
The Heart Can Only Take So Much

Final Chapter

            “Who is she, oppa?”

            “Her? I don’t know, probably one of my crazy fans. I’ve seen her before, she won’t leave me alone.”

            “How disgusting, some people just don’t know their place.”


            The words echoed through Lee’s head, constantly replaying and overlapping with laughter. Scorn. Disgust. Lee sat crouched by her toilet, shaking as she vomited again. This time blood swirled down the toilet when she flushed, any actual food had been thrown up ages ago.

            She kept wondering, how could Jungkook do this to her? Her house was empty, her parents weren’t here to worry about her and for the first time in Lee’s life, she was glad for her parents’ absences.

            Getting to her feet, Lee unhurriedly washed out only to be taken again by a retching feeling in the pit of her stomach. She stumbled back towards the toilet, her sounds of vomiting where heard all throughout the house.

            Jungkook had just arrived at Lee’s house carrying a box of donuts and flowers to try and apologize when he found the front door ajar. He hurried inside, worried, and heard the retching noises coming from upstairs. His racing heart seemed to freeze inside his chest.

            He had done that.

            Jungkook quickly placed the donuts and flowers on the kitchen island and scrambled up the stairs.

            “Lee!” he called as he strode towards her room. He froze as he heard another round of vomiting coming from the bathroom. He turned.

            Lee’s bathroom door was just barely open but Jungkook could see Lee crouched over her toilet, struggling to keep her hair out of her face as her body convulsed. His heart broke.

It was official, he wanted to punch himself.

Jungkook swallowed then pushed the door open.

            He grabbed the flyaway hair and tugged it all behind Lee. He glanced inside the toilet bowl and winced when he realized she was already puking blood. Lee barely noticed him, curling her hand tighter around the toilet bowl in pain.

            After one more retch Lee rose to her feet, flushed the toilet, turned to Jungkook. Her lips were stained with blood her eyes dull from pain. He didn’t know it was pain from what he had done or the physical pain of puking her guts out.

            Probably both.

            Jungkook opened his mouth but Lee brushed past him, ripping her hair out of his grasp.

            She bent over the sink and rinsed , her long dark hair getting damp. Jungkook moved to help her, but she straightened up and dried her face. She started towards the door, maneuvering around Jungkook. Then suddenly turned to Jungkook,

            “Follow me,” she said and stepped outside.

            Her voice gave Jungkook no hints, but he didn’t need them. He knew what he had done hurt her, that he was an to the nth degree, so he followed her to the kitchen ready for scolding and anger.

            Lee stiffly walked into the kitchen. Jungkook knew she saw the box of donuts and flowers, but she ignored them immediately heading to the medicine cabinet. Jungkook leaned on the kitchen island getting more and more nervous as Lee pulled out iron and calcium supplements along with a multivitamin and painkillers.

            After swallowing all of them, Lee turned to Jungkook and he braced himself for anger, yelling, and questions.

            Instead Lee stared at him silently.

            “Do I mean nothing to you?” Lee asked quietly. Jungkook looked at her in surprise, this is when he realized that this whole situation was different from other times that they had fought.

            Lee’s voice rose, “do I mean nothing to you?” her strong voice echoed in the empty house. Jungkook started to get scared.

            “No,” he said shoving his hands into his pockets to keep them from shaking, “you are the world to me.”

            Lee stared at him. She began to laugh; her eyes began to collect tears.

            “Then why would you disrespect me like that?” she asked, turning back to face him. Jungkook searched for the right words.

            “I didn’t want to,” he tried. Lee looked at him.

            “Then why the hell did you agree with her?” Lee asked, biting off at the end of each word to keep from screaming at him.

            The pit of Jungkook’s stomach stung and the back of his throat ached.

            Jungkook took a step in Lee’s direction, “I was trying to protect you.” He says. Lee rolls her eyes and laughs dryly. The pain that she had gotten from Jungkook simply just nodding his head in agreement had slowly blown into anger.

            “Bull. .” She spits.

            “I’m so confused, Jungkook, what have I done to you besides love you? When we were in middle school and you left school to start your training, I obediently waited for. When you came back with another girl, I accepted the relationship and left you alone.” Lee said staring at Jungkook. Jungkook opened his mouth, but Lee continued to talk.

            “I had finally moved on and was going to meet Kaden for our one month anniversary, when you came back and told me you regretted leaving me. I left Kaden waiting outside a restaurant waiting for, until I broke up with him through a text at two in the morning. And for what? The next month, you ask me to wait for you because you’re going to debut. And then the scandal, do you even know how much that hurt me?”

            “Baby-” Jungkook starts.

            Lee slaps him. So hard that his head flies to the side and his cheek turns red instantly. Jungkook presses a palm to his cheek and looks at Lee, hurt.

            Lee’s anger boils, what right did he have to be hurt?

            Suddenly it’s like all of Lee’s anger is gone, drained out. Lee stumbles backwards until her back hits the sink.

            “I think,” Lee says, her voice drained of emotion. She looks up, “that I loved you too much and you didn’t love me enough,”

            It’s like the ground has been ripped from beneath Jungkook’s feet and he balances one hand on the counter to keep from falling. Jungkook looks at her in dismay as she begins to scold herself.

            “I’m constantly being tossed out. One second you tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me, the next you’re chasing after some other girl. I feel like such a fool.” She says staring at him, tears spilling onto her cheeks, “you never loved me. You just never wanted to feel lonely.”

            Jungkook stares at her unbelievingly. Did she really feel this way, was he that much of an ? Looking at her now, hurt and disappointment obvious in her eyes, he voted yes.

            The two teens stood there staring at each other as Lee’s words hung in the air like a toxic freeze. Lee’s chest heaved as she turned around, something already welling up .

            She vomited another mouthful of bile into the sink. Jungkook stood motionlessly for a moment.

            He moved to stand right behind Lee, curling his arms around her. Jungkook pressed his body against Lee’s body and buried his face into her neck.

            With one shaky hand Lee started the faucet; cool water poured out and washed the bile away. Giving herself five seconds in Jungkook’s warm arms, Lee imagined that the cold water from the faucet was washing away any feelings she had for him.

            One. He had hurt her.

            Two. He didn’t want her to leave.

            Three. He didn’t deserve her.

            Four. She was done with his games.

            Five. She loved him.

            It didn’t work, but it gave Lee the pleasant feeling of power.

            Behind Lee, Jungkook opened his mouth to say something. Before anything could be said, Lee spoke up.

            “I’ve been offered an opportunity to train and study dance in America,” Lee says. Jungkook stiffens. “And I’m going to take it.”

            “What?” he asks reflexively. He had heard her loud and clear.

            Lee knew had heard her and continued, “I leave Friday night.”

            Needing her space, Lee slides away from Jungkook and moves to stand next to the kitchen island.

            Their positions switched, Jungkook stared at Lee from the sink in absolute surprise.

            “Congratulations,” Jungkook says halfheartedly. Lee nods in acknowledgement.

            “Thank you.”

            Jungkook watched as his girlfriend turn and walk away from him.

            He had taken her for granted; he had imagined her as some sort of cushion he could always fall back. Now that she was turning away from him, his could do nothing but stare at her back. He found himself asking the questions she had asked him:

            Did he really love her? His heart sung the answer. Yes.

            Was he just torturing her? He did love her. Their love story was strewn all over the place and underneath all the lies and hurtful words he had spun at her, did her love for him make it?

            The door of her bedroom slammed shut and he could hear muffled sobs.

            If he could make her hurt this much, did he really love her? No. If he loved her, why would he cause her this much pain? But there was his heart split and bleeding on the floor as he began to mourn his loss.

            Damnit, he loved her.

            But she was strong. Even after the four years of hell he had put her through she had stayed with him. If he was in her position, he would have gone insane.

A/N: Well. That happened.

Hope you liked it^^


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janefelicia28 #1
Chapter 1: omgg please make a sequel for this story
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I cried:(
It was so beautiful! My heart broke for them!!!!!
Please make a sequel if you can~^^
kpoplover1020 #3
Chapter 1: Omg i cried.. sequel!!!
Chapter 1: I need sequel...
Jungkook need to fix that ty attitude of his
and what's up with lee throwing up blood? It's making me worried ;_; is she sick?
FallenDemon #5
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: now im curious on why was she throwing up blood 0-0 and jungkook deserve it, u lost her bro, u hurt her so much that she just fulled of regret of lovin u =_= :(
Chapter 1: Stupid ungrateful jungkook .haha. he deserves it. And it's a great story ! Keep on writing story(s) like this and also a fluffy one!
Chapter 1: Annyeong daeleebaby22:). Ur story is very good. I almost cried when I read ur story cuz this story is very sad~. Any sequel for this story? Hope to read more of ur stories:D. daeleebaby22 fighting~!!