Amusement Park

Young and Fabulous: Navigating the path to adulthood

Hello Eunseo and Armystar here. Armystar has been away overseas and is finally back~~~ Unfortunately we are also back at school and this term is a hectic one so we don't know how much we can updae.

WHO HAS WATCHED THE NEW ERROR MUSIC VIDEO~~~~~~ It's so beautiful (besides the fact that the girl gets more time on screen than VIXX).


ENJOY~~~~ Please comment on any ideas you have or what you think we might have to fix hehe.

The next morning the group was greeted with the horrendous sound of metal pots clanging together, wielded of course by Yebin and Serin. Their first target was the girl’s room where their Leader and Jaeeun were sleeping unaware. As revenge for scaring them the night before the two youngest decided to stand on each side of their leader and bang their pots at the same time. Much to their surprise, despite the horrendous noise they were making, their leader woke up peacefully and didn’t flinch even once. Instead, she stood up and without looking at the girls, took one of each of their pots and bonked them on the head lightly before going over to Jaeeun and waking her with an almighty clash of her new weapons. Jaeeun startled awake started to grumble once the leader had left the room, presumably to wake up the boys in a similar manner. Recalling the events of the night before, Yebin and Serin hurried after her to make sure that she wouldn’t go near Jaewhan, so that the temptation to smack his head in with the pots wouldn’t become too much.



Eunseo slammed open the door of the boys room and started to bang the pots and pans together. Once assured that Eunseo wouldn't kill Jaehwan, Yebin ran up to Hongbin who was half awake and jumped on top of him.  Feeling the extra weight, Hongbin woke up to see his girlfriend's face.  


"Oppa. Lets go to the amusement park today. WAKE UP!!!!!!!" Yebin, trying to be sly attempted to use aegyo to wake him up. Hongbin finally growing tired of Yebin’s aegyo got up and dressed in the outfit she had laid out for him.


None of the other males with female partners fared any better with their respective girlfriends each subjecting them to the full force of their manipulative powers. After copious amounts of raised voices, nagging, and the sounds of objects breaking, the group stumbled out of Yebin’s house.



Once they got to the amusement park. The maknae couples (Hyuk and Serin, Yebin and Hongbin) ran towards the largest roller coaster in the entire amusement park, admittedly Serin and Hongbin were dragged by their partners.



"Oppa come on, we have to get there quickly or there will be a massive line."



Yebin was completely overexcited, acting like a 7 year old because of the fact that THEY WERE AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK. Not even Hongbin was able to calm her down, then reviewing the situation decided to just go with it because this was their first date in nearly 3 months. Hyuk and Serin were in a similar situation, with the gender roles reversed; Hyuk was behaving like Yebin, but Serin was less than happy. Serin absolutely HATED heights and scary places (rollercoasters and haunted houses are NOT OKAY).



Yebin had Hongbin captive and was dragging the smiling male around from ride to ride in an attempt to ride as many rides as they could before the lines became too long. Hyuk was attempting to do the same thing with Serin but he was lagging behind the other two and this that was because of his reluctant girlfriend.



“Oppa. Can we go get couple headbands~~~ Please?~~~~”



Serin and Yebin begged their boyfriends together and before they knew it they were whizzed over to the head band store. Yebin and Hongbin got some couple black ears while Serin and Hyuk got couple pink leopard print ears.



It eventually came time to have lunch and everyone gathered together into the food court after a few hours of separation from each other. Lici and Hyuna had gone to ice rink together and had been skating the entire time, Eunseo and Jaejoong had returned to their childhood and they had gone for the water rides, as a result both were sopping wet. Jaeeun and Jaehwan had gone for the food and all the cute souvenirs you could get at the amusement park.



“Yah! Maknaes~~ how could you leave us like that as soon as we enter the amusement park?”



Eunseo nearly knocked the maknaes over as soon as they arrived at the food court and pulled them in for wet hugs while Jaejoong trapped the boys. After she had had her fun wetting the poor children Jaejoong pried Eunseo off the two maknaes. As soon as they were free the two of them ran behind Lici and Hyuna so that the rest of the group were in between Eunseo, Jaejoong and the maknae couples.



“What are we going to have for lunch?”



“I want to have waffles.”



“No! Jaeeun, none of us are going to have waffles for lunch.”



“Oppa~~~ I wanna have pasta.”



“Hyuna, let’s go have some churros together. After all, we’ve had lunch.”



“Lici, baby. Let’s go. Let’s play the pepero game shall we?”



“Hyuna darling, I love you so much.”



Hyuna and Lici linked arms before going over to the churros stand and also attracting many stares from the men who they walked past.



“Shall we all go to the italian resturant then? We can have pizza, pasta and lasagna.”



“Ravi, that was nearly the most ingenious idea you have ever had."



“I’ll take that as a complement, Jaehwan.”



“Ravi, lasagna IS pasta. Its just pasta that’s been flattened into sheets…”



“Jaejoong hyung I knew that already… totally… heh heh…”



“Okay. Are we decided? If not speak up now. No complaints? Alright, TO THE ITALIAN RESTURAUNT.”



“You don’t have to yell Eunseo…”






At the Italian restaurant the waiter had to count the group twice despite Eunseo telling her how many they were. Eventually she just gave up and led them to the largest table the restaurant had. The couples sat next to each other leaving Ravi and Changmin to sit awkwardly between the gross couple mush. Several pizzas, pasta and lasagna (Ravi, for the last time lasagna IS PASTA!) were ordered and when the food eventually came, most of the couples sat even more lovey-dovey than they usually were, well apart from Eunseo and Jaejoong. The poor boy was dropped completely until Eunseo had eaten her fill, which consisted of one and a half of the large pizzas, a bowl of penne (Ravi, penne is a type of pasta too…) and a large serving of lasagna. While everyone was no longer shocked by Eunseo’s ability to eat, they were still incredulous as to how she managed to eat so much and maintain her figure, actually scratch that. They were impressed as to how much food she could fit into her body, and the speed at which she did it. After eating her fill Eunseo sat with her head on Jaejoong’s shoulder, holding the hand he wasn’t using to eat.



Everyone had their own reason for being lovey-dovey, well lovey-dovey for each of them. Eunseo and Jaejoong had just started dating and Jaeeun was pregnant with Jaehwan’s baby (Eunseo was still fuming about that). Yebin hadn’t seen Hongbin for a while since he was busy with university and she was busy with her last year in high school. Serin and Hyuk were the least lovey-dovey (proportionally) but they generally had a lot of skinship. Their skinship was toned down slightly today, maybe as a small token to the poor single guys.



Once finished with lunch, the group headed towards the haunted house. Jaejoong and Eunseo entered the haunted house first, followed by Hyuk and Serin, then Yebin and Hongbin, and then Ravi and Changmin eventually Jaehwan and Jaeeun brought up the rear.



Jaejoong and Eunseo were walking through haunted house when a ghost suddenly jumped out. Eunseo almost knocked the ghost out with her quick reactions and her lightning fists, in fact she would have knock it out and over if Jaejoong hadn’t reacted just as quickly and grabbed her arms. When Hyuk and Serin entered the haunted house, Hyuk was being the manly guy, holding Serin’s hand and making sure she was safe from the ghosts. Yebin and Hongbin entered the haunted house normally, holding hands but when the first ghost came out Hongbin immediately pushed Yebin behind him and protected her from all the other ghosts inside the haunted house. Ravi and Changmin entered the haunted house before Jaeeun and Jaehwan and no one knew about the fact that Ravi was scared of ghosts and by the time they walked out of the haunted house, they had become unbelievably closer to one another, Ravi’s face was also pale.



So far all the couples had been quiet while they had walked through the haunted house with only a few small gasps and exclamations here and there. However, the couple which everyone was worried about was Jaeeun and Jaehwan. Both of them were scared of the dark and ghosts. But the other couples each had someone who wasn’t scared of supernatural beings.



As soon as Jaeeun and Jaehwan entered the haunted house, the house became filled with screams.



“Ahhhhh~~~~ Save us!!!!!!”



Jaehwan and Jaeeun came into contact with the ghosts as soon as they entered the haunted house. Scared out of his mind, Jaehwan ran all the way to the exit by himself, leaving Jaeeun by herself in the haunted house. Once Jaehwan came to the exit, the couples were waiting at him and Jaeeun.



“Yah~~~ Where is Jaeeun?”



“Ummmmmmmm…….. I think she’s still inside.”



Hearing his answer, Eunseo’s eyes narrowed and her voice dropped a few tones lower into a deadly menacing whisper.

“You are going to go back inside now and find her. She is carrying your child. If you intend to keep your man parts I suggest you not run away again.”



Jaehwan ran back into the haunted house and tried to find Jaeeun. Once he finally found her, he pulled her out of the haunted house. They had around two hours until they had to leave so everyone split into their pairs to best spend their time.



Nearing the time they had to leave Eunseo and Jaejoong were waiting at the gates. Their group slowly filed in pairs, although will less than 5 minutes before they had to leave Yebin and Hongbin were still missing. Eventually, they saw Hongbin and Yebin in the distance. Once they came closer to the group they saw that Yebin was asleep and Hongbin was piggybacking her back to the group. They all tried to wake her up but nothing was working. They (finally!) made it back to Yebin’s house to have the door opened by Yebin’s dad.



Yebin’s dad took Yebin from Hongbin and carried her to her room like he used to when she was younger. Because they were all tired from the hectic day at the amusement park, everyone was knocked out before dinner. The night was filled with silence which contrasted greatly to the night before.

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