
Backstage Pass

Joonmyun was tugged off stage by his bandmember, Baekhyun, with a laugh when he saw that the leader was taking too long thanking the fans for making EXO the winner of Inkigayo for the third week in the row. Everyone in the group was cheering embarrassingly loudly, everyone, of course, but the losers.
"Loser" is a harsh word, but it's the truth. If you're not a winner, you're a loser, and the other bands certainly didn't win.
Joonmyun caught the eyes of one boy in particular, one of the members of one of the new rookie groups or something. He smiled, but he still looked pretty upset. What was his name again? Jongmin? Jimeon? Of... The Bangtan Boys, right?
He'd never felt bad for winning something until now.
That short, black haired boy with the tan skin and the light voice looked so disappointed under his smile.
Before Joonmyun realized it, though, it'd been several minutes of him staring awkwardly at a boy that he didn't even know the name of.
Fixing his posture, he tried to hide the fact that he felt a tug of his heart when the boy's bandmates left with him, arms wrapped around his shoulders with a laugh.

Friday afternoon, Joonmyun and his other bandmembers stepped out of their van. With heavy, tired lids and groggy steps, they stepped into the building where the event was being prepared. They came early, as they knew they needed to rehearse as well as get their makeup and outfits done. Joonmyun got no sleep the night before, and napped in the van on the way here.
He stayed up all night researching about the boy that he made eye contact with last week.
Park Jimin, lead vocalist and main dancer of Bangtan Sonyeondan. Or, better known as, BTS.
He didn't go as far as to checking the band's schedule, but he'd hoped the band would be here. Well, actually, he didn't quite care for the band.
Jimin could be flopping on stage in a latex glove with a spot light shining on his lone, rubbered body for all he cared.
He hoped that Jimin would be here.
That maybe, just... Perhaps... He could chat with him. Even if it was small talk as they were getting ready.


Joonmyun spent most of his moments fighting with the makeup artists over him not sitting still long enough for the makeup to be done properly. He was looking for Jimin, and that made him anxious. Well, perhaps anxious isn't the right word. The feeling was more like his heart being full of butterflies and launching his body into the air.

His eyes were constantly locked to the doors, to the hallways, his ears looking for that boy's feminine, soft voice.

He was waiting for Park Jimin.

And as if his prayers were answered, Jimin -- and the other guys Joonmyun didn't care to learn about -- waltzed through the doorway to his left with eyesmiles and laughs and all around good energy.
He felt a moment of envy for that.
EXO wasn't ever quite that happy.
They were almost always exhausted, or hungry, or grumpy.
They either ignored each other or bickered.
But Jimin's group seemed so... Content.
Why is that?

Their makeup was already done, and they were in their stage outfits. Joonmyun knew that they were about to perform. And EXO wasn't going to for another half hour.
If he was going to speak to Jimin, it had to be as soon as his band stepped offstage.
Or he'd have to wait for the off chance of the two bands promoting at the same time again. And for all he knew that could be years.
The makeup artist had now grown so frustrated she was snapping at him, and with the thoughts of him not seeing Jimin again, he sat still and gathered the courage to meet him after his performance.


There's a monitor in the dressing room, placed there for the idols to be able to sit still and watch their competition perform as the show's recording. And Joonmyun's eyes were glued to the screen every moment Jimin even moved an inch. He was such a good dancer. Better than Kai, in his opinion. Or maybe he was just biased?

In any case, he nearly jerked out of the seat when Jimin and the others stepped offstage, their thick stage makeup nearly melting off their sweaty bodies.

His heart picked up.

Jimin was already walking away.

He had to do something.

"Park Jimin!" he shouted, everyone in the dressing room snapping their heads to his direction. Jimin turned around slowly, an intimidated expression set in his face.

Joonmyun swallowed.

"U-uh..." He raised his fist into a shaky-handed thumbs up. "Great job out there!"

Jimin bowed and smiled.

And that was it.

He felt his heart sink down to his toes. Because he knew he blew it. He ruined his chance.
But they hadn't left yet.
His band was set to perform in eight minutes but he had to get a way to contact Jimin.
Joonmyun ran, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the halls. His dress shoes set loud clacks against the porcelain flooring as he quickened his pace from the dimly lit interior of the building to the dusky sky outside. The members were getting into their van. They were getting ready to leave. Jimin was going to leave him.
So he shouted again.

"Jimin, wait!"

And, once more, eyes snapped to him.

He brushed a lock of his blonde hair out of his eyes and adverted the gaze of his band's annoyed manager and Bangtan's leader. Namgoon? Rap Ghoul? Whatever.

Jogging in close to the shorter boy, that hadn't yet entered the car, he handed him his phone number.
"Text me sometime, yeah?"
And before Jimin could reply, he was pulled back into the building by his angry bandmate, Chanyeol, chiding him about how they're already five minutes late to perform and how the MCs have resorted to bad puns and cheesy banter.
Joonmyun didn't look away from Bangtan's van until it was out of his sight,


It took three days for the younger boy to text him, and he felt embarrassed staying up every night waiting for it.
But as soon as the message was in his inbox, he had to set a timer to force himself to wait at least three minutes to text back. It'd be even more weird if he opened it immediately.

"im park jimin! ^o<~ hello!?"

Oh GOD, that emoticon is just SO cute. He could barely stand it.

"Jimin!" he began, the flashing line that indicated where he was in the typing box blinked patiently as he stared at his beginning statement.
No, that was weird.
"Oh, hey! ^ ^;;"

"i know this is sudden, but senior, why did you want my number?"

Yeah, that really was kind of sudden.

"Well, i was wanting to meet up. >o<; Youre a dancer right? I was hoping youd teach me?"

Now that was just awful, Joonmyun cringed with regret as soon as he hit sent.
Asking favours of people he didn't even know. They weren't even on non-formality bases! Jimin's calling him his senior!

It took Joonmyun several moments to stop hitting his head against his desk to respond to Jimin's reply.

"ah? is that so? where should we meet?


And he typed exactly that.

"yes! im happy to help ^o< ~~*"

His pale hand made its way to clutch his heart as if it threatened to burst out of his chest.
He wiggled in his bed with glee as he typed his response.

"Meet me by the fountain in hongdae on friday! >U<;;"

And with Jimin's agreement, he found himself nearly bursting with joy.


When he was pressed against glass with Jimin's tongue in his mouth he wondered how this had happened.
They met at the fountain,
Jimin tugged off his button up shirt.
They ate ice cream,
Jimin pressed his warm lips against his shoulders.
They were on their way to dance practice, but instead of dancing they're getting hot on the mirror of the dance studio.

But that didn't matter much to him, he realized, when he was moving against the younger boy just as fiercely. Tongue on throat, hands on hips, thighs, asses, they wanted each other.

Jimin's cheeks were flushed red, a hot contrast against his hooded eyes.

Joonmyun met mouths with him again, stripping Jimin bare against him, tugging off his own pants soon after.


He and Jimin lie sweaty and on the wooden floor of the room, their hair messy and their cheeks red.

"That wasn't dancing," Jimin piped up, his voice hoarse.

And they laughed.

Maybe they'll do this again.


A/N: I didn't do a love making scene because I can barely write kissing scenes. I'm sooooo sorry! Maybe one day I'll give it a shot.  Let me know if you guys liked it! (Maybe with a comment~? haha)


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LittleMissStar #1
Chapter 1: How can you do this to me you didn't just put two my fav groups together but you also put Jimin in this wow and I really liked it it was goooood and quiet an unexpected pairing good thing you choose suho tbh I wouldn't mind who you paired Jimin with in exo only person you can't is Xiumin Cuz he's Luhan >_<
junmenpapi #2
soohyeons #3
Chapter 1: heuheuheuheuheuheuheu u so cute ily plz marry me and have my bbs
also, I used to be so innocent when I was your age WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AGGGHHHHH
Kpopluv2 #5
Chapter 1: I loved it. I had never even thought of this ship before
Chapter 1: ooooh more please? even if you from them kissing to finishing *giggle* it was hot!
poisonivie #7
Chapter 1: i love it!! so cute!! i imagine if joonmyun ever did call out to him in real life jimin would indeed feel surprised and intimidated. i hope they would interact someday! :)
sheenstah #8
shnannae #9
Love it!
How could I not, two biases in a fic, so aaaaaaah!! ;3;
Totally totally love this <3