Chanyeol Park in Wonderland


Chanyeol is not Alice, which means that Joonmyun is Alice. Chanyeol isn’t sure that that makes any sense at all.


Written for yeolliepopday at LJ.

Thanks to Adele, who is actually a genius, Shanti, and Little-S for their help. Credits to CS Lewis for everything from his two Alice tales, and a tiny bit to Tim Burton for his ridiculous film.

I hope you like this!


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Chapter 1: this was great 10/10
Chapter 1: I love Alice in Wonderland and I don't really mind if Joonmyun wearing dress and wig.


Yixing as Jabberwock who is a little mouse, I'm death.
jambydsy #3
Chapter 1: Jongdae cat is the best haahaa
mixedbananas #4
Chapter 1: Twiddle-Hun, twiddle-Tao and queen kyungsoo really got me.. I was laughing so hard when their name came up.. You're a genius
This needs a sequel!!!!
More SuYeol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starlight-sonata #6
So cute! I'm imagining Chanyeol and Suho discussing the dream and then Chanyeol can kiss him again in real life, this time:D
Chapter 1: This was wooonnndeerrrrfuuuulll!!
I'm so glad you haven't lost your muchness. Never stop being... muchier.
sunshine22 #8
Chapter 1: i love it so adorable! i want more! can't get enough of suyeol!
This is absolutely adorable!! <3
Just wish it was a biiittt~ longer so Chanyeol and Suho could talk about it and stuff~