

“For Christ’s sake, just talk to him.”

Kibum was starting to get annoyed with your nervous twitching, and you couldn’t really blame him. It had started with biting your nails, then quickly progressed into shaking knees and the occasional whine into your pumpkin spice latte. 

“I can’t deal with this anymore, just go and say hello already!” Kibum spoke through gritted teeth. Being as short tempered as he was, he couldn’t cope with your verging on pathetic state anymore.

“But he’s so pretty.” You whined, taking another chunk out of your thumbnail.

You had spent two weeks of sitting in the corner booth of the small coffee shop. It was across the street of the office you worked at- so naturally, Kibum; being your best office friend, had to endure your lunch hour; and now after a gruelling 9 hour day, sipping on overpriced coffee and giving death glares to high carb pastries.

All because of the pretty behind the counter. 

“I’m sure he would appreciate being called pretty. Not a stab to his masculinity at all.” Kibum rolled his eyes.

“I know. But just look at him, Key.” You sighed, placing the cup on the table.

It started two weeks ago, with a skinny cinnamon iced latte to go, and a Panini, because damn you were going to be late and marketers don’t around. You would rather go into the meeting chewing on some reheated, tasteless slab, than face the wrath of a marketer and have the most exquisite breakfast. 

You had shouted your order to the poor guy behind the counter, ing some loose change into his hands.  Gripping onto the pickup counter, checking your phone every five seconds to see the time when you heard a small cough. Looking up, your eyes met with glossy brown orbs. 

Ah, the square lipped beauty of the local Starbucks.

“Just go over there, order something and ask for it to go, along with his phone number.” Key spoke, before taking an overly large bite of his blueberry muffin.

“I can’t, Key.” You whined, slamming your head down on the table, mumbling into the wood. “What if he thinks I’m weird? I’ve come in here for the past two weeks, ordering different coffees and now I feel sick. I don’t even think I like coffee.”

Key huffed and mumbled profanities under his breath, making his exasperation very apparent by rolling his eyes and standing up. 

“No one really likes coffee, it’s all about the buzz and the attractive men it brings to the yard.” He took your shoulders, pulled you up and shoved you into the general direction of the counter. You threw back a panicked glare.

“Y’know what I don’t like? Being man-handled!” You hiss at him, straightening out your skirt and fixing the tussled folds in your shirt. He watched you expectantly, making a ‘shoo’ gesture before sitting down to sip on his caramel macchiato. You sighed, making my way towards to counter. Biting your lip, feeling your heart race. Oh my god, you thought, here comes a cardiac arrest, but in reality it could just be the stupid amount of caffeine in your system right now.  You swallowed harshly, and gripped onto the counter, knuckles turning a bright shade of white.

Oh, there he is, walking over in those tight jeans and that green apron. 

Square lipped pretty boy smiled, taking a marker from the side of the till, hand hovering over the various cup sizes. You knew it was too late to walk away, feigning lateness or something similar. He had already taken the lid off the marker pen for Gods sake!

“Oh erm, may I have a erm-“ Oh god, the pressure. You were sure you were about to pass out. Glancing back at Kibum, he gave you a thumbs-up. “A large vanilla spice latte. Oh, erm, to go please.” You finished.

Square lipped beauty smiled, writing on the cup with a thick black marker. “You want cream with that?”

Oh, . His voice. You could easily curl up into the fetal position and cry. You shook your head, not trusting your own voice anymore.

“How about my name?” 

Okay, what’s the number to call for an ambulance again? Cardiac arrest. That’s the only explanation for the stumble your heart just made. It was like it had fallen down a flight of stairs, and then lay there, struggling to get up. It’s definitely not the coffee this time.  You just stood there, frozen, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights.

“I erm-“

“You’ve been here for two weeks and never asked my name. I’m disappointed.”

The cockiest pout took over those lips you had daydreamed about for weeks. What was he saying again?

He walked over to the coffee machine behind him, messing with various chrome items, filling them with coffee beans or something of the sort.

“I know your friend made you come over to talk to me.”

What? Is he a ing psychic now? He obviously took in your confused expression and bit his bottom lip with a cheeky grin.

“He has the loudest voice I’ve ever heard. I think everyone in here knows how ‘pretty’ you think I am thanks to him.” He chuckled whilst pumping a few shots of vanilla syrup into the cup.

“I’m sorry. I-“ You started and he turned, placing a lid onto the cup before holding it out to you.

“Don’t be. It’s flattering. Especially from someone like you.” He smiled again and wiped his damp hands down his apron. “It’s Taemin.”

You almost dropped your drink when a sudden nervous twitch happened again. A few drops of scalding hot coffee dripped onto your hand. “I’m sorry?” 

“My name. Taemin. “ He nodded, leaning back onto the counter. Oh, what a wonderful name for a beautiful pretty boy. I mean, man. He raised his eyebrows as if expecting you to reply with something. Your brain couldn’t function under the intense gaze he was giving you. Shaking your head, you said the first thing that came to your failing psyche. 

“I don’t like coffee.”

If his smile was heart attack inducing, his laugh was like being hit with a truck. It was intoxicating as he threw his had back and shook his head, the sweet sound of his voice filling the room. The generic coffee shop music filtering throughout the shop could never compare to it.

“How about I make this easy for you and ask you for your number?” He leaned over the counter, so close to your trembling form that you could almost feel the body heat from him and smell the unmistakable scent of cinnamon spice. You almost melted into those chocolate eyes that never left yours, not even when he grabbed a napkin and the marker pen from before. Smiling, he handed them to you, after you had safely placed the coffee down onto the counter, not trusting yourself to hold it any longer.

As you scribbled down your name and phone number, taking extra care to make it legible, Taemin took the vanilla spice latte from the counter and poured it down the sink.

“What are you doing? I-“

He turned and gave another award winning grin and the smallest of winks, making you shut your mouth and almost start hyperventilating. The sound of steam billowing from the latte machine along with the smell of cinnamon and cardamom filled the air, masking the strong scent off coffee slightly. Taemin turned around, placing the lid on the white and green to-go cup before holding it out to you. You look at him confused and quite honestly still trying to grasp onto reality.

“Try this.” You took it from his hand, fingertips brushing slightly as you never broke the gaze from his face. Taemin picked up the napkin bearing your number and folded it carefully before placing it in his jean pocket. He nodded towards the drink and made a sipping hand motion. Getting the gist, you took a small sip from the cup, your eyes widening as soon as it touched your tongue.

“Chai Tea Latte. You said you didn’t like coffee and you always seem to order spiced things.” He spoke gently, undoing the knot from the front of his apron as a tall brunette walked through the staff door and taking his place behind the counter.

“I’m now clocking out, so would you like to go get a bite to eat now or-? He started, waiting for your input. You turned to look at Kibum who was now giving the eye to the new brunette, whom was wiping down the counters. He didn’t even acknowledge you.

Turning back to Taemin, you smiled and gave him a small nod. 

“Tteokbokki?” He suggested, joining your side and motioning towards the door. 

Oh god, more spice.


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changed the layout as it was a bit too in your face with the orange. :3


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anticpo #1
Chapter 1: Aww I'm in love with this Taemin^^
Chapter 1: Awwwww Minnie ♥!!!!
Chapter 1: Aww~ That was adorable! <3
It was really well written too^^
Going to read some more of your stories now XP
whiskeykitty #4
Chapter 1: Omg wow. This was so well written, actually felt like the character! Dreamboat as (☆ ○ ☆)
Chapter 1: Wooooooow I really like this ~^^
jaja023 #6
Chapter 1: this is great ~
author-nim you should continue writing this...
and you're actually a good writer, I already read "dreams" and i like it so much ~
I'm waiting for your works author-nim :)
Chapter 1: Yup it's good.
I was honestly waiting for your next fic. /shot.
This seems great, can't wait to read it.