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A group of teenagers, all at the age of sixteen. Unable to live like any other normal boy their age. They reside in a camp, built by the first few Supernaturals in the 2020s. Their arm tattooed with ink, forever disallowing them to mix with the others. Everyone hunts for the new group of Supernaturals every decade for the fear of death and for power. These boys, able to single-handedly wipe out an entire city, destroying every little bit of what there is in it. They are able to control, to have power over every single body in the city, the country, the world even. And they are feared for all the things they can do. No one, ever in history has been able to stop the groups of Supernaturals. Every decade, one batch is born, one other is dead. It's a cycle. A cycle that will never cease to exist.  


Never was there an extra member in the batch.

Never was there a girl in the batch.

But as a new member, a girl specifically join them in the journey of hiding and fighting, problems that have never been faced by any Supernatural started to surface, destroying the cycle of Supernaturals bit by bit.


Once at the age of sixteen. On the day of your birth. Check your arm for ink. Black ink that trailed the veins of your arm so delicately. It would've been pretty as a tattoo but fear would grip the hearts of those whose arm had been inked. The black ink rolled down, drop by drop onto your skin, permanently latching itself onto your skin until death comes knocking on your door. The ink would then dry and seep into your skin where the vein lies and permanently discolour the whole of your left arm, leaving branches of black soaked veins. 


Note: This story idea is entirely mine and if you have read past stories that are similar, please note that this story is entirely based on my own thinking. Please do not copy or translate this story into any language before seeking my permission. 


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Chapter 1: Poor Sehun :'( ....thank goodness Yixing found him!!! I like your writin' style and hope you can improve more :) - Yuki