Doojoon and Yoseob

Together in one house?


After Junhyung kicked Doojoon out of the house along with the help of the others. Doojoon was like 'Whocares, I can find a window that is open for me to go inside'. But then ... Would he be able to find a open window?

He was looking through every single window there was on the flipping house but unfortunately, all of them were locked as if they had gold in it. 

Doojoon was still shirtless at that moment as some ladies walked pass on the street and stop dead in their tracks just to stare at Doojoon. Soon they were drolling while saying, "Damyummmmm! Look at that y piece of man." While pointing straight at Doojoon.

Doojoon stared at them like, "Stop staring, this ain't for free. Imma million dollar babe." As he tippi toed to the mail box to find some newspaper to cover himself with. The funny thing was he was still staring at the ladies as if he would get money by doing so.

Doojoon kept looking for a window that could maybe been left open but then instead he sees Kikwang showering in a half opened window, probably because of too much steam. He awkwardly cough which led to him choking on his own saliva.

After he recovered, he continued to choke as he saw something he wasn't meant to see ... Such as the (beep). Well enough of that, it looks like he was going to sleep outside on front of the door in the cold ... Shirtless and at night. (Kidnapping may occur)


( The next morning )

Yoseob looks outside the window to see if the weather was good so he could go out and shop for the things that are needed, such as toothbrushes and clothes perhaps. But instead he sees a big pile of newspapers on the floor with a huge lump under it.

"What the...lump?" Yoseob lifted his eyebrows in confusion.

Yoseob ran downstairs and opened the door, then turned to side of the house to see Doojoon rolling around, he looked like a potato in pain though. Yoseob came to him and he then sees Doojoon face all pale, Yoseob touched his forehead, it was burning hot. 

"His like a hot potato now ... Oh my gosh! It was raining last night! No wonder his sick." Yoseob said in realisation.

Yoseob didn't want to help Doojoon but, he looked so helpless and cute at the moment ... Yoseob being the soft hearted boy he was, he helped Doojoon.


Later Doojoon woke up in a bed with a blanket over him as he enjoys the warmth. He wondered how he got in here as his half opened eyes quickly scan the room. The door then suddenly opened as Yoseob came in with a bowl of hot soup for Doojoon. When Yoseob realise Doojoon was awake, he quickly put down the bowl of hot soup without even caring if it would pour everywhere and ran to Doojoon in a slow, girly  manger. 

"Are you okay?" Yoseob asked in a worried and motherly tone.

"Im a-alright, T-thank you." Doojoon replied with some slight coughs.

"Are you sure?" Yoseob ask as he reached out his hand to touch Doojoon's forehead.

"I'm okay." Doojoon said as he backed away from Yoseob due to a little shock. "But how did I get in here?" Doojoon asks Yoseob as he grabbed Yoseob's hand to remove it from his forehead. 

"Oh, I saw you outside so I carried you in because you looked helpless." Yoseob grins.

Doojoon tries to sit up but then it was hard because it felt like something was holding him back. He lifted up the blanket to see him in SUPER tight blue pyjamas with yellow stars on it.

"DID YOU CHANGED MY CLOTHES?!" Doojoon yells and ended up coughing badly.

"Why yes, it's because your underwear was wet and it was ugly looking, ah wait, that was just the news paper..." Yoseob pouts at the thought of Doojoon's ugly, wet and news paper styled underwear.


The others came rushing in as they heard Doojoon's scream, "What's going on?!" Dongwoon said in panic.

"IS THERE ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE HERE TOO?!" Hyunseung chokes out, also in panic which made Junhyung face palm. 

"OHHHH! How come no body told me there was a party going on in here?!" kikwang gasped, which also made Junhyung face palm again.

"There is no earthquake or party so clam down-- WAIT! HOLD UP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Junhyung yelled in horror as he pointed at Doojoon.

Junhyung was about to attack Doojoon when Yoseob opened his arms to protect Doojoon.

"STOP!" Yoseob whines while tightly closing his eyes, so the impact won't hurt much.

Junhyung stopped his attack, "WHY IS HE EVEN IN HERE?" Junhyung yells.


Everything went silence ... even the birds outside stopped (tweaking) tweeting. 

"Ha.ha.ha. You are joking right now, right?" Junhyung laughed dryly. 

"..." Doojoon freely let his jaws dropped in pure shock.

"You know you like it." Hyunseung whispers to Doojoon.

"Does a manly man like me like to be called cute by a baby?" Doojoon whispers back with a scoff which turned into a cough.

"We are out of here." Dongwoon and Kikwang bowed and ran out the doors like their life depended on it.

"I will go babysit them ...?" Hyunseung then slowly moonwalk out the door but then he notice the bowl of soup so he secretly took the bowl and continued moonwalking.

"Why is everyone acting like that?" Yoseob pouts, "Isn't he cute though!" Yoseob whines to Junhyung.

"Nope, I'm just okay so let me skip this question." Junhyung held in his puke.

"Just checking. Him or me? Who are you talking about?" Doojoon coughed. 

"Chu!" Yoseob said in English while pointing at Doojoon.

"I cannot accept this. I been called CUTE by a baby." Doojoon coughed again.

"I'm not a baby! Your the cute one!" Yoseob whines.

"And I thought you said you hated him at first." Junhyung braf and ran to the direction of the bathroom so he could throw up.

"What's wrong with him?" Yoseob lifted his eyebrow. "So are you sure you okay?" Yoseob Asks Doojoon as he reach for Doojoon's forehead again.

"Yes, it's just a cold." Doojoon reply and grabs Yoseob's hand again, "By the way, I want food." Doojoon smiled so he could get food with 100% chance.

"Oh! The soup!" Yoseob turned around to the place the soup was previously. "Huh?" Yoseob rubbed his eyes, "it's not there ... It's okay though! There's more outside! Come!" Yoseob continued.

Doojoon lazily got up and followed Yoseob to the kitchen.

"HUH? What happen to all the soup? You guys! You didn't leave any for Doojoonnie!" Yoseob said while holding up his empty pot that was supposed to be filled with soup.

"Sorry, we ate it all." Hyunseung said, giving Yoseob his puppy eyes. Kikwang and Dongwoon soon followed.

"don't worry, I will make more." Yoseob grins as he opened the fridge, to see that it was also empty.

"... I will go buy some food then." Yoseob said and told Doojoon to sit down and wait for him.

"Noo! I want you to cook!" Doojoon whines.

Yoseob heart skipped a beat. 

"O-okay." Yoseob blushed and covered his face.

Doojoon was surprise at Yoseob reaction.

"Oh mah dog, I'm gonna throw up." Junhyung butts in. "It's 'oh my god'." Dongwoon whispers to his hyung.


That night Junhyung nearly had a nightmare of Doojoon and Yoseob. "Oh my dog." Junhyung gasps. "It's god..." Hyunseung whispers in his sleep. 

Junhyung got up to check on the 'couple' but when he got there, he expected them to be sleeping just happily. 

But Doojoon was on the bed while Yoseob sat on the floor with the top of his body hanging on Doojoon's bed. 

Junhyung decided to help Yoseob but then Doojoon woke up and stared at Junhyung. "Oh, hi?" Doojoon whispers as he notice the sleeping Yoseob. 

"I was just gonna help him--" Junhyung points at Yoseob.

"I can do it." Doojoon cuts in as if he was jealous.

"Fine, be that way." Junhyung replied and walked back to his bedroom. When he entered, he saw Hyunseung on his bed. He signed and lifted Hyunseung back to his own bed.

When Junhyung putted Hyunseung down and was about to go but then Hyunseung wrapped his legs and arms around Junhyung and pulled him into his bed.

What will happen to Junhyung in the morning? What would be Hyunseung reaction?


Kpop_kpop_kpop12: Next chapter will be about Junhyung and Hyunseung. 

Editor : DOOSEOB <3



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Dujunhyung #1
Chapter 3: Kekekeke...this fanfic really funny, i like it..Pls update o(>﹏<)o
Chapter 3: Omgggg Ommggggg junseung.... *^* <3
iecha_chacha #3
Chapter 1: I don't understand chapter 1..
Can someone tell me...
pinkhamsters #4
Chapter 3: The junseung is adorable!
Lucky_Inspirits #7
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHA xD this fic made me laughed so hard. I really like it! Please update more <3
Chapter 2: ooh lol lol... another earthquake and party?! seriously Seungi and Kiki are so funny XD
Thank you so much for the update author ssi, aaah... it seems like i have to wait patiently for my fav couply, kiwoon hihi ^^
fitezzi #9
Chapter 2: More dooseob pleasee.....
Chapter 2: LOL/lambs of luck/ this is so funny and JUNSEUNG YAH SAY IM HERE