Blissful Day


The Leader, or Hakyeon as Hongbin came to know him by after a full year of participation in the LGBTQ club, announced that there was a new couple amongst them with a large smile. 

He was standing up in front of the room with a white board covered by a curtain, about to reveal the big news written down. He had gotten a bit bolder in the last year and started going to drag shows with Jaehwan or Barbie again. They were the most likely to get together if they weren't just such good friends. Anyways, Jaehwan sat looking too scandalized at the eyes that immediately shot to him. He said he was single for once and for all, not that anyone believed him . . .

Other than eyes at Jaehwan, people looked around the room to see who looked embarrassed or shy.

Hongbin looked back at the man who had his arms around his waist. Taekwoon looked back at him with feigned surprise. They melted into smiles when Taekwoon presence a little kiss to Hongbin's mouth. Announcing their relationship again? Hakyeon would never relay the same piece of gossip twice. Anyways, both men knew who it was since the younger couple came to them in asking for advice before the meeting.

Finally, after one last suspenseful look around the room Hakyeon pulled the curtain off to reveal the names "Konglish" and "Rookie" written in a heart.

The couple stood up to meet surprised faces.

Everyone thought Rookie, the unassuming Hyuk was too busy with her transition from male to female to think about relationships and Konglish, or chill Wonshik was aual and didn't want anything to do with relationships.

"I like her for the woman she is," Konglish said with a nonchalant shrug, holding Hyuk's hand. "Not for what we can have." The guests around the room nodded seriously, interested in the information they were getting bar the ace community. "I also wanted him to be there for me while I transitioned", Hyuk said with a shy smile.

They were beautiful together.

"We should invite them to the wedding", Taekwoon said, talking about the value idea of a wedding they were planning years ahead of time. Hongbin agreed seriously even though Taekwoon hadn't gotten up the nerve to actually propose yet. "Yeah, I'd like Hyuk at a flower girl", Hongbin said with a laugh. Taekwoon also felt himself laughing, "She's not a four year old you know, have her be a bridesmaid."

Hongbin shook his head, "That's your sister. Besides, Hyuk looks like a little girl still. Why not Wonshik as your best man then?"

"That would be Hakyeon. . ."

"And Jaehwan wants to be the one to actually marry us . . ."

Both men laughed again and pulled their faces together.

"We'll cross that road when we get to it. Either way, it'll be a blissful day." Hongbin said, pressing a light kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.

"A blissful day", Taekwoon agreed, pulling the kiss to Hongbin's mouth.


Super short snippet at the end going the club a year later.

I just wanted to say thank you and make sure everyone knows to support the local LGBTQ community and make sure young people and all people alike can be safe and happy.

Sorry for taking so long to update~ ^_^


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Chapter 6: Cheers to myself for decoding their codenames and applauds author for a nice story :) I loved Taekwoon's sister, she was so perceptive and understanding ^^)
Chapter 6: Omg why is this so good and heart warming and everything nice . This story is a bliss ❤️
Suga_my_neckpillow #3
Suga_my_neckpillow #4
Chapter 3: Ok. Barbie is Ken. Duh. I should have gotten that xD WELP IT FITS BECAUSE YA OK ILL SHUT UP NOW
Suga_my_neckpillow #5
Chapter 1: Ahahahahaha kitten for strong taekwoon is great, he is a kitten though. Also I want Barbie to be like.. Ravi in my mind xD or Ken. LOL
Kokechan #6
Chapter 6: Thank you for giving a peaceful ending to your story! I enjoyed reading it!
i laughed so hard bc of "kitten" hahahaha such a nickname hahahahaha
they are so sweet omg
i want to read more of leobin ;3; <3
Kokechan #8
Chapter 4: It's interesting, I'm looking forward to read about Taekwoon issues, and to see how their relationship will grow...
rtainhilav #9
Chapter 4: Cute story!
hominho #10
Chapter 2: Omggg i love it!!! :)