

"Chanyeol what do you mean?"Asked tao a little anxious.

"This bell,my grandfather said this means that they are in..."He said in horror.

A loud commotion could be heard from the town square,people were gasping and staring at the huge monstrosity that lies before them.Its huge head peeked out from the wall that was over 60 meters tall,steam could be seen around its head as it stares at the village.Tao krista and chanyeol stared at that horrifying beast and all of a sudden huge rocks came flying out of nowhere.The beast had used its mighty powers to break the wall sending the peices all over.

People were screaming crying and shouting all over it was chaotic,everywhere you look there was a beast in sight.A little girl was trying to help her mother get out from under a huge rock probably from the wall and a beast came out of no where.It picked up the woman from under the rubble and devoured her,the little girl watched in horror as her mom gets eaten by that beast.

"My house,I have to go back!"Tao exclaimed before running off.

Krista followed behind him and ran as fast as she could to catch up with her,they ran faster the closer they approached their house.please be okaywas the only words that came out of tao's mom as he ran.Once they reached their house,it was already crumbled.Tao's mom was lying under a big peice of wood as she tried to push it away,toa and krista ran to her and immediately tried to push the wood off her.

"Its no use,run away."She spoke"Even if you pull me out I wont be able to walk anymore.."

"No..no krista push harder!"Tao exclaimed.

"Tao listen to me!"She screamed as a tear rolled down her face."For once would you listen to me!"

"Ruby!Are you okay?"Asked ricky the local military man as he tried to push the wood away.

From the corner of krista's eyes she could make out a figure,it is the end the monster was here.Its huge eyes stared at the four of them,it let out a growl from its mouth and its saliva rained on them.Tao frantically tried to push the wood to get his mom.

"Ricky take the kids and run away!"She screamed.

Ricky looked into her eyes in disbelieve,she cried and begged ricky to take the kids away to safety and finally he grabbed krista and tao and ran far away.As the ran tao's mom cries grew faint as the monster was already holding her in its hand ready to devour her.With one single move it broke her into half causing her blood to splatter everywhere even on tao's shirt.It slipped tao's mom into its throat and swallowed her whole.Tao could only watched helplessly from ricky's shoulder as his mom gets devoured by a monster,he suddenly broke into a hysterical cry and strated squirming on ricky's shoulder.

"Let me go!"He cried.

"No tao I promised your mom that you would be save."He said as he continued running.

"I said let me go!"Tao exclained as he manged to break free."If you helped us out just now my mom would have been saved okay!We could be halfway to the safety halls by now!!"

"Listen to me tao!"I promised your mom that you would be save so just listen to me!"He shouted."If you love your mom,if you want her happy then you have to stay alive co tinue breathing for her sake because thats all she wants!"

That silenced tao,he brought his hands to his face and started sobbing uncontrollably.Krista relaxed under ricky's strong grip and hot tears ran down her cheeks,ricky who was also crying grabbed tao and slung him up his shoulders before continuing running.Ricky dropped them off in a boat before running back to save more people in trouble.The boat was packed and it was mostly kids,all of them looked the same terrified and traumatised.Some were crying while some just look like plain zombies zoning out into the horizon,at the corner of the boat laid a boy in blue shirt and brown pants.That corner of the boat seemed more depressed than other parts as all the wounded and injured were there all clustered together.The boy in blue had a bandage had a bandage on his forehead and was crying under his arms,it was chanyeol.

"Chanyeo-"Tao tried to walk to chanyeol.

"Tao no,let him be he needs time."Krista said pulling him back.

The journey to the refugee camp was not that long and when they arrived all children were placed in an abandoned old factory and were to remain in there until further notice.Krista and tao stayed in a corner of the room and stayed silent not a word have been said,the door opened and in came the military policewomen with chanyeol,they threw him on the floor and left.

"Hey chanyeol,whats wrong?"Asked tao as he sat next to him.

He looked up and his eyes were puffy and teary and his lips was dry,he stared at the both of them for a very long time before finally saying something.

"You wont understand,"He said as he started sobbing.

"I..Im sorry for bringing this up,I'll leave leave you alone for now."Krista said pulling tao away.

The doors burst open and in came a military police,he said that they were giving out food rations outside.One by one each child stood up and walked out all except chanyeol,a little girl with blonde pigtails saw chanyeol crying in the corner and wanted to approach him but the military policeman just shoved her out.

"Hey kid this might be your last meal you know?We're running low on food supply."He said."Fine then go ahead and rot over there."

Krista joined the line behind all those children,they were giving out loafs of bread.It looked horrible but it was the only thing that they could eat to survive,with the bread in their hands they walked to the corridors to rest there.Tao did not touch his eat his bread he just stared at it.

"Im so sorry,"Said a girl as she picked up the bread she dropped.

"Are you okay?"Asked tao.

"Im fine but im sorry so very sorry about just now."She said looking at tao with her ocean blue eyes.

"Its okay,"Tao replied.

With the two breads in her hands,she walked into the factory.She looked around the factory for chanyeol and found him crying behind a wall still crying.She approach him and sat on the opposite side of the wall,she reached out her hand and placed the bread beside him.

"Hey,Im ruby."She spoke."You have been crying since just now and I think I know why."

"Why?"Tao said silently.

"They got eaten right,your family,by the monsters?"She said.

"Yes,how did you know?"He asked as he stopped crying.

"Mine got eaten and when that happened I was just like you."She replied.

"How?"He asked still not touching his bread.

"I was just six when that happened,my family was out there even though its not allowed.We met one of it and right before my eyes they got devoured."She explained taking a bite of her bread."I ran away but it managed to get me it broke my hand with its strong grip but it some accidently let me go and I ran away."

"Im sorry..."Chanyeol spoke.

"Its okay,but I just want to tell you that I was once like you crying and all but until one day I realised that crying wont bring them back and I was going to avenge for their deaths."She said."I'll get going now and please eat your bread."

"W..wait,"Chanyeol said stepping out from the wall.


"Thank you,thank you ruby."He said.

She just gave him a smile and skipped out from the room,a few minutes after ruby left tao and krista came in.They walked towards chanyeol who was still sitting down with the bread in his hands.

"Hey,you okay?"Asked tao.

Chanyeol just nodded his head but still did not look them in the eye.

"Come one stand up,"Krista said giving his hand to chanyeol.

"What?"Chanyeol asked looking baffled.

"If you dont get up now who is going to avenge the death of your parents?Who?!If you keep on hiding and weeping things wont change!"She said sounding a little angry."Come just stand up."

Chanyeol grabbed on to krista's hands and stood up,the three walked out the room to the open area where everyone was told to gather.Krista looked different now she looked really sad and depressed he hair was also covering her face which is weird because she always had it tucked behind her ear.


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