting. Standing there by himself, for just a glimpse of maybe Sera. It seemed desperate. But Jungkook said nothing and walked over to his hyung. He smiled brightly like a silent laugh. Yoongi couldn’t help but smirk along with him. Jungkook looked around the hallway to see if anyone noticed two awkward boys standing beside class 1-2. Quietly, Yoongi pressed a hand against his forehead, trying to hide the fact that he was holding in a laugh. Jungkook on the other hand was less subtle. Squeezing his eyes tight and crossing his arms, he started to cackle between his teeth. Yoongi just pressed his lips together, in order to control himself. He couldn’t stare at Jungkook anymore, unless he wanted to burst out into laughs. By this time, Jungkook had covered his face with both his hands as he leaned forward. All to quiet his fit. Even Yoongi started to chuckle by this point, but then he hit Jungkook.


“Shut up,” Yoongi laughed through his teeth.


Jungkook finally opened his mouth, but only to swallow his giggles with a sigh. “Really, hyung. You’re so in love~,” he mocked with a smile.


“Be quiet…” Yoongi said, before retiring to his room, without a glance at Sera.


“Yoongi-yah!” someone shouted.


He hadn’t noticed but he had fallen asleep on his desk. Abruptly, Yoongi whipped his head back, but once he noticed that no one was in class, he turned to the person who had shouted his name. Seokjin wasn’t the closest with Yoongi, but Seokjin was the only one in their grade that appreciated Yoongi’s love for music. Time and time again they became closer, close enough that he was comfortable enough stealing Yoongi’s music notebook and reading it.




But the boy just laughed as he Yoongi stood up to snatch his book away. But Seokjin was much taller than Yoongi so it was harder than it seemed.


“What are you doing? I didn’t know that you were a romantic,” Seokjin commented as he flipped through the pages again. “Who is this?”


“Who’s what?”


“The girl you’re writing about?”


Yoongi sighed as he placed a hand on his chin, “She’s in class 1-2; her name is Yong Sera.”


Seokjin nodded as he threw back Yoongi’s notebook. Then he lifted his backpack and put it on.


“School ended.” Seokjin said with a laugh.


But Yoongi was still too groggy to fully understand what he had said. Slowly, Yoongi smacked his lips and picked up his backpack--only to use it as a pillow to support his head.


Seokjin raised an eyebrow, but then he asked, “What’s she like?” As he spoke, he sat on the desk infront of Yoongi’s desk.



He repeated, “Yong Sera, what’s she like?”


Yoongi was silent for a long time. “I don’t know.”



“Yeah…” Yoongi sighed. He adjusted his chin on his backpack and drifted again into his thoughts. “I guess, I don’t really know what she’s like.”


Seokjin hummed a reply, then he spoke again. “Here’s a crazy question: Why don’t you get to know her?”


At this, Yoongi smirked at himself. A small laugh came out as he shook his head. “Ah, no.”


“Why not?” Seokjin asked. “You like her, right?”


“Yeah...but,” Yoongi thought for a minute as he started to fidget with a tear on his backpack. “I don’t think I’m Seokjin enough to do that.”


His friend chuckled at Yoongi’s comment. “But really, don’t you want to get close to her?”


“Of course! But how can I without an icebreaker? And this would be so much easier if I had friends that could introduce me, but we don’t have any friends in common.” As he spoke, his head lowered, until he was glumly staring down at his shoes. “Seokjin’s comfortable with girls, but I’m not.” He ended with a laugh.


Seokjin studied his friend for a while, chewing on his nails. Silence took up the whole room and every so often loud outbursts of laughs carried down the hall. But other than those, nothing was heard. Finally Seokjin opened his mouth again.


“How…” as he spoke, Yoongi looked up at him again. “How do you know you like Sera?”


At first Yoongi was hesitate. Yoongi wasn’t one to just speak, but to show and demonstrate through music. There were just somethings that only words could not describe.


The boy sighed. “It’s a weightless feeling really.”



“Really,” Yoongi said but again, he was gone and focused on his thoughts. “It’s kind of a...anxiousness. Well, a happiness. I feel empty when I see her, that I’m hollow and cold--but all in a good way. I’m so happy that I’m anxious, I mean, excited. I’m empty, because I’m unsatisfied with the way I am. When I think about her, I want to be so many things; a good husband, a good worker, a better man in general. She makes me want to be a better person. I feel unworthy, because the world has placed such a beautiful girl in front of me and I’m not anything and I’ve done nothing to have her. But that’s when I get excited, because then I want to work for her. I’ve been given so much energy to do nothing but become the man that she wants. And I’m excited to be able to be the reason why she gets up in the morning or the reason why she smiles…”


Throughout, Yoongi looked practical and somber. He rested his chin on his backpack again and sighed. “But I’m mostly excited to make her feel the same way I do right now.”


His friend smiled slightly at the end and nodded. “Yoongi-yah, don’t you think that your feelings are worth sharing with her?”


He sighed. “Yes…”


Seokjin raised an eyebrow. “So?"


Yoongi shrugged. “I don’t know…”



Seokjin had said that he needed to run for a club meeting and he said goodbye. Closing the door behind him, he ran to the corner where three of boys were laughing at something one of them had done just prior. Hoseok started to hit Namjoon as he tried to close his mouth, because he started to choke. Jungkook laughed into his hand as he thought how stupid he was just seconds ago. Seokjin turned the corner and Namjoon was the first to see him. He looked up expectantly. Seokjin shook his head. Namjoon repeated the action.


“Thanks for doing that, sunbae,” Jungkook muttered as he crossed his arms.


“I tried to make him reconsider, but he’s really not going to do it,” Seokjin explained. “I really want to help, but this is going to be harder than I thought.”


Hoseok sighed and replied, “You know, it’s late. We’ll think of something tomorrow.”


They nodded and all started toward the exit. They stopped at Yoongi’s class to see if he wanted to walk home together, but they saw that Yoongi had left before them. They walked down the stairs and they stepped through the doorway. But before they could exit, they couldn’t help but listen to some strange pterodactyl-like noises coming from the room on the other side of the hall. Of course they didn’t want to, but Hoseok had to peer inside to see what was happening. And while he did that, Jungkook caught a glimpse of them too. His face lit up as he grabbed the two upperclassmen in excitement.


“Namjoon! Seokjin! Wait up!”


The two turned around just as Jungkook came up with a plan.


“I think I have a way of helping Yoongi!”


For most students, they hated cleaning up after school but for Taehyung and Jimin, they hated it even more. But with Jimin’s short attention span, it was always interesting. Taehyung was sweeping up the room while his friend cleaned off the chalk from the erasers and board. Soon it turned into Jimin the ghost, Taehyung the ghost hunter and his trusty sweeper sweeper. Jimin started to shriek as he was being up by Taehyung’s weapon, but before Jimin could fully disappear, three upperclassmen and a freshman came through the door. Jimin was the first to move, giggling to himself as he put down the erasers. Taehyung took a longer to respond. He paused in his position with a simple “ah,” coming from his mouth, before he returned to his sweeping.


“Jungkookie! Did you come to help me?” Jimin asked as he ran over to hug Jungkook. All Jungkook did was playfully whacked him away.


“Actually, we came here to ask you for a favor,” Hoseok explained. “Do you know who who Min Yoongi is?”

Jimin was having too much fun trying to hold Jungkook, but his head perked up once he heard that name. “Did you say Min Yoongi?”


“Yes?” Namjoon replied with a of the eyebrow.


Jimin lit up with a smile as he turned over toward the speaker. “You know Min Yoongi? I-I’ve always wanted to meet Yoongi ever since last year’s school festival! Where-Where he started to rap that song that he--yeah yeah! He’s so cool! He’s only the coolest upperclassmen at this school!”


“I’m sorry, who is this again?” Seokjin asked with squinted eyes.


Finally Taehyung had made his way over and pulled an arm over Jungkook’s neck. Just as he did, Jungkook tried to explain his idea.


“This is Kim Taehyung and that over there is Park Jimin--they’re friends with Yong Sera.” Then he turned over and spoke his two friends, “So Min Yoongi actually needs some help. Did Sera tell you about Yoongi? Um...it’s that Yoongi kind of likes...Sera… but he’s a little shy…You guys can help, right?”

Jimin quickly agreed.


They turned over to Taehyung, who simply blinked a few time. “Uh… Min Yoongi?”


Jungkook nodded.


It was silent for a moment as Taehyung thought to himself. Taehyung then shrugged. “Yeah, I’m in.”


A toothy smile climbed up Jungkook’s face. “Alright! So this is what we’re gonna do…”


The strangest thing had happened that morning. Before class, Taehyung always walked over toward her room and talked until he was late for class himself. That day, though, Taehyung wasn’t around. She heard a noise coming from the backdoor, but all they were were soccer players loudly laughing at one of their friends. Huffing, she looked toward the clock, but then that got boring fast. But then she looked down at her phone, flipping through her music. Quietly, she smiled to herself, as she clicked a song that she had been listening to for the past few days--she couldn’t get it out of her head. Sera didn’t know he came in, not until he covered her eyes with his hands.


“Uh, this is just Taehyung,” she said with a smile and a small laugh.


Taehyung let out an airy chuckle as he moved over, so Sera could see him. “Did you miss me?”


“No,” she replied playfully. “Where were you this morning?”


He smiled as he grabbed onto her arm. “I’ll show you; C’mon!”





As he shouted, he grabbed Sera’s sleeve and they quickly exited the door.


“Where are we going?”


“Room 3-4!”


“What-what are we doing in an upperclassman room?”

“It’s a secret!” He answered, as he turned back with a cheeky smile.


Just as they spoke, Taehyung stopped next to an open door. Sera looked up and saw that it was room 3-4. As Taehyung ushered her in, Sera looked through the room: it was completely plain, with all the desk squared and perfect. She looked over at Taehyung with eyebrows furrowed.


“What did you want to show me?”

Taehyung smiled. “Ah~ just wait a little. I’ll be back.”




Taehyung smiled again, reassuringly and closed the door behind him. Just as he turned around, Jimin and Jungkook had run up to him.


“Taehyung-hyung, did you get her?” They asked.


He nodded earnestly. “Yeah, what about...Min Yoongi. Did you guys get him?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jungkook replied with half a laugh. “Um, they’re trying to get him over here. I think they’re just around the corner.” He pointed behind him.


Taehyung cocked his eyebrow before moving toward the corner to see what was so taking them so long. It was pretty funny. Seokjin was pushing while Namjoon was pulling. Yoongi held his own with his feet wide and planted on the ground. He grunted still trying to spew out threats. Pretty soon, Seokjin had enough of Yoongi’s stubbornness and tried to lift him off the ground. Jungkook laughed at the view before him; the other two though didn’t know how to respond. Yoongi was a strange creature. His face flushed with red and he shook violently.


“I’m not going!”


“Yoongi, move!”


“Stop it!”


“Shut up and go!”


The three struggling students inched their way over the door. Namjoon shouted to them to open the door. Finally, Yoongi was able to see through the door and there she was. She leaned against one of the desks and she looked up at the posters that littered the walls. Her hair fell down her shoulders in black waves and her eyelashes seemed even longer when they looked up. Her lips parted slightly. Once she heard them coming, she turned over. Yoongi looked at her for the second time and all his feelings hit again like it was the first. And in that moment, Namjoon and Seokjin pushed him enough to fall into the room. She quickly moved over as Yoongi shrieked. Before he could turn around and call them all , he locked eyes with her again. If his face wasn’t already heated and red, it was by that time. Only once before had she looked at him and it was still just as overwhelming and terrifying. But it was also just as exciting.


He turned back at his friends on the other side of the door, but he didn’t look defiant, he looked worried, because he was actually going through with it. Namjoon smiled slightly before closing the door on them.


Once Yoongi turned around, he examined her--trying to find a sign of how she was feeling. It wasn’t good. She leaned against the desk, occupying herself with the items of the room. She just looked around, uneasily. Yoongi’s strength slowly seeped, but he felt so willing to confess.


“Um. I don’t think that you remember me,” he began.


“I do,” she corrected quietly. If it were anywhere else, she wouldn’t have been audible, but it was so quiet, he could hear her breathe.


He opened his dry mouth to speak again. “You do?” As he asked, a spark of electricity tingled his fingers--it was a good thing that he was memorable.


She nodded, but she did not look his way.


“Well, um…my name is Min Yoongi, I’m from homeroom 3-1--yes, I’m a third year--and I need to tell you that I…” His voice slowly drifted from slightly confident to meek and dry.


She still did not look up. It didn’t help his case. He was sure that she didn’t like him, if she couldn’t even look him in the eye. But he went on.


“When...when I saw you for the first time in Jungkook’s class, I didn’t know that, such a beautiful person could exist…. I… really wanted to get to know you. You’re...I think you’re really beautiful. Really… and I haven’t been able to eat or sleep or work without thinking about you. You make me…” he sighed in a moment of release, “happy… and I would really like a chance to make you as happy…. if...you want…” Again, he became quiet. He said what he wanted. All he could do was wait.


For Yoongi, it wasn’t looking good. She looked to her side, toward Yoongi but not at him and she opened her lips just a little wider.


“Um… I’m sorry… But I can’t date until I’m 18.”


His eyes widened slightly as he breathed in. That was it. He did everything he could and it just wasn’t for him. At least he finally knew what she thought. He wanted to say some more--something to make her reconsider. But then he saw her face again, and she was quiet and uncomfortable. And he was the one that put her in such an awkward position; he made her uneasy. The fact that he had made her unhappy did not sit well with him. All he wanted was for her to be natural and well and he couldn’t do that for her. Saying anything else would just strain things more than they were already. He was so sad, but mostly because he had made her unhappy.


“Oh… I’m sorry for the trouble,” was all he could say as he opened the door for her.


Outside, the six eavesdroppers quickly departed, while they watched curiously and tensely as Sera exited the room. She did not look at any of them. Her hair covered her expression as she looked down and paced to her room in a hurry. The six looked back at Yoongi and saw him closing the door.


“Sunbae?” Jungkook called out.


Yoongi sighed, but he did not open his mouth. Without waiting for any of them, he walked back to his classroom, where he took out his old black book and began to write again.



Namjoon wanted to see how Yoongi was holding up during the lunch period, but Seokjin persisted to them all that Yoongi should be left alone for a while. The five went on a lunch break, with Taehyung absent as he was with Sera at the time. Jungkook even said that Sera looked a little sad when he went back to class. Seokjin explained that Yoongi was anxious the whole day. He twitched; every small movement he had made was intended to be a run or a jump. He shifted his legs, uneasy with being stuck in his desk for such a long time. His mind raced with so many thoughts and his body wanted to race along with it. Even after lunch, he was pretty much the same. And for the rest of the day.


Seokjin asked Yoongi if he wanted to go to his house to hang out at the end of the day. Yoongi said no. Hoseok and Namjoon told Yoongi that the guys were going to the park to play some basketball, Yoongi said he didn’t feel like going. Jungkook just smiled at Yoongi as they passed in the hall. Yoongi didn’t even look up. He made his way to the street where many students waited for the bus as he untangled his bike from the rack. Taehyung was talking to a few of them; he came over and stood next to Yoongi, He didn’t blink an eye. Taehyung didn’t speak for a while. He simply placed his hands in his pant pockets. He seemed unfazed and nonchalant, despite the fact that Yoongi just got let down by a girl he had liked.


“You know, I really thought you guys were gonna get together…” Taehyung spoke as if he was just thinking out loud, as a way to air out the awkward tension. He projected his voice not to Yoongi personally, but to anyone who would listen. “I mean, considering she liked you and all, I don’t know.” He ended with a shrug.


Suddenly, Yoongi’s eyes brightened and his sour expression gleamed with excitement.




But Taehyung’s manner did not hold the same enthusiasm. His blank face twisted into confusion and worry. “Wait...that was supposed to be a secret…” He turned to Yoongi. “Ah...um. Well, bye, sunbae!” And with that, he walked away to a group of his second-year friends.


But Yoongi couldn’t care less where he had gone. His face heated again and his arms and legs shook. Not because he was nauseated, because he was happy. He tried to hold in his energy, as he quickly paced his way back to the school. Other students meandered on by, making Yoongi even more impatient than he already was. If he could, he’d just push pass and run to her, but he couldn’t make a scene. Not when he was so close. Every step that echoed through the stairwell, emitted with his giddiness. Please be in your homeroom, please be there. please be there. He wished excitedly as he made his way toward the room. He started to sweat again, but he needed to know that he was right. That his feelings were right. And that they were right. He quickly scanned all the room numbers until he came to 1-2. He ripped open the door and saw her there. She was still getting her things as two other girls talked beside her. The door made a loud snap as it hit the wall, so all three had turned their heads and closed their mouths. They looked over at him. They knew who he was; Sera already told them.


One of the girls, who seemed a little older than the two got up from her seated position and offered to go outside with the other. She whispered, “We’ll just be outside, okay?”


“Will you be okay, Sera-yah?” The other whispered as they gathered their things.


She nodded and the two quickly cleared out the room.


Sera turned back into her tense nature. She looked back down at her desk and she started to close her arms around her. He made her feel uneasy again. It’s not something he enjoyed doing. He hated making her feel that way, but he wanted her to tell her the truth.


“Yong Sera,” he began. “You told me that you’re too young to date. But you didn’t tell me that you didn’t like me.”


He stopped speaking for a moment as he thought about how he would phrase the next sentence. He looked her over to see how she had changed. She still was just as anxious and uncomfortable. He couldn’t read her.


“Please, tell me straight out if you like me or not.”


She didn’t reply right away. She started to rub her arm, unknowing what to do with her hands at the moment. Nothing happened for a long time. Yoongi started to walk closer to her. At first, he didn’t know what he was doing, but it became more natural to him. He stepped closer each time, until he was at her feet. He looked down at her, and she still didn’t steal a glance up at him.


“You like me, right?”


There was a pause. But then she nodded.


He sighed again, filled with rapture and relief. “Really?”


At this, she smiled--the toothy one that made her close her eyes--and Yoongi felt his heart throb in his chest, unknowingly aching and fulfilled. She nodded again. She quickly took her hands to her face to hide how big her smile was becoming.


Yoongi’s voice turned soft and quiet as he tried to pry loose her fingers. “Hey, hey. What are you doing? Are you embarrassed?”


“Yes…” She answered mixed with a laugh. She let go of her head, but her face was still smiling, even wider than it was before. “The first time I saw you, I thought that you were cute...and then when you spoke, I was just… really flustered. I couldn’t look at you. And even after that I, um, started to think about you more and more. I thought I was crazy, because I had only met you once. But...I couldn’t help it…”


As she spoke, Yoongi couldn’t help but grin wider and wider. With every word, it was like every wish he had ever asked had been granted. He wanted to kiss her, or hug her, or hold her hands. But what he didn’t notice was at that moment, he was still holding her hands, from when he grabbed them off her face. He finally looked down and saw them folded together. But it felt all right, everything was right. Except for one thing.


“Yong Sera?” He asked. She finally looked up at him, only to get flustered and she looked back down in embarrassment. He held up their hands and he spoke his thoughts out loud. “I wanna wait for you.”


“What?” She replied as she furrowed her eyebrows.


But he nodded reassuringly. “No, I mean it. I will wait two years for you. And once you turn 18, I will be your boyfriend.”


At this, she simply shook her head. “No. Don’t wait for me. You don’t even know anything about me.”


"Well then I’ll have two years to find out!” He shouted with a smile. “Please, Yong Sera. If we can’t date, then at least get to know me. Because, I want to know you. Everything about you!” He smiled again kindly as he placed a hand on her cheek. "I’ll have two years to figure out everything about you and if by that time we don’t want to see each other anymore, then we won’t. But, please I don’t want to stop something before it starts.”


It was slow to start out, but Sera soon warmed up to the idea. She smiled to herself and then finally hugged Yoongi. She said yes, she wanted him to wait. When the two exited the room, they saw Sera’s friends waiting outside. They were the first to hear about their new agreement. They hugged Sera and introduced themselves to Yoongi. The four made their way downstairs and walked toward the bus stop. The two friends said that was their spot and said good bye. Yoongi then stated that he first wanted to know where Sera’s house was. To which she replied was walking distance from the school. Hand in hand, the two walked away and the stories were passed between them. Yoongi decided to make a quick detour to the park, where he knew Hoseok and Namjoon were playing and told them the good news. As they walked to her house, they played 20 questions, to which they found out they had a lot in common. He started to fall in love with her more as she spoke. She curled her eyes a lot. They always somehow turned into tiny slits, even if a few seconds ago they were doe eyes. Her voice ran for long hours and then they stopped abruptly as if she wasn’t speaking. He looked down at her and her skin started to glow as the sunset shone on everything like amber. He smiled as she walked up to her apartment. He just came up with another song as his muse waved good bye.



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This is just absolutely adorable =) Please keepwriting one shots like this, author-nim =D