
More than What Meets the Eye.
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They walked with authority, their faces numb and with no emotion. Bodyguards surrounded them, one on each side with guns attached to their belts. Whatever they demanded, they got.

I wonder what's it like to have that much power over people.

They continued going on, walking until they came and went into the school building, disappearing from my sight.

I signed as I stared out of the window on the top floor, staring at the doors which they just were.

Maybe one day they'll notice me.

And then they'll let me help them.


I first saw them when I was six.

There were six of them, all young and old at the same time.

Kai. Krystal. Hae Ra. Haeseok. Kyung Mi. Onew

There was this private place, my place, where I would go when I needed time away from home. From troubles. From dad. Best of all, it was high up in the trees, where I could see people and the view of the city, all below me. If I ever came at night, the stars would glisten and beam in the sky, filling my head with thoughts of a better tomorrow.

All I had to do was to endure today. And perhaps the day after that.

Their car pulled up out of nowhere, a sleek black limo with hide-away windows.

And then... There they were.

There was Kai, with a thin, straight line on his face. I could see his bags under his eyes, as he rubbed them over and over again, tired and helpless. He was only eight, and the whole world seemed to depend on him.

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