chapter 1

life is full of mystery...

…feeling suffocated Minseok heads out of the room in hopes of finding some peace and quite he wanted and also to clear his minds off the questions asked by his roommate Kim Joonmyun.

…Are you sure you guys have nothing going on, I mean you guys are so touchy feely and are always together as if you are a Siamese twins…”.

Although Minseok always says they are just really good friends because they have lots in common (specially classes, which is the reason why they are always together) ,he too sometimes questions Lu Han actions. He wants to ask the slightly younger boy about his intentions, his gazes directed to Minseok which can be mistaken as flirting or a simple admiring, or the unnecessary skin ships they have daily, or maybe the coffee dates they have on every weekend which mostly feels like a real dates.

But he knows that Lu Han is only a good friend he met few months ago, and he has his other half Oh Sehun , a handsome high school boy who is 4 years younger than them.  

He doesn’t know when their friendship started, they just clicked really fast as both guys have lots of similarities. What really amazed them is that they were in a high schools only few meters apart and they lived in a same apartment complex, not to mention they are neighbors in the dorm they live in right now.

But what really amazes the now 20 years old college student is how fast their skin ship developed, simple pats on the shoulder turned into back hugs and simple stares which indicate paying attention turned into longing gazes with hidden meaning.

He knew it was wrong, he knew he would only hurt in the end but his heart loved rebelling against the brain and ,in the end, getting played by and shredded into tiny pieces in hopes of finding a better owner soon. Yes Kim Minseok was starting to get attached to Lu Han, the boy who looks as if he is from some cheesy manga started to change his world, lessening his quality time with his other friends and books , specially calculus books, making him go outside for unnecessary things such as strolling in the parks during his free times.

Before he could grasp the situation his whole world already started to revolve around certain Chinese boy, and without knowing Minseok would look for that boy’s presence everyday.

Or maybe he was not attached, he already fell ,really really hard, into a world called love.


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Catalina390 #1
I hope this is xiuhan
Chapter 1: Hmmm first chapter is good so far but kinda short. Update soon. I am excited.
lalice2 #3
Chapter 1: Dont make Minseok hopelessly in love with playboy. This thing always happens in typical xiuhan fic. Make him strong please authornim. And as a xiuhan shipper I would be very very happy if this story is of Xiuhan :) I like hunhan but Xiuhan is my ship so yea I would definitely want them to end together but its all up to you. DOnt be pressured to do anything. Its your story and your imagination :)
Is this hunhan...?