
Two Hearts Serendipity

Your eyes fluttered open when you felt the sunrays went straight to your eyes. You rubbed your eyes and soon you remembered you had fallen asleep, but you’re still dazed and you didn’t realize to the environment around you. But then, you smelled a scent of someone’s perfume. You frowned, and soon you realized you fell asleep in someone’s shoulder. Your eyes widen as you remember the last thing you do before sleep. You’re in the school backyard with Jungkook, listening to music and he’s asleep. Oh God don’t tell me…

“You’re awake? School has been over since ten minutes ago, Miss Kang.” You heard a guy voice and his chuckled after that.

You straighten up and look at the guy with your eyes widen.

“Oh God I’m so sorry Jungkook-ah! I…I didn’t realize I fell asleep in your…shoulder. I didn’t mean it, really!” You said panicking.

He just chuckled and then got up from his spot. You just looked at him still with your panicked face. He then looked at you. You, who still didn’t understand only look back at him with your innocent looks. He chuckled lightly, and then raising his eyebrows.

“You’re not going home?” He asked while hold out his hand to you.

You realized it and soon your eyes widen again. You grabbed Jungkook’s hand and got up from your spot. You brushed your skirt from the leaves and dust, and thanked Jungkook from helping you to get up. Half running, you and Jungkook went to your class to get yours and his bag. You and Jungkook laughed while looking at each other when the both of you realized, that  you two have skipped the whole class today.


You opened your house door right after you arrived. Your chauffeur had waited you for 20 minutes in front of your school to take you home. When you put your shoes in its place, you frowned seeing there’s an unfamiliar high heels placed there. Someone’s here. You thought to yourself. You went to the living room, and there you saw a girl sit in the couch, playing with her phone. Your frown deeper because you didn’t remember you had a family around your age. Right in that time, your mom came from nowhere and went to you with a huge grin. 

“Oh, my dear Semi you’re home! Come here. Let me show you your birthday surprise!” She said with a high pitch voice. She hugged your waist from behind with one hand and pull you closer to the couch.

You pulled yourself back from her hug and giving her an irritated looks. Right after, the girl who sat in the couch earlier stand up and turn around to you and your mom. Your eyes widen in shocked seeing that girl. There, you saw a girl who has the same─exactly the same─face as yours standing, also looking at you in shocked. You went closer to her, and stand in a close distant, scanning her face. Godness! She’s really looked like you! You felt like standing in front of a mirror.

“Mom! Who is she?!” You asked your mom in a high tone hysterically while looking at her with a terrified look all over your face.

“Girls, I know you must be shocked seeing each other again after 16 years separated to each other─”

“AGAIN?! DID YOU JUST SAY ‘AGAIN’? What did you mean by again?! I’ve never seen her in the entire of my life! I didn’t even know who is she, why did she have an EXACTLY THE SAME face as me, and what did she do here, in our house!” You cut her words and exploded to your mom. You’re really getting sick of her.

“Hey, listen…I’m so sorry, okay. Semi-ah, I’m really sorry for hiding this all this time, but I think you should know this since the two of you are already teenager now. And I don’t think I can hide it anymore. You deserve to know. This is…Kang Sena. She’s…your…twin sister. She’s older by 5 minutes than you. She─”

“You called yourself a mom, huh?” You snapped at your mom coldly.

Your mom and that girl─Sena, looked shocked. They looked at you in disbelief, didn’t expect you to say something like that. Your mom looked at you in shocked and hurt. Her eyes began to teary. You too surprised by your own bluntness. You admitted it, you’re a bit too far and rude to your mom. Even though she’s annoying and you kinda hate her, she’s still your mom, a woman who gave birth to you. Your mom tried to approach you and hold your arm, but you dodged from her.

“No, Semi-ah, please listen to me first. I know you’re upset and mad at me but please…listen to me first.” Your mom pleaded to you and tried to hold you.

“No, don’t. Don’t touch me.” You stepped away from her.

“Semi-ah…” Your mom was in the verge of crying.

“I…can’t. I mean…it’s too sudden! Do you even know how broken I am, how devastated I am, when I grew up, I don’t have a father. I don’t know who is my father, how’s he look like, what kind of guy he is, I don’t know. And you suddenly married to another guy, and you didn’t even discuss it with me, or at least tell me before, ask me about my opinion. You’re never talk about ANYTHING about I have a sister, twin sister to be exact. You never talk about my father, not at all. You never care about me. Do you ever even just ask me about how’s my school, my days, do I make a good friend, do I have a boyfriend or at least what I’m feeling today, am I alright, or do I sick. You…you’re too busy with your work and your oh so lovely husband! All this time, I don’t feel like I have a mom or live with my mom, no!”

You exploded. Your eyes began to teary. You inhaled a deep sigh, trying to calming yourself. Your mom’s tears fell one by one.

“And suddenly, in my eighteenth birthday, you’re suddenly become nice, it’s…too sudden. It’s irritating for me. Because you’re too rare doing those things. When I already used to my plain and boring birthday, with you who only placed the birthday gift in the dining table, and I will take it when I’m having breakfast, ALONE, because you already went to work or if not, going somewhere, or accompany your husband. You forget me.”

You continued. Tears began to fall in your cheek. You wiped it roughly. You puffed your cheek to prevent your tears to fall again, and then turn around from your mom and Sena.

“Semi-ah…I’m so sorry…I know, dear, I know. I know I have been too careless and mean to you. I know all this time I have been being a bad mom. I know I made you suffer and sad all this time. I made you hate me. I know that clearly. That’s why I did this. That’s why I brought Sena here. I want to start it again with my two daughters. I want to be a good mom. I’m trying, Semi…I will tell you everything. I will change into a good mother. I’m trying, Semi-ah…” Your mom said while crying.

You tried hard to not crying. You didn’t want to look weak in front of other people. Sena only watched you and your mom with a sad look in her face. Got into the emotions you and your mom brought. You didn’t say anything and keep facing back your mom and Sena. Your hand clenched into a fist, indicate you’re trying to hold back your tears and emotions.

“Give me one more chance, Semi-ah…Just once. I will…I will try my best to change. Please trust me one more time.” Your mom held your hand, and pulled you into a hug.

You didn’t budge. You’re stood still, keep facing back your mom. Your tears can’t be hold anymore and start to fall again. You pulled yourself from your mom’s hug, and walked away to your room. Even though you hated your mom, even though you didn’t like her, you’re irritated to her, she’s still your mom. You’ll still love her, no matter what, no matter how. And in your deepest heart, you trust her. You’ll give her another chance gladly. But you can’t said it or show it to her. But your pride and thought that you hate her already overcome yourself.

You closed your room door and lock it. You cried hard, you didn’t hold it anymore and letting all your tears and sadness out. You hugged your knees and buried your face in the middle of it. You cried all your heart, and fall asleep out of tiredness.

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yasmin_yeol #1
Chapter 10: woww , i love you story so muchh <3 update pleaseee
yongsun1235 #2
Chapter 8: woow is amazing !!!!!
update soon pls <3
HunnyBunny12 #3
Chapter 7: i think she fell on Jin
hahaha guess only
updste soon authornim
HunnyBunny12 #4
Chapter 6: update soon
HunnyBunny12 #5
Chapter 5: oohhh~~whats in the box?
update soon authornim
love this story so much
HunnyBunny12 #6
Chapter 4: update soon
love it so much
HunnyBunny12 #7
Chapter 3: update soon
Love it ;;