My Trip to Jeju Island

My Trip to Jeju Island
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Lee Minji always had a passion for photography. Wherever she was, she would always pull out her Canon EOS Mark II and take pictures of many things - people, the calm but sometimes booming sky, the rocky ground, animals, etc. She always kept her camera close to her, just in case something happened that was worth capturing, or the sky looked like a bunch of warm colours mashed together, she would always have it near her.


It was her 20th birthday and her parents surprised her with a plane ticket to stay in Jeju Island for 3 days. For as long as she could remember she always wanted to go to Jeju Island. She wanted to explore the island, take many photos and document her journey there and back; except she never had enough money to pay for a plane ticket to Jeju, no matter how many jobs she had, the wages were never enough.

Happiness wasn’t even the right word to describe how she felt. Excitement and glee bubbled inside her as she couldn’t stop squealing about it to her friends. She couldn’t even pack her suitcase properly because she was shaking too much.

Arriving at the airport, she kissed her parents goodbye and happily skipped her way in with a huge grin on her face. She waved her ticket at the check-in clerk and hopped away deeper into the airport, passing through security easily and onto the plane. She took her seat beside the window and took a deep breath. ‘This is it, one of my dreams is finally coming true.’ She thought to herself and smiled while looking out of the window.

Even though she was buzzing with joy and excitement, she couldn’t help but fear being alone in Jeju. There weren’t many crimes that appeared on TV about Jeju, but there will always be a slight chance something might happen to her. The fact that she was all alone instantly frightened her even more. But she pushed the thought away and thought about how beautiful everything will be.

Landing in Jeju Island, excitement yet again started boiling inside her. A huge grin never left her face as she travelled through the airport and out the other side, embracing the nice, cool breeze that flew through the air. She took a deep breath and released it. The hot sun beams blasted on her making her feel incredibly hot in the first few minutes of standing outside.

“Hello Jeju!” She shouted out loud, not caring if anyone else was staring at her weirdly. She was happy and that was all that mattered to her.

She whistled for a taxi and proceeded to go to the hotel she was staying in. Jaw dropping sights were all around her, taking her breath away. The calming, nostalgic yet happy song that was coming from the radio of the taxi, made her close her eyes for a bit. She couldn’t help but think of her parents. ‘Oh, how I wish they were with me right now. They’d enjoy this twice as much as I am.’ She thought to herself as she continued to stare out the window at the busy streets of Jeju.

Once she got to the hotel, she threw all her belongings on the bed. She hastily opened her suitcase taking out a pearl black swimsuit, her long and slightly see-through, white and navy striped jumper and her peach pink, acid washed shorts. She quickly put her hair into a bun and whipped out sunglasses from her handbag.

“It’s beach time, baby!”  Minji screamed as she grabbed her handbag, keycard and phone while slipping in her flip flops. She skipped out of her hotel room and made her way towards the nearby beach.

In less than 20 minutes, she was there. Roaring laughter and endless chatting was heard all around her as she tip toed around the beach to find a spot to lay down on. When she saw a free space, she quickly ran to it. She laid down her towel, dropping her handbag and plopping herself onto her fish towel, sighing.

'This is perfect. I am living my dream.' She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes. Her eyes flew open when she felt sand over her feet, slowly creeping up her legs. She shot up and stared at the two 10-year-old looking boys throwing sand over her feet, giggling while doing so.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing!” Minji shouted at the kids, obviously meaning no harm, but it was kind of a normal reaction whenever kids do something bad with her. Whenever her little brother used to do tricks like this, she would usually shout at him but that was only because he would always respond with “I can’t hear you!”

“S-sorry noona! We were just throwing sand over your feet, please don’t get mad at us!” one of the little boys squeaked whi

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