Chapter 1

Hyung notice me!!

When taemin just started trainee he saw a beautiful hyung who people call key. Key was cool and had nice arms and taemin wanted to be close with handsome kyung. He though key was the most beautiful and when they said taemin get to debut with him he was so happy. This is the start of how taemin fall in love with his hyun key and how their relationship evloves.

Teamin is in love with his hyung. Every mornign he makes him coffee and brings it to bed. "hyung? He asks and pokes keys side. Key makes a noise and looks up at the maknae. He sit up.

"oh hi taemin." he says and smile. " you look cute today."

his hair is messy and his eye tired. He looks so good taemin could eat him up. Nom xD

"Thank you hyugn," teamin says. He wants key to hug him, but key still in bed and he doesn't look like he is going up any time soon. "hyun can i get a hug?" he asks so he will get what he wants.

Key smiles very mcuh and says yes of course. They hug for a while. Key has a loose shirt and taemin can see his shoulder. He is beautiful and hot. Taemin wants more, he want key, but he knows key only see him as a child.

"hyung please go with me to the park!" tamein says and takes keyw hans in his. He really wwants to push hyugn on the swing. Oh so fun! It could be like a date and key would never even know... keke.

Key looks unsufe. Maybe he soednt like me? Taemin think. No silly hyung loves the whole group. Taemin really wants key to love him as much as he love. Key is just too pretty. He would choose him a million times, hyung is too perfect. Taemin gets up and pulls keys hand with him. He falls out of bed and-

oh my god! Key doesnt wear pants to bed. Taemin blushes and say sorry a thousand time! He runs out of the room! What to do! Key hyung will think im ert now. He blushes more and shaek head. No no no!

What should i do! He thinks.


a/n: i know it's short but please give lots of love!!! ^^' taemin is in a really hard situation now... what will he do... find out next chapter keke

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ilovetaekeyonly #1
Chapter 1: More please